What this means is that youll test out your homemade lube on a different area of your body, such as your wrist or arm, to make sure youre not going to have any type of reaction, allergic or otherwise. You want a little bit more of glycerin since more is used in the recipe, 6-18 ounces. Then squeeze out onto wax paper, put into fridge to set, and then store them in a jar. How did you make suppositories and what is calendula that you infused with the coconut oil? and can throw off the PH balance of your vagina. While the lube is still hot, you can dissolve a fat like Crisco or Trex in it. thank you for this. After all, an adverse reaction can really ruin the romantic moodand you dont want to end up getting an infection or irritating your skin. KOSHER certified. Pumpkin & Peru Balsam Face Mask Bring this mixture to a slow boil in a saucepan on low or medium heat. This lube is great and you guys will love it. It is merely the byproduct of compounds made in manufacturing, but due to its mild taste, it can be added to a broad spectrum of food and drink without tainting the flavor and provides a highly effective way of making edibles with minimal fuss. If it does, or if youre still nervous, you can consult with your doctor to ask if its okay to use a specific product or recipe for homemade lube. So make sure you purchase it from a reputable source to guarantee a quality product. While the lube is still hot, you can dissolve a fat like Crisco or Trex in it. It gets warm with use and with blowing.sorry if tmi!lol! 8 Best Lubricants for All-Natural Sex. It has a very strong smell and you will want to use it very economically: I use about two drops in half a litre of lube. Thanks! I use an immersion blender (THIS one), but a stand or hand mixer works great, too. The good news is, there are lots of household products you can use, and you can save yourself a trip to the store at an inconvenient time. Although these might be your second choice or an option when youre getting desperate, they are efficient and safe. Directions. Sharrets Vegetable Glycerin 170g, Pure Edible Glycerine USP Food Grade For Cake Fondants, . In the UK a popular additive is aqueous cream, which also has the effect of giving the mix the opacity and consistency of sperm some bottoms will enjoy that. -1/2 teaspoon of xanthan gum. Don't use the lube if you . xanthan. Guys will often use a simple sports bottle that makes it a lot easier to manage stringy lube. Obviously, adding an oil based lube is the first option. Its definitely helpful to use, but how helpful depends on your intentionsits best used with something that is self-lubricating, such as the vagina. Appearance. Either solid or liquid will equal 1 tablespoon. Alternatively, you can change your browser settings to automatically block cookies. In a punch session, keep a bowl of water by your side and dip your hand in it between punches. use butter. Not only because it is much cheaper than relying on Vetgel or J-Jelly, but because you can also make lube according to your taste and the occasion. Once its boiling, take it off heat and whisk until all the lumps are completely gone. In any case you will want to experiment to find the right consistency for you or your partner. 2023 Holistic Health HQ. If neither of you have STDs, spit is safe, but if youre not sure, dont use your own spit. Fill halfway with warm water, before placing the mason jar inside the slow cooker. is it okay to use it for that as well as for skin massage. Hi Maggie, I think thats such a great idea! 1 tablespoon of solution (1/2 liquid ounce) was used and glycerine added a few drops at a time. I use an, jars for this homemade lubricant recipe. Homemade Lube 3 Easy Recipes For All Natural Diy Personal [irp] Diy Personal Lubricant Going Zero Waste The base solution has 1 oz glycerine per gallon. Citric acid balances the pH of the product to mimic the acidity of . Let me know what you guys think. Usage rate. Vegetable glycerin is safe to eat and doesn't taint the taste of food. J lube wasnt actually created to make your sex life more fun. Theres a whole world out there of personal lubricants that come in any texture, taste, and sensation you could think of. This is my formula. The vegetable glycerin is a natural humectant, attracting moisture to the skin without being greasy, and the rose hydrosol is skin nourishing. coconut flour, almond flour, carob chips, liquid, coconut, fine sea salt and 4 more. | Mary Vance, NC, Love Lotion: Homemade Lubricant Recipe | Health & Natural Living, Miracle Salve Recipe with Free Printable Labels, How to Prevent Lyme Disease after a Tick Bite, Feed candida which increases yeast infections. In fact, its typically an ingredient in lubricants that youll buy at the drugstore. The Magical