Yes. On this episode I thought the half which addressed the young mans story in the Sea Org did a good job of showing how toxic the SO culture and mindset is. Discussion in 'News and Current Events' started by RightOn, Jan 20, 2014. But, IMHO, the biggest part of the general upset has been created by misapplication and by a fundamentalistic, fanatical approach to policy and Tech. B) A thorough medical examination by a REAL doctor to locate possible deficiencies, and unknown illnesses or injuries; and a professional medical treatment done on whatever was found. Why is that? vitamins, minerals, chiropractors, etc) to address a medical condition, along with some type of auditing program or PTS handling. Following the death information, people wonder what was Tyler Tweed cause of death. The guy is NUTS, I thought. Way to absolutely avoid the question.. Of course you proved your point. Obituaries. She was making contact with family members who had left the church, and expressing her outrage at church fundraising and treatment of SO staff. You seem to know that if they only did what YOU wanted them to do that Taylor would be alive today. I think that we all need a second chance at redemption, forgiveness, and the opportunity to right our wrongdoings. Way to absolutely avoid the question. Perhaps no more than a 70-80% of the time, I did followed LRH, , Getting back on trackwhat could the church do to reform this aspect of their religion (if were to believe Mike and Leah)? I highly doubt that Cathy Tweed would allow that. Do you think the church really cares what treatment a Type III receives? Some ppl have questioned the fact that Taylers friend was the one speaking out and I can see why. It sounds a lot like the viewpoint of church Scientologists, dont you think? I suspect Mike and Leahs tactics are based on the supposition that public exposure to harmful practices results in reformation. The only related reference I know of concerns those who have had psychiatric drugs or who have been institutionalized. Period. We last spoke a couple days before her suicide, and she was excited about starting classes at the Art Institute in Audio Production, but still very much depressed and in a volatile state of mind. Do you know a reference that says they will have nothing to do with the mentally ill? I was actually picturing Paul Haggis when I typed Alex Gibney. I dont have a specific with this particular case or episode, thats down to the people involved and those who felt they should have been more of an influence, or less of an influence with this story and tragedy. I fully agree; the church in general, need to become more compassionate. Perhaps I need MEDICATION, I must be going crazy or something, because, I mean, this is just me and a very few others who think like this. Tayler Woolston Obituary has been recently searched in a more significant amount of volume online, and moreover, people are eager to know What Was Tayler Woolston Cause Of Death. In my mind, at least the point about freedom of religion did relate to Cathy Tweed. Nice try, Gtsix, but I know better than to fall into the traps of rhetoric,. Thats just part of the anti-Scientology narrative conveniently created by the anti-Scientology camp to drive home their own personal agendas. So much for the anti-Scientology narrative regarding Scientologists not using or seeking proper medical care. And unfortunately, human misery and tragedy have entertainment value. This was about her daughter and how she ( Kathy ) and Scientology failed Taylor! Even to go so far to say (paraphrase), If the body is sick, force it to dig a ditch. I consider my point PROVED! John Mckenna Obituary, What was John Mckenna Cause of Death? It is the very definition of suppression. But maybe others didnt know the true story of how Tony Ortega got that quote from Cathy Tweed. Its not right to leave out information just so you can demonize someone. If auditors were licensed, then they could not forbid people from getting the medical treatment they need without losing their license. Most abuses in Scientology happened (with the exception of children who of course, have not enough will power) because people AGREED to being abused. At my org, this acted as a huge invalidation for quite a few individuals who protested about the looong running of processes disregarding any cognitions except the very specific and arbitrary ones decided by DM out of his own misinterpretation of the Tech. Tony Ortega got that quote from Cathy Tweed the day after her daughters funeral. This was around 2000 more or less. This link is about the dangerousness of many psychiatric treatments by a psychiatrist himself, Dr. Peter Breggin : Now, many anti-Scientology individuals will say that Dr. Breggin works for Scientology, or is or was a Scientologists, just because his narrative is similar in many ways to the one used by CCHR. I cant fault you on your logic. So, to answer your question, Gtsix, about .how does the Church feel about psychiatry and receiving psychiatric treatment?, my answers to that is : The SAME way that THOUSANDS of individuals