Would you refuse to let a doctor save your life in an ER because he happened to have a tattoo on his wrist that you could see?? WebFlying Seekers is an online Aviation and Airline Job Portal. What happen of how you present your self out side your home? Eventually it will be ANTHING GOES!! Wow! Get over it. Express yourself all you wantafter you leave work. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What happened to uniforms at the service desk before boarding? Webunited airlines flight attendant interview process 2022 19 3407 . If not it will remain a pissing match. ROBERT ROSE. Forget United!! Next, we'll have flight attendants in orange uniforms. I don't care to know how others in a service industry want to show their personality. Workplace responsibilities are just that.and not a social experiment! Under the agreement approved Friday, pilots would get more than 14.5% in pay Doing walk-arounds in 100+ degree heat / humidity in the summer will be rough. With relaxed standards for dress we will look as professional? Those wearing conservative clothing will probably be offloaded lest the masses get testy about it. Glad to FINALLY see airlines catching up with the times! Setting a low bar with loose boundaries begs poor performance. They command top dollar and are REAL premium airlines, mostly Asian and Middle Eastern seem to have a different philosophy. Best of luck to United airline and there employees!! I don't understand why some contributors here are pushing back so hard. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Pure antisocial behavior. So sad to see yet another company panderingugh! Giving preference to people of color and women and not merit! True not everyone sees it the same way you might see things, but this is a topic that is new and needs to be talked about in a civil manner. These are clear, concise and straight to the point directives. Does that bother you? I believe in Freedom of speech, but do not cuss in public either ! And heaven forbid we have the nerve to take issue with these liberated self-centered, self-indulgent ninkompoops! Give an inch and people will take a mile. Whole Foods employees look like the stopped at a tattoo parlor and then went to piercing salon on their way to work. professional. WebUnited Airlines is now allowing its flight attendants to have tasteful tattoos. All one needs to do is visit large retail chains to get a look at expression. Nail checks (perfectly manicured nails - color matching lip color- no neon greens with diamond appliques). They still look just as professional today as they did 40 years ago. Not you nor I! They were hired to perform a service. They look like the passengers. Unfortunately, now anyone objecting (out loud) will probably be arrested on the jet bridge when they arrive. Uniteds existing appearance standards clearly state, Tattoos must never be visible while in uniform. These rules apply to all employees whose work involves This is exactly why we need onboard alcohol service to resume ASAP. New Hire Classes started in May 2021. About 20% of the boys turned up wearing the type of clothing endorsed by Watts citizens. Did they spend any time listening to them? I hope UA will rethink this, try and look at Asian carriers aka Japan Airlines, you might learn a few things about customer service. No one wants to look professional anymore and with that said,companies are giving in and that is a shame! Im also seeing a sprinkling of ageism in there? They were required to be underweight. ATP encourages potential airline candidates to consider the impact of that policy on their future employment. Expressing yourself is a huge deal for today's young people and a lack of identity is no longer considered a benefit. I so wish the "United States would update their appearance altogether. The general opinion is against this unseemly nonsense and I am too. It's not hurting anyone. We do this job because we love what we do, and we love people. Thats how we feel about you when you give us your dismissive attitude and treat us like low class servants. Everything is going downhill Cockpits can be very hot before the APU is started, which is usually 10-15 prior to Until United stops with United is full of crap. An airline transport pilot can fly up to 8 hours per 24 hour period and up to 10 hours if a second pilot is aboard. Last time I was on a United flight, a nasty female flight attendant threatened to have me removed (mid flightyes a real threat) because she skipped over me for drink service and I asked for a diet Coke. Economy. People were slimmer, more relaxed as education housing etc far less competitive, and there were much lower wealth inequality levels. Yes, they bother me that much. If United is considering becoming a Discount airline such as SWA, Spirit, Ryan Air or similar, then go for it. I agree with MICHAEL 1000%. Now that was cool!! Back when people traveled they all dressed properly and looked sharp, YES THE CUSTOMERS WHO ARE FLYING! Shame! Good move! I dont need a hobby, I need for flight attendants to behave and look professional. Get out more. Are we going to relax FAA flying standards too? I will not fly united, I used to fly on Pan American Airlines where people used to be professional Is dress professional and act professional. All these old people "bACk iN MY dAY we had STANDARDS" " LMAO you miserable wretches. Wish them the best being that they are caving to demands to lower their standards. Webbarry brent actor jamie iannone wife how much does a retired delta pilot make Free shipping for many products! Audrey Peters, 25, took to TikTok to share her dismay at being asked to move to a middle seat in order for a family to sit together. Letting employees "express" themselves is actually segregating them from everyone else and opens a door to get through the day with a chip on the shoulder or a real bad attitude "because I have the right to express myself per my employer, United". I'll take other airlines that maintain some sense of professionalism. I guess they think being the coolest kid on the block is what will keep customers. With the increase in bad behaving travelers these days we need to be able to easily identify who is real and who FAKE. Relaxing policy shouldnt cause others in your workgroup uncomfortable essentially making this policy change pointless and open the door for backlash and potential hate crimes fronts flying public in general just look at the current culture of people flying. There wasn't a single thing wrong with society back then. I think this is great news for United! I cant wait to see this casual standart look You can always be yourself however Our industry, one must look and act professional!! Safety should be the ONLY priority. I always thought of myself as fairly liberal . 1050. What they didn't do was take a position that purportedly had standards and then tried immediately change the standards. People rise to expectations. A person can choose what they want to wear on their own time. How long can a pilot fly in a day? So more self expression will equal more professionalism? I'll stick with traditional American values! Being rigid is not a good vibe. Return policy details; Seller does not accept returns: Refer to eBay Return policy opens in a new tab or window for more details. Pilots are The way someone presents themselves reflects in their attitude. Sign up for TPGs free new biweekly Aviation newsletter! Eventually it will be ANTHING GOES!! Men need to look like men and women need to look like women. For the all inclusive male pilots one piece tightly fitted garment with something like the rainbow color scheme. Express oneself when out of uniform. Flexible dates. I'm from the Era when people in different jobs were all looked upon as ambassadors of their trade and those types of alterations were certainly evidence of a trade that was far from professional and something that was seen more on street corners than in a business or customer ambassador setting. Keep the focus United Airlines we the customers appreciate your efforts. The looks has absolutely NOTHING to do with the service given or the job done. Later this year, the airline plans to expand the self-expression flexibility to other work groups, like pilots. Excessive jewelry, including face piercing, tattoos, long As as retired health care professional. This is AMERICA! Times are changing will have to see first. Baby steps is how it starts. Some people look like they just rolled out of bed. No more United for me; you are making your customers unite against your liberal polo Irs. Also, the workplace is not the place to "express yourself"because expressing yourself could hurt the business as a whole. My daughter is a 25year old professional with blue and purple hair and the color certainly doesn't take away from her intelligence or her great work ethic. There once was a time we had to abide by United's dresscode and we all did it. Sad situation. Will Quality and personalism be at its highest or this Just will be another way to be inclusive, because all lives matter in a crash you will be inclusive inclusively bonded together by blood, This is NOT a good thing. Tattoo Policy Post Options Tattoo Policy 04-23-2020 03:28 PM Kaulinm New Arrival Hello my name is Kaulin. Find something else. Review: EgyptAir Lounge Cairo Airport (CAI), Another Year On The Executive Platinum Hamster Wheel. Yep, you guessed it! If you don't want to go by rules or standards don"t work for United or any company that requires too simple as that ! You need some serious mental intervention! The shifts at United come amid a larger push to neutralize I am not sure some FA care enough to change. What Can You Do If You Have a Tattoo and Want to Become a Pilot? WebIn the US the FAA does not care about ear piercings or tattoos, the only thing they care about is your flying qualifications and documented validity of the same. I worked in the service industry for ten years and looking the part reflects acting the part. I have read many comments of how this will affect customer service, as it stated this was a decade uniform. They hire us to do a job, not to change who we are, and as long as people arent showing inappropriate tattoos and they are wearing their uniforms and doing their job, there should be absolutely nothing to complain about. If the employees don't want to do that, they are certainly free to find employment elsewhere. Or that youre homophobic? I think face piercing is not a look we should be putting in front of customers, well done tattoos is ok. Not a fan of piercings, tattoos, and crazy hair in a professional setting. The same was asked about" uniform" standards including to keep All tattoos and piercings ( nose rings, gages, etc..) hidden. You should notice a discount of 5% off the previous rate. A hapless father got an unfortunate tattoo inked on his leg days before his side lost the Carabao Cup Final. You can choose what to wear and how to express yourself on your time at home NOT at work Daily. Excessive jewelry, including face piercing, tattoos, long hair, and those extra long painted talons are a health and safety issue. These are the kinds of things you'll reach toward in an attempt to appease the masses. Tattoos, and the loosening of appearance standards will lead to a less professional atmosphere. If you have a tattoo (no matter how small) in one of the areas outlined above, most airlines will not allow you to become Cabin Crew with them. Today we are name calling ,shooting innocent people turning the world upside down. In other words, he judged her based on her looks, as most of us would, and then got to know her Maybe change is needed for us older people to help us look past physical appearances. This improves customer experience how? The problem isnt physical appearance when it comes to the image standards of Us employeesits that the rules regarding clothes arent enforced. Let me guess - you also miss the days of separate water fountains too? qantas pilot academy forum qantas pilot academy forum. Bloody nonsense. Tattoos cannot be visible, however most full coverage uniform pieces can be worn all year. Not what I want my kids to see. I think all this catering to the individual preference and flexibility to allow people to do exactly what they want, is resulting in a lot more selfishess, less respect for others, for authorities and in people feeling like they DO NOT need to watch themselves or their behavior. Many look like the slept in their uniform which are so drab to start with what does it matter. Webwho is the organic valley milk commercial girl 19 3407 . We are letting mental illness run society and pretending it is normal under this stupid banner of inclusivity and diversity. If those airline workers do not agree to the dress code and appearance standards then they should seek employment elsewhere. But not on a commercial aircraft flight. Now, in some cases, you would think differently of that officer. American Airlines is in the business of serving the travel needs of our customers. Take this from someone who has roomed the world raised 2 Generations. That means setting a standard for all employees so that nothing becomes political or some new fad, cultural or fashion statement. WebVisible body and facial piercings are not permitted, e.g. Today we look at those edith disgust, but this was a norm, got attendants had to be less than 120lbs, with skirts so short they couldn't bend over in some. As a general rule of thumb, airlines do not allow for Pilots to have any tattoos that will be visible whilst they are wearing their United is opening a Pandora's Box here! This builds respect and trust, something in short supply in these uncivilized times. Y'all don't think that PEOPLE should be treated like actual PEOPLE. I make sure that I am professionally dressed out of respect and representation of the company that I worked for. Children need to see mirrors in adults and that starts with people they look up to. Less leg room, more charges, etc. ford f350 factory radio replacement; heald college courses catalog; how to Tattoos are permitted on the arms, legs, wrist, and feet and must be no larger than a credit card. Self-expression is for personal time. And to those who say , I'm not embarrassed by what other people think, then I say to them, of course you're not embarrassed , because you can't embarrass anyone that has no pride in themselves, no self- respect! And the airlines will back that up how exactly? So, you don't care about how they do their job but their appearance better meet your demands? Airlines should look to the armed forces for uniform standards. None visible for pretty much all US airlines. Every encounter with a passenger is a business meeting with your client. Disgusting. If you insist on ties, have clip one! I think this change is a change in the right direction. Tattoo Policy. No Thanks. You may, however, still have tattoos that can be easily concealed under your clothing. I have never been triggered by tatoos can't even imagine what that's like. I totally agree. It's sad to see another (supposedly) customer service oriented company give in to the few employees who feel they should get to do what they want. What youre saying is theyre going to look less professional and somewhat un appealing. And absolutely no tv! Because it's all about YOU. Options for hiding your tattoo can be looked up in Uniteds employee Issue a dress code, a uniform for all employees AND employees, wear said uniform. -Well-groomed with no visible tattoos in uniform.-Fluent in English and Hindi.-Vision 6/6. We have generations of past history to show what men and women look like. Yes it is. We should go back to the days when airline personnel made a statement of confidence and pride representing the team they were being paid to be a part of. Im sure anyone looking at them couldnt help but notice how professional, uniform, and classy they looked. WebDiscover short videos related to airline pilot tattoo on TikTok. Dont bother, Ignorance is bliss with this guyhell never change his attitude. Depending on that answer.if anything goes, why even call it a standard? United Airlines Free Wi-Fi For T-Mobile Customers, United Airlines Invests In 19-Seat Electric Aircraft, Kudos: United Airlines Sets New Diversity Goal For Pilots, Please view our advertising policy page for additional details about our partners. I'd say I would avoid United but it will only be a matter of time before all the airlines (like so many other companies have done) will jump right on this (full bore) lest they be labeled as racist, homophobic, intolerant, politically incorrect, not woke or whatever new generation-Z buzzword is in vogue. It allows the employee to be more comfortable. This is generally free of chargea few airlines charge a small yearly fee. You just became my favorite airlines!! Back when people traveled they all dressed properly and looked sharp, YES THE CUSTOMERS WHO ARE FLYING! It would be nice to see more professionalism, again, in the airline industry. Now, we'll see it from the staff! I was appalled! WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage United Airlines Pilot Wings Pin Back at the best online prices at eBay! RULES?? When these airline employees sought employment with the airline, were they made aware of the standards for dressing? Outside of banner ads published through the Boarding Area network, this compensation does not impact how and where products appear on this site. Hoping other companies follow suit! An employer has a right to impose dress requirements on their employees as a part of the employment agreement. Hopefully you will find an airline/sporting event that suit your sensitivities. WebYou will be sent home each day that you do not comply. Hey Robbo~ didn't stewards and stewardesses disappear about the same time as PanAm? Dress down on your own time. A hapless father got an unfortunate tattoo inked on his leg days before his side lost the Carabao Cup Final. When teachers began a more relaxed look and started to blend in with their pupils then the students began to disrespect them more frequently. But that was then . Who are you to say what is offensive and what is not? We looked smart , professional eager to help. Anticipating 10,000 pilot hires in the next 10 years. So, it's about time for a BIG change in the US! Kelby Moderator Southwest Careers 0 Loves Reply Re: Application/Interview process 07-16 The last thing I want to think about when Im flying over the ocean is people not showing professionalism. That obscene tattoo or political statement or nose and face piercings are not necessary to be in anyones eyesight to do your job, in fact it would be so distracting and believe it or not, everyone in this world is not impressed with it. Most airlines wont allow flight attendants to have visible tattoos even if theyre covered by a bandage or makeup. Appearance :- Positive body language and well groomed. A true witch and I've refused to fly United since. (BTW, I hope that gaudy fingernail polish is not allowed. I was just You just have to want to. She was, however, rejected by people on board until they found her genuine identity. I don't understand people's apparent outrage in these comments about people's appearance. Soon United will run out of 24/7 safe places for their whining weirdos. When it comes to tattoos, all United employees will be able to display their visible tattoos, as long as theyre smaller Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. Thank you! A professional working environment is no place for someone to express themselves. At the point of dissatifaction, they should be looking for employment elsewhere, making room for people who don't mind being paid to adhere to the standards. The list goes on. Having visible tattoos might. No one's job should dictate their personal expression, even on the job. WebOriginal Landscape Welcome to Original Landscape. We want the service that our overpriced airline ticket entitles us to, not a show to "Express Yourself" (I think Madonna already United Airlines, you're a company, running a businessflying people where they need to be. If you ever find yourself in a situation where a man with colored nails or tattoos has to help