Butter Machine has set temperature settings and a tincture button that takes 4 hours to cycle. The 3 ingredients are relatively inexpensive and will easily last your months or years. This Coconut Oil Chocolate Fudge Recipe is made with metabolism boosting coconut oil and antioxidant powerhouse cacao powder. The leftover buds can be infused into tea or coffee for an uplifting hot drink; waste not, want not. You should be gentle and cautious any time you put something in or around your genitals, no matter what it is. We use a number of different cookies for the following purposes: Functional or essential cookies are needed to enable our website to function properly and cant be switched off. (Read more about why lubricants are so harmful, So heres my super simple recipe for my homemade lubricant. There are just about as many ways to do it as there are people making it. Fascinated by the wellness potential of nature, Luke has spent over a decade writing about cannabis and its vast selection of cannabinoids. Instructions: In a small bowl, mix together the rosewater, vegetable glycerin, and aloe vera gel. My doctors say it is safe to use. 5 drops Sensual Synergy Blend Essential Oil (Find HERE). For the cannabis to fully infuse with the glycerin, you will need to leave the mason jar for 24 hours. Vegetable Glycerine For Now. Some more exotic additions are either natural or artificial relaxants, antiseptics, or analgesics. Next add 3 drops each of rosemary, lavender, cedarwood and geranium essential oils. Everyones genitals are sensitive, so its important that you find great and safe at-home alternatives to commercial lube. It must be solid to whip it wont whip if its liquid. A metal cocktail shaker will be easiest option for cleaning. To make this, first add the xanthan gum with the glycerin in a bowl and mix it for a minute or so. Im not sure what it is (probably some petroleum by-product), but thats how there can be lubricant on latex condoms. I can only use the preseed lubricant anyway (every other lubricant gives me a yeast infection), but before I try this Id want to know if it would get in the way of my hubby and I attempting to get pregnant. Avoid products that have any type of alcohol in them, such as store-bought aloe vera gel. Its best to apply them at room temperature, in a bowl or other type of vessel. You can allow all or manage them individually below. Texture. We use small text files, known as cookies, to improve your experience on our website. All rights reserved. Even if you decide on making a tincture, theres a world of options. Although these might be your second choice or an option when youre getting desperate. I use Doterra passion oil blend in ours. For the sake of your health, you might be curious about trying a more natural, simple alternative to the typical KY Jellies you buy. By clicking "Allow all" you agree to the use of all cookies as described in our, ounce (14g) cannabis buds (broken up into smaller pieces). Try crafting a recipe using vegetable glycerin, tea tree oil, jojoba oil, and coconut oil for starters. Ive never heard of that before. Theres a lot of options out there for you to create homemade lube thats completely safe. Do not use salt internally, however, because it will draw water out of your anal tissues at a time when theyre already stressed and dehydrated. Glycerin It is an alcohol that your body metabolizes as a carbohydrate. For vegetable glycerin, common sources include triglyceride-rich vegetable fats, such as soy, coconut, and palm oils. It can also be used to reanimate lube that has started to dry off. Or solid? Heat the mixture for 2 minutes or until the coconut oil melts. 5. The risk is greatest among those who are prone to recurring yeast infections. It will keep your hands slick without having to stop. Youll probably have to go to the store to find this and wont likely have it in your pantry, but it does work as natural lube. If you already have your preferred recipe, please feel free to share it with us below! aloe vera. 5. 240 minutes. It is a veterinary product, used in place of other lubes because most of them are spermicidal and that obviously doesnt help get cows pregnant. What can I add to it? You can use less if it causes any irritation, or less if you store it in the fridge, but even then you must add some. One of the most common vegetable glycerin uses, get smooth and supple hands all winter with a little help from glycerin. Remember that some of the best household items you can use are Vaseline, aloe vera, and coconut oil. Click HERE to Pin this homemade lubricant recipe on Pinterest! 