who have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with Scientology think : uncomfortable and against it, and with VALID REASONS. Janice Ann Taylor, 79, of Bowmansville, passed away on Saturday, February 25, 2023, in her home surrounded by her loving family. I used to think up to just 1-2 week ago that Rathbun had gone crazy with this fantasy of his and sort of conspiracy theory about an ASC (Anti-Scientology Cult). How many times was I PERSONALLY told about this by the people who had this experience? And the PTS Type III declare for onlines public.. Hi Alanzo! And that it then forbids its parishioners from trying out medications is actually, literally, dangerous for Scientologists who suffer from depression. I dont know of such a policy regarding that specific case of TRs & Objectives, but I DO know about other policies (or HCOBs Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins) that requires having a physical examination and full medical checkup before being allowed to receive auditing. The level of delusion and victimhood on behalf of the mother is sickening. This check was not exactly an official routine form from the church, but rather something made locally to detect possible Sources of Trouble. No lives were lost as far as I know, and besides lots of fallen trees and electricity poles (and power lines), not heavy damage was done to personal properties. Well, do all mothers make some mistakes? And Al, Im really glad youre sticking up for Cathy Tweed. Your comment was interesting to me. May 23, 2021 This is Taylor Tweed's mother and brother speaking out about how they feel about Taylor's suicide being featured on A&E's Scientology and the Aftermath. All documentaries have a viewpoint. Hubbard had some harsh words for medicos and learned men, in general. He was a member of the Northumberland County Good News Club. Glasscock's classic 1935 book . Absolutely. Most Scnists I know (knew), would initially seek natural treatments (e.g. But from my point of view, it is up to US and not to them, to take the first step towards proper dialogue and peace talks. Lets put Karen De La Carriere on that list, and we are all set, That specific group of 6, plus their sheeple decided upon a VERY specific narrative since SEVERAL years ago, and since then their specific agenda DOES NOT include reformation AT ALL. New Chandigarh Satta King Result Chart 13 January 2023 Today New Chandigarh Record Chart 2023, New Agra Satta King Result Chart 13 January 2023 Today New Agra Record Chart 2023, Dhan Ratan Satta King Result Chart 13 January 2023 Today Dhan Ratan Record Chart 2023, Madhur Shree Satta King Result Chart 13 January 2023 Today Madhur Shree Satta Record Chart 2023, Delhi State Satta Result Chart 13 January 2023 Today Delhi State Satta Record Chart 2023. I added them to the post. However, most Scn watchers do not have the time, resources, or capacity to explore all facets of a Scn-related event. Yep ,,,, I am beginning to believe the man at the top is deliberately creating situations to implode the group,, He has already positioned himself into the only one category Tech Dict: All criminals are in that bracket ,,, His tone floats around the hostile band, and his ideals are clearly MEST related ,,, The Org Bd has long since been dropped and by-passed in favor of command channels only. Mary, no offense, but you are either naively buying into what Mike Rinder and Leah Remini are saying in The Aftermath because you dont know much about Scientologys policies as you were never a Scientologist yourself, or you were involved with Scientology but were not very familiar with its policies. Publicly accept when any wrongdoing has occurred. This is what I call being fair to all sides!! Survey their public for disagreements wish the existing policies, and correct/modify them accordingly. Not me, TC. As a rather usual phenomenon that we Puerto Ricans cant still understand, Irma went off towards the North just as it was approaching the island. You do know that the nazis invaded countries and built concentration camps, right? I DO believe in the goodness of others, my friend, as one of my basic beliefs in live. I think the show wouldve been better served if it had done another story on a Sea Org related suicide because there are certainly more of them. This is where the word cult shows some utility it can be used to designate a group which has morals that differ from the culture surrounding it. The reason for this is because I am about to . Any professional therapists SHOULD also seek legal protection, and there isnt anything immoral about that. Ah, and here is the information about Dr. Breggin. Certainly, any raw public exhibiting Type III behaviour would be refused service. : Clearly establish that the disability does not stem from immediately physical causes;, 3. For his role as a spiritual healer, or advisor, no licensing is expected, of course. Cmon open your bloggers eyes. They just want them off their lines, so they can concentrate on the able.. Born January 15th 1928 in County Donegal and died peacefully on January. Again, its a matