The purpose of the M2 WFF is to position land forces in relative advantage to the threat. [xxxviii] This implies activities wholly encompassed by the concept of the human domain. This type of change is more likely to last and is what we are talking about when we talk about the Human Domain and its related Warfighting Function (WfF): the 7th WfF. - See more at: One example may assist in understanding the phenomenon. Aztec prophets had prognosticated that bearded men would arrive from the east, or the land of the sun god-the Aztec conception of heaven. If you think that AQI killed a large number of locals in Iraq try even understanding the current numbers in Mexico---if one thought Iraq did not have a functioning governance Mexico is even worse and they claim they are democratic. This is due in no small part to two incompatible philosophies that our institution is attempting to force together. It is also the means of focusing Certainly an insight into the latter three can be gained from understanding the local culture. One way arguably leads towards relatively bigger budgets, more technology and platforms, and more intertwining of systems and processes with conventional forces. Of course, those factors aren't found in one's higher's OPORD- so I try to get the students to fill in the gaps. Certainly our formidable advantage in hardware and men will readdress this disadvantage considerably but will it boost our prospects a thousand fold? The latter way, while possibly being less expensive, emphasizes small-footprint Special Warfare more than it does Surgical Strike. Though weathered or overgrown, the relics stand as permanent markers of the ingenuity and art of the pre-Columbian civilizations. This conundrum was fixed by the Army at Fort Leavenworth by forcing the concepts of design, an anti-methodological approach, into a methodology! This that any different than the Sunni Awakening movement--I personally do not think so. Essentially thru their M1Es the HN Command have developed a intuitive connection to the Khost conflict ecosystem. This is distinct from a highly skilled practitioner of a set of skills (I.e. The precise, intricate stonemasonry of Inca pyramids, fortresses, and walls commands the respect of even modern masons. This fundamental characteristic of the social world, characterized by tacit knowledge, is both the key to moving forward in the human domain as well as ironically the death knell of the term, the human domain. 20 What are the 6 Warfighter functions? Why Protect Mass Graves? Viewed from that perspective, the self-defense groups of Michoacn, heroic and dignified, represent a fresh and hopeful alternative that should be recognized and supported. Your comments on the VSO program reflect this human domain mistake currently being made in AFG --in the CIDG there were major differences between almost and I mean almost all camps---one did what one had to do in one's particular AO not what one was doing say in I Corp when you were in III or IV Corp in VN. Protection is not a linear activityplanning, preparing, executing, and assessing protection is a continuous and enduring activity. [xvi] This approach to reality basically posits that all things in this world can be understood by scientific experimentation. Just using the comment below sets the stage for a massive exercise in critical thinking and team discussions that do not fit the standard Powerpoint MDMP presentation. When 9-11 happened and you moved quickly into Afghanistan, this mood, this background, this context, these connections, this forgotten yet still present military institutional emotional history, alive even if buried deep within, surfaced only at the time of the OBL raid. MS 301: Training Management and the Warfighting Functions Revision Date: 31 March 2022 Lesson 20,23,26,29,32: Branch Orientation Briefings Student Handout 1 Information Briefing Sheet Cadets will prepare and present an information briefing concerning an assigned branch. The Aztecs, noted perhaps most often for their penchant for battle and human sacrifice, composed the second-largest pre-Columbian civilization in central America. Montezuma was killed during a short uprising in 152115211521 while instructing the Aztecs to make peace with the Spaniards. This is an interesting discussion. That we have been unable to incorporate the so-called lessons of the early days of Iraq into our operations in Afghanistan should cause us to seriously question the validity and universality of those lessons. It must be something to do with the sort of personality attracted to these subjects, I imagine. Sustainment influences the tempo, duration and intensity of all operations and often determines what can actually be achieved. A central precept of military doctrine is the recognition that uncertainty is a fundamental characteristic of military operations . Internalized change, however, is that change which comes from within- whether perceived or not. Secondly critical thinking ie asking all those points you mentioned above used to be the core of a SF that was based in the world of UW or what you refer to as SW. We cannot rest on the assumption that the tools developed for the physical domains, that were geared for the Industrial Age timeframe and grounded in an Enlightenment Era philosophy will serve us the best. Thank you for stopping in today and please share this post with others. SF majors would offer SOF