1. I am curious though, with other body oils that I have mixed for my skin, they turn to liquid when it is warm, and then back to solid. You can mess around with this formula- if you want it to be thicker, add more xanthan gum or less water. My hubs and I have been using straight coconut oil for this purpose for a long timeand I can say I think it promotes vaginal health.it has natural cleansing properties and I can truthfully say Ive never gotten an infection since we have been using itsomething I used to get periodically pre-coconut. Grain Free and (Optionally) Green Raw Cookie Dough Bites Ricki Heller. However, the process of finding an alternative that not only works, but is also safe, can be daunting. organic vanilla planifolia concentrate. Generally, applying egg whites for lube is safe, and doesnt lead to any side effects. Heat to 275 degrees F (134 degrees C), or until a small amount of syrup dropped from a spoon forms hard but pliable threads. The condom could even tear as its in contact with oil-based products. By using our site you agree to our use of cookies to deliver a better experience. The base solution was Brian Lawrence's Non-concentrated Dawn + Dawn Pot & Pan + J-Lube Mix (a mix of J-Lube, Surgilube and water) and Glycerine recipe that is documented here. I use Doterra so this blend isnt an option for me. Pumpkin & Peru Balsam Face Mask If you want a non-latex condom, they do make them. If the idea of rubbing eggs on yourself scares you, unfortunately using this ingredient for lube doesnt offer much in the way of comfort. There are also harmful ingredients in commercial lubes such as phenoxyethanol, parabens, and propylene glycol which can compromise not only the health of your genitals, but your overall health as well. If the idea of rubbing eggs on yourself scares you, unfortunately using this ingredient for lube doesnt offer much in the way of comfort. Vaginal pH is any where from 3.5 to 4.5. Personal lubricants have long had a bad rap. potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate. The vegetable glycerin is a natural humectant, attracting moisture to the skin without being greasy, and the rose hydrosol is skin nourishing. I want to try it!! And great idea that you have! Typical usage is lowerI usually use it at 3-30% in lotions. Years and years ago, this root was very commonly used as lube, and if youve had experience with it, you know why; its very slippery and has a mucous texture. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool for a few minutes. Vegetable oil is a type of fat made from pressed plant parts (often the seeds) of various plants, including canola, corn, olive, soybean, and . Making lube is a subject that takes up a lot of the discussion forums on sites like AssPig. Related Article: What is Berberine Good For. She also said that she would turn every snapping turtle that she caught into an ash tray. These has a few benefits: its smell will mask the smell of crisco, but it also has a mild numbing effect. By adding more USP Vegetable Glycerin, the final recipe will likely produce with more robust cloud production capabilities with a slightly sweeter taste. Againdo not use this if you use condoms. Stir the mixture until it begins to bubble and then let it cook without being disturbed until soft cracks appear, recommends the online site Science of Cooking. It smells good, works well, and can even help prevent yeast infections. THANK YOU for sharing! Also, REMEMBER TO ADD THE PRESERVATIVES if you plan on using a batch for more than 2-3 days. Posted June 2, 2018. Remove from heat and let cool completely until hardened. The root Nagaimo is commonly known as Chinese yam, and when its cooked, it has a very slippery texture. Its very safe to use anywhere on your body, including your vaginaas long as you make sure the bottle you have contains 100% pure aloe vera gel, and that it doesnt have any type of sugar or any artificial ingredients. Yes, that is a great suggestion Thank you, Kathy! I also find K lube is a bit more forgiving with proportions. Want to create a yummy dreamsicle flavor? It is always better to make the lube a few hours and let it mature this is when small lumps dissolve and the gel-like consistency is achieved. Fragrances will lead to unwanted irritation. Your email address will not be published. Most everybody has some aloe vera somewhere around, and did you know that it has a lot of other uses besides alleviating redness and providing a cooling sensation? These items include: which may seem like a no-brainer at first because its delicious and slippery. Melt the coconut oil and beeswax on your stovetop until melted using a double boiler. Related Article: Best Multivitamin For Men. Once hardened, whip your coconut oil until its light and fluffy. For many people, the idea of putting egg whites anywhere on their body rather than eating them can be a little bit terrifyingespecially