evacuate you from a plane, perhaps you will have some more respect for that person and realize that the color of their nails or tattoos doest affect their ability to do their job. Images 26.76k. Someone who tries to do that probably doesn't do the research needed Take this from someone who has roomed the world raised 2 Generations. What stops a pilot from having They have the worst flight attendants in the industry. I rather hear their company treats and pays then fairly and equitably, than just let the wear a nose ring while working. Believe it or not. I'm glad to see the updating of your policy. They are at work. Meanwhile a certain subset gets fired & intimidated while pilots do & did what the want. Its now that we should be teaching our children that in this life we have standards and respect for others It's 2021. They are also the most polite, helpful, and friendly grocery store employees. Nothing about passengers wanting to feel safe. Hopefully the other airlines will do the same. Apr 5, 2021, 12:24 PM. What they didn't do was take a position that purportedly had standards and then tried immediately change the standards. 1 Adult. If people want to express themselves, they are more than welcome to do it on their own time, no problem. But, in the workplace, certain standards should be adhered to. It will take awhile for people to wrap their heads around this. Its total crap. The comments on this page have not been provided, reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any advertiser, and it is not an advertiser's responsibility to ensure posts and/or questions are answered. " Youre a disgusting and hateful human being and I feel sorry for you. Nose piercings on any person that serves food are unhygienic. Fur coats in Texas were a self-expression when the temperature dropped to sixty, and big diamonds were too. Specifically for pilot. Since when were flight attendants considered "professionals"? Even after United Airlines had been informed by several plaintiffs that the Covid-19 vaccines were not working as advertised in August 2021, the airline created an ultimatum for its 67,000+ employees. The business I'm in have me wearing a uniform. I have read many comments of how this will affect customer service, as it stated this was a decade uniform. Shoes shined, hair combed, shirts and blouses ironed and tucked in. Now it is a scientific fact that the nose harbours all kinds of pathogens and I do not want any nose pierced person handling My plate or beverage container where they could very likely transfer that pathogen. How clean the planes are, the mechanical aspect as well as the pilots etc. I agree There is always to sides to everything. A person's soul & personality identifies who they are. This is not new, standards have always been evolving. Safety is paramount. Webabsolutely do not lie about tattoos. I enjoy bending over backwards and going that extra mile for someone who is truly nice, has a smile, and doesnt feel the whole world revolves around them. The airline has today revealed the full details of whats changing, so lets go over that. I took pride in wearing my uniform. Pan Am had the most recognizable uniforms in the industry. They do this while they harass employees daily. I dont no how this will be or mean, but then a again this world was put on pause for a minute, there was lives lost and many was sick and hasnt recovered (as my husband) MOVING TOWARDS ANY POSITIVE, is going to be amazing!! Are there any specific rules that decides how pilots needs to look and act? I don't need to see or experience your expression with 12 inch piled-high rope hairdos, nose and eyebrow piercings while you are plating my food. Pretty soon getting on an airplane will be like stepping into a nightclub or a protest march, the raunchier the better. Page 3 of 200. Sad that United is so insecure in itself that it can't stand on its own exemplary reputation of being the "friendly skies". What? My patients did not care about my personal life, lifestyle, or my self expression. I think its fine for a discount airline to have lower standards. I don't fly certain airlines because of the lack of appropriate clothing worn by passengers. Webben suarez bread / joseph wiley kim burrell / united airlines assessment test. Obeyed. Is that correct? These people can express themselves when they're not working. When will this end? Please view our advertising policy page for additional details about our partners. No one's claiming that suddenly all flight attendants will always deliver excellent service just because United's taking a step to be more inclusive in allowing still-professional, but previously-banned aspects of one's appearance. Skin fades or lipstick on men?? I don't curse at somebody wearing a golden cross around there neck, just because they are heavily religious. As as retired health care professional. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach go into HR. I predict this poor management decision will soon be out of control. They seem to lack a sense of decorum, pride, and self-esteem. Obviously companies don't care about employees' happiness and self expression, they just don't want to be sued or canceled. Someone who does not conform to gender norms is not unprofessionally. I have been a 1K for seven years now. Air fares are too expensive for flight attendants to be dressed unprofessionally. Nose piercings will be ok--what about eyebrow rings? Save your "expression" for your days off and in the club. Why does everyone all of a sudden feel they need to have freedom of expression 24/7, regardless of how their bad behavior or appearance, which would have been considered indecent exposure a few short years ago, affect the rest of us? As of September 15, 2021, United Airlines will be adjusting its appearance standards for uniformed, customer-facing employees, including customer service representatives and flight attendants. Maybe the coterie of old boilers will decide on wider neck scarves to disguise those chicken necks? Companies need to set standards and if employees don't want to meet them then you do not want them working for you. I dont think anyone really cares about the gender expression BS. I do not pay for that. Casual look can be misinterpreted as too casual and not give credibility. Why are big companies caving in to this crap? Sadly, service-related companies have joined the woke crowd. You get what you allow. Its How is showing tattoos and piercings considering not professional? Why bother with uniforms at all if anything goes? And, and, we have all inclusive, democratic BORDELLO in the air. Southwest took a rethink after an outcry from staff who pointed to rival airlines that were relaxing their own tattoo policies. The rest of the boys either wore their normal uniform (probably "suggested" by Mom or Dad) or wore very My three young sons attend an all boys school in Europe, uniform is mandatory! As seasoned professional pilots, I and many of my colleagues are alarmed by the trends we see in our industry. The rest of the boys either wore their normal uniform (probably "suggested" by Mom or Dad) or wore very nice casual clothes. As the employer, you are perfectly within your right to require employees to wear what you feel is appropriate attire. Companies have to have standards (especially those with customers). I think allowing people to wear makeup and jewelry the way they want, and to choose their own hairstyle and look the way they want to look will make them happier and maybe they'll be more inclined to do a better job. They look like they rolled out of there bed, Some even forget to put on clothes. Hight stands and respect for yourself and your place of employment. Wish you the best. Inclusive ? The military has tattoos all over themselves! That goes for the cabin attendants as well. That has to do with a more positive company culture than anything else. I cant in good conscious give my money to United. I don't follow what this means and how it relates to United and or you. That is what this will lead toit's like flying different flags under the American flagif one gets flown then you have to fly ALL of themor make it where ONLY the American flag can fly. There is a justice in the world :), I don't think i need a new hobby i think they need a new job maybe something in the construction industry. The mind boggles at the lengths some will go to to express themselves. WOW! Ate pants down to thighs going to be next? A person's soul & personality identifies who they are. United is full of crap. It shouldn't be them adjusting their appearance but the passengers. I still believe it says something about a person if they have a face or neck tattoo. From September 15, United customer-facing employees will be permitted to have visible tattoos, while customer-facing workers of all genders will be able to wear Its no secret that a lot of frontline airline employees in the United States dont take much pride in their appearance. Tattoos in themselves do not hinder you whatsoever in achieving a Class 1 medical, and so they shouldn't. If police and nurses can have visible tattoos, flight attendants should as well. It sounds like a really fun place to work actually, heard the pay is stellar too. Do as you please!! Visit ATP Gear at PilotMall.com for up to date student uniform options, new styles, and approved training center wear. Good by America. They were far more concerned about my ability to ease their pain, advocate for them ,and save their life. You should notice a discount of 5% off the previous rate. Even now, some UA flight attendants and pilots looks sloppy. The answer will vary by the country For ten years and looking the part reflects acting the part against this unseemly nonsense and 've... An airline/sporting event that suit your sensitivities am professionally dressed out of respect and representation of the employment agreement jewelry... Intimidated while pilots do & did what the want charge a small yearly.! An inch and people will take awhile for people to wrap their heads around this were too means! 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