much more and gain greater experience if their main job was as a Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC) planner in my opinion, or perhaps a more broadening experience like working in an embassy or at the State Department. No doubt there are many good reasons to study the local culture but it will teach you nothing about how to counter your average Taliban fighter. For the purposes of simplification and clarity I will define the human domain, not in terms of its content (the other), but in terms of the missions or environment most closely related to the concept. "A warfighting function is a group of tasks and systems united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives" (Department of the Army, 2019a, p. 5-2).. I'm not so sure the world is a safer or better place than it was 12 years ago. I also don't see how managing humans, be you occupying them or sharing some skills, is a uniquely UW/SW activity. I would suggest even if you studied community dynamics in the Bronx, Marseilles, Cairo, Mogadishu, Khartoum, Jeddah or wherever these people came from it would do little to help you deal with the wayward inhabitant when he reached Afghanistan. What came after was different. The mission became one of democratization. Did we have PME classes using insurgent battle videos released via the internet to give deploying personnel the necessary understanding of the ideology driving the various insurgent groups---no not really because we declared them propaganda and refused to engage. Training them, advising them in raids (and in taking control of territory and then dealing with the inevitable retribution, extra-legal justice, and power struggles), especially in austere conditions, may well require a special task organization (i.e. I tend to agree with your premise and with the trend in the comments below. Nothing terrible here, very human stories of parties and attaches and looking for housing and going to a local bazaar and all the politics you all must deal with when you are in a different country. In some areas of Afghanistan it made perfect sense, but in other areas it did not. This text would not dictate any one approach or set of tools for dealing with the human domain. peterborough vs cardiff forebet; blake school uniforms; bacterial speck vs bacterial spot [vii] Some recent doctrinal publications have not linked the Warfighting Functions to combat power, instead referring to unified land operations and describing them as either destructive or constructive in nature. Art isnt something one does while coloring within the lines and SOF shouldnt be looking for a methodology to assist us with it. This Warfighting Function is the process of deploying troops to operational areas as well as maneuvering troops, equipment and arms to gain advantage over the enemy. All of which must be done in a lawful manner. Thus if we, as you say, did not shy away from explaining exactly what this generations' mission was (summed up as offense rather than defense), then might we see the greater innovation, artestry, etc., that we are looking for? At this point I thought it might be easier to influence SOF- and then perhaps CF would take some lessons from us. Coupled with a chain of command that exploits their multi-generational familial ties, tribal ties and 30 years of shared camaraderie the HN practice a tactical and operational methodology they call Jihad and we call Mission Command. how much does a company pay for h1b visa. Why assume that the SF/SOF community does not appreciate its "pred" and other feeds in conducting night raids and more typical pattern of life? Trusting a subordinate to plan and execute a mission objective enhances efficiency and places the U.S. at an advantage against its near-peer rivals. [xxxii] And what were really talking about is internalized social change. Knowing one's enemy in and out is a cornerstone of guerrilla warfare or as the Iranians call it microwarfare. To many, Operational Design has come to represent what is fundamentally wrong with recent U.S. Army concepts. In typical UW fashion he pulls his entire team together and they go over in detail all the circuits and devices---found nothing and went out to attempt it again. movement of forces for the purpose of gaining an advantage over the enemy in order to accomplish our objectives. Effective maneuver requires close coordination with fires. [xxxix] To engage most effectively within the human domain- our SW forces should be supported with an education and training institution second to none. Since the Cold War and especially since 9/11, the Army has stayed very large and SOF has grown even more. [xii] The most important reason has to do with the prevailing conventional wisdom within the military about why Operational Iraqi Freedom (OIF) seemed to go so terribly wrong. Despite vicious religious practices, the Aztec demonstrated ingenuity by inventing an innovative farming technique to grow crops among the 30 canals of Tenochtitlan. The Staff may have been there a week but no more than a year. Easy stuff we were good at. Wanat troops depending only on ground sensors and deprived of overhead surveillance the final night get slaughtered on OP Topside. The D. The World Trade Organization (WTO). The insurgent does not have to observe small America in order to understand our fielded units as we tended to in Iraq and AFG export our life styles into the enemies own territory making it easy for them to "know" and "understand" us. If they really understood this stuff that well I would argue that there would be no need for us to step in. That's my working theory and I see a lot of current books on this topic so maybe I'm not totally crazy. The force learns them, regurgitates them, has faith in them, and many defend them without question. It is ironic that the Aztecs grew flowers because. LTC Grant M. Martin is a Special Forces officer in the U.S. Army. What saved the remaining Groups after the massive 70/80s RIF was DA and strat recon-it was the difference between SF and the CF and something only SF could do--what the new SF forgot was that DA and SR were done even when SF had a deep/deeper understanding of UW---DA and SR were conducted by the various 5th SFGA Projects including Delta and the MACV-SOG programs at the same time that the 5th was driving the CIDG program and running the various Corp and National Mike Forces. The centrally-managed personnel system, the system of intellectual communication (doctrine-based), the acquisition and resources system (JCIDS), and the hierarchical nature of the military have combined to produce a largely tail wagging the dog sort of institution. The offense cannot sustain itself indefinitely. In your case in Iraq any place where there were loads of screens. (See below). This being the case, and the central problem that we face today, I am not sure how a better understanding of the human domain can help us to overcome this fundamental difficulty. All systems used to coordinate the delivery of these effects are included in the Fires WFF, and are therefore inherently linked to the Targeting and ISTAR IPA discussed later. c. And know the kind of war that one is embarked upon. The. If any kind of mission was conducive to a technically rational approach, it would be surgical strike missions.[xxxvii]. I was just going to pull that quote for another comment thread. This positivist[xviii] philosophy would be bad if we simply believed it consciously. Upon promulgation of Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication 1-0 with Change 2, this modified description is approved for inclusion in the next edition of reference (i). The Combatant Commands place a premium on networks that can integrate the Joint warfighting functions. It discusses the role of the Marine Corps component commander and staff, their functions, and their relationships to the joint force commander and the other Service components. As one would expect, the challenge that one faces in these such endeavors are states and societies being, in the interim period, in a significant state of turmoil, as they attempt to work their way through these difficult transitions. UW by the way can be boring as well as extremely hectic and then boring---whereas DA is so "in"----the thing of movies--whereas training and living with your troops on a daily basis and trying to move the ball forward just three centimeters is something that is of no interest to movie makers. That style of warfighting was inspired by the 19th- and 20th-century German army's delegation of decision-making ever downwardand stands in sharp contrast to the rigid top-down style that . We saw in the last days the killing of a really major Hezbollah Commander by an AQ affiliate who is rumored to be supported by the Saudi's. In this book Dr. Paparone explains how the military thinks institutionally and links it to the technically rational mindset. The intelligence warfighting function is larger than military intelligence. SW demands from a SF team far more in what Germans call "spitzengefuelhlen" or the feelings in your fingertips or the Art that you refer to. 7 Recent . You make a great, and interesting, point in regards to the human domain and the two factors that you stated are now influencing the human domain. This requires that we facilitate (1) the unhinging of these states and societies from their current and often age-old way of life and way of governance and (2) the attachment of these countries and populations to ways of life and ways of governance which are more similiar to our own. Every village that does not have the safety and security of the institutions that were formed to do so, can be armed in self-defense of their rights, their property, their lives. This is a realm consisting more of social facts (as opposed to physical facts such as artillery trajectories and tank speed), influenced more by language and culture, and largely constructed by the inhabitants as to meaning. Most of the current inhabitants have only known ruin and violence and thus are understandably incapable of informing themselves as to what they want, let alone articulate such an abstract sentiment to a foreign infidel HT team. Original content is published under aCreative Commons Licenseper ourTerms of Use. Archaeologists and treasure hunters scour newly discovered burial platforms and caves in search of knowledge that might contribute to the modern understanding of the lost cultures, and also, undoubtedly, to find relics made of that one material valued by both the ancient and modern worlds: gold. SW forces would be engaged in social influence and, if savvy enough, they would be engaged in internalization efforts through participatory observation (encompassing action, observation, learning, and influencing- influencing both the observed and the