for vegans. Just in time for Valentines Day, I may add . But veterinarians do not waste time playing with cocktail shakers or carrying bottles around during lambing season. Its also a good idea to always complete a skin patch test before you use your DIY lube on your genitals. [8] Make sure that the mixture is still hot when you add in the salt. Add the lye and water blend to the saucepan and mix it well so . I am allergic to everything out there. If you rummage around your closet, pantry, and fridge, youre likely to find some items you can use as lube. Glycerine. is it greasy/oily? Sharrets Vegetable Glycerine is both versatile and hypoallergenic for use in countless DIY recipes including cosmetics or soap-making, as a carrier oil for essential oils, or undiluted for massage therapy. Oil is a great option for masturbation, just not for intercourse. If you are using a stand mixer, it can take 10 minutes or longer! HACCP & GMP certified. What a lot of people dont talk about is that aloe vera makes a great lube. Your case lube is ready to use! Oil-based products also last a lot longer than lubricants that are water-based. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Fetish Versus Kink: A Kinksters Perspective, The five different kinds of lube to consider for fisting, Lidocaine: A little help for longer play The Handyman, Review: The Boots in Antwerp The Handyman, Event Review: Fetish/Leather Pride 2018 in Antwerp, for very thick lube, that you might want to use for toy play: two tablespoons of powder per cup of water, for less viscous lube, such as for depth play: one and a half tablespoon of powder per cup of water. Using a small funnel, pour the measured amounts of vegetable glycerin and orange blossom water into your dropper bottle. Allow the mixture to cool. I love the idea of your cannabis infused coconut oil, too! Uses: Soap, baby wipes, shower gel, moisturizers, and ointments. I have a jar on the back of the stove for cooking and it is never solid past June and I live in Michigan when June is not the warmest month out there. Now add the tea tree oil drops. And actually, there ARE non-latex condoms out there. Author: MagicalButter. Yes, you can make your own natural lube in your kitchen. Required fields are marked *. Get a clean bottle and put a funnel on it. How do I clean it up? You can also use the 8 HOUR button for a stronger flavor and deeper intensity. You can just use a pot of water and a glass measuring cup, too just put the coconut oil and beeswax in the measuring cup and put the measuring cup in the pot of water. You may need to put it in the refrigerator to harden a bit if your house is above 76 degrees. youre sure to have at hand that you might not think about at first. In the UK a popular additive is aqueous cream, which also has the effect . Add glycerin along with corn syrup, water, butter and salt to sugar and cornstarch to make saltwater taffy. If you are shopping online, remember that the names for some of these gear are not set in stone, and you might have to be creative about how you search somehow lube cannon never actually caught on, for example. Now Solutions Vegetable Glycerine 16 Fl Oz Vitacost. If you know for sure neither of you are allergic and youre desperate for something slippery, this will be fine. 2. If you are serious about fisting, whether topping or bottoming, you will sooner or later want to learn how to make your own lube. -1/2 teaspoon of xanthan gum-3 teaspoons of glycerin-4 drops of GSE-half a cup (4 ounces) of warm water. You can also use the link in our Cookies Policy to manage your cookie preferences for our website at any time. Unseal the jar and leave to cool for at least an hour. What did I do wrong??? Massage onto your scalp and hair in the shower, leave it on for 5 minutes (use . 1. You'll have an active alcohol tincture that has extracted most of the THC or CBD from the plant, because alcohol is a very effective solvent. It is naturally sweet and commonly used as a sugar alternative by wine makers as well as those with diabetes. I start with a little water, maybe a fifth of the bottle, and give a really good shake. Combine 1 cup of coconut oil and 1 cup of olive oil in a saucepan and stir the mixture. Finally, you should add anywhere between half a cup to 2 or 3 cups of water, depending on how much you want to make. Beautifying Vitamin C Face Serum. Commercial lubricants can also lead to higher rates of infection and can throw off the PH balance of your vagina. If you are making a big batch, you should add some preservative, the two popular ones being Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) or methylparaben. The best part is, if you dont want anyone to know, they won't. 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