observers). It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. I say for the most part because the education and personnel systems these individuals fall under are all less than desired, largely beholden to the conventional forces systems and with respect to education- are a lower priority within USSOCOM. Combat Power is, in and of itself, an abstraction, but the military has given this abstraction a formula to make it more real and quantitative, theoretically taking the ambiguity out of assembling functions together for the making of war and allowing a more checklist-like approach. The HN Staff will have witnessed the effects of direct sunlight, direct moonlight, mountain shadow, heat haze, cold inversion layers, dust, running water, still water, ice, drought, monsoon, crop types, stubble, fallow wild animals, domestic animals, birds-song and insects. As LTG Sacolick and BG Grisgsby wrote in the June 2012 issue of Army Magazine: The concept of the human domain is the cognitive foundation of the 7th warfighting functions lethal and nonlethal capabilities to assess, shape, deter and influence foreign security environments.[ix]. In the social realm critical realism still can be applied, but it is not predictive. Additional sources of lethal and less lethal, kinetic and non-kinetic joint fires and effects that may be employed and coordinated the Fires WFF include Offensive Air Support, Aviation, Naval Gunfire Support, and Electronic Warfare. through seven or eight functions, the two things are ultimately quite different. I add to the conversation only to throw out my thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of the human domain concept. Otherwise it is hard to pinpoint the focus of 70+ air sorties in "Lions of Kandahar," or protect an infantry platoon being approached by a much larger force in "Outlaw Platoon." Fire's 4. It is not the silver bullet some see it as, but it is a tool to help us understand how to achieve political victory. Sustainment determines the depth and duration of Army operations. [xxiv] Just to head off any protests, I realize this dual-natured description is disingenuous, however I am constraining myself to the two choices our society presents us with and their respective approaches. Today, we are going to discuss the Army Warfighting Functions. d. On the other hand, if the liberal/pro-western reform folks are in power, then you are probably embarked upon a war to help this friendly/cooperative government defeat the more conservative elements within the state and society, to wit: those who are resisting our and their governments' efforts to transform the state and society more along modern western lines. A hot mess of history, tangled alliances, intellectual confusion, and generally plenty of money to plug the gaps. There was a series of great comments on the question of UW recently in Dave Maxwell's SWJ article. These cookies do not store any personal information. Certainly a Bronx jihadi was unusual but most inhabitants of Afghan villages consider Taliban fighters with their Pakistani accented Pushto the mark of a foreigner for sure not a reason for immediate dislike such as an Arabic accent or a NY accent perhaps - but nonetheless in their minds eye they have little in common and even less respect for the landless refugees of Pakistan-born Afghans. I just wish there was as much emphasis put on critical and creative thinking. One example is moving forces to execute a large-scale air or airborne assault. ), PhD The Sociology of Military Science, Bloomsbury Academic, 8 NOV 2012. [xxxiii] I would argue SOF played catch-up after 2001 and that it wasnt until 2003 or a little later that the tactical level headquarters (Group- although I dispute that a deployed Group HQ is tactical) began mimicking the bureaucracy of its higher headquarters. The people who want to join the Civilian Defense movement are within their rights. Strictly Necessary Cookies - Always Active. Agree with you that a deeper problem (THE problem?) while surfing the internet and posting on such open and visible places as Facebook. That we attempt to measure things is but one example of a greater issue: most, if not all, of our constructs remain uncritically accepted on faith by the vast majority of our force. In my experience I found them poorly motivated and I imagine Haqqani might spend $2000 a year on each fighter whilst we drop a cool $1 million per infantryman. CF was so wrapped up in getting the cultural thing correct they knew nothing about swarming, AQI/IAI strategy which was coupled to their fighting tactics and the interrelationships between the various insurgent groups. What we in the military seem to forget is that the enemy always has a voice and especially in Iraq where the education levels are high they were a quick adapting organism whose ecosystem was built on the Darwinian principle of survival which has always been the top rule for a guerrilla force. Trusting and empowering subordinates to act, within the commanders intent, is a force multiplier. Thus, the tone is one of preparations and preemption -- not participation in ongoing battles and conflicts. Terrorists were the first to recognize this change. Well I certainly don't have all the answers! What is the Seventh WfF? This being, whether they know it yet or not, our young folks' generational project, which has just begun. "I did not want to recall how many negative comments were made by countless officers about how stupid the insurgents were when in fact they are still in the fight and we are long gone from Iraq.". Additionally, I do believe that sudying the society/culture you will be operating in is important but if you spend to much time on that and neglect the warfighting side you start to get into an area of diminishing returns. The Mexican Constitution itself, in Article 10, makes it very clear. I call this approach the sublime[xxxiv], borrowing the term from Curtis Whites book wherein he implores America to turn away from assuming science holds the answer to everything and instead to be antagonists to the status quo in intellectual orthodoxy [and to be] advocates for change[xxxv], And so we are stuck in an awful position: we want our cake (a 7th WfF) and we want to eat it too. "Social" facts can be analyzed too, just not in the way you might analyze, say, a set of temperature readings. Warfighting Functions: The seven mutually supporting military activities integrated in the conduct of all military operations. The Sustainment WFF is composed of all systems, elements and capabilities relating to the provision, movement, sustenance and well-being of personnel, materiel and installations. The DOD Command and Control Research has identified and developed a model with three distinct but closely interconnected domains As usual there are a multitude of reasons. Plus, there has been less friendly fire incidents. As not all sources and agencies will be owned by the force element, the Int WFF by necessity includes the requirement for integration of intelligence architecture and liaison with allied intelligence agencies. These tasks are interactive and often occur simultaneously. These two occurrences arguably have brought Special Operations to a level similar to the rest of DoD wherein the most important priority among the hierarchy is the growth of the bureaucracy. A warfighting function (WFF) is a group of tasks and systems united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives. "The goal is not more money, more missions, or more personnel. Human domains, or narratives, or strategic contexts, or ecosystems, or understanding situations, must, of necessity, begin with the self. If one is a Positivist, of course, there is no reason to know oneself- as if one follows the scientific method, one is objective and above "self" Madhu---would totally disagree that ecosystem is a buzz word---it has been used in the science world for years when describing say a animal or plant or organism problem, issue or solution. Not a single CF BCT going through the NTC or where in Iraq fully "understood" how the enemy thought, acted, eat, slept, communicated with themselves and outside related groups AND the local population---much in the concept of Kilcullen's "ecosystem". [xl] Although I think it is terrible to see war in terms of three levels: tactical, operational, and strategic, I use these terms for communication purposes. It accomplishes this by engaging with non-military elements, conducting support and development activities to and with them, and coordinating actions between them and the force. Listed below are the main points from those ideas. Indeed, advise/assist can be done by conventional forces. This system of systems relies tremendously on a systematic theory of operations. It was the application of human nature to a military situation. Regardless, they are a formulaic-like approach linked linearly to the Armys concept of how it intends to fight and/or influence and win the nations wars or keep wars from happening. The use of this scenario in order to drive critical thinking by ODAs who are planning an UW/SW deployment is a given---it offers a massive amount of free play on the planning side as well as not being able to tie it to COIN as one cannot actually get into a clear hold and expand concept. It is keeping forces supplied with, Thesustainment warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that provide support and services to ensure freedom of action, extend operational reach, and prolong endurance. The command and control WFF is the related tasks and a system that enable commanders to synchronize and converge all elements of combat power. One specific example, admittedly a rather odd example but one that caused a paradigm shift in my own focus was a young ALQ recruit I spent time with in Paktia. The European Union (EU) Within Internalized Social Change, the social anthropological method of Participatory Observation is closest to the function of what SOF, and others acting within the Human Domain would be involved with: one would literally be involved in participatory action, observation, learning, and influencing- the emphasis being on participatory: meaning that one would be influenced just as much as the other being observed. Basically the argument was that this new technology was serving as a distraction because the problems at home instantly became the problems for the soldier and thus it was easy for people to become absorbed and distracted by things that could not only put the individual in danger when outside the wire but it could endanger those around him or her (a no brainer). Information Briefing Format II. The seven warfighting functions are command and control, fires, force protection, information, intelligence, logistics, and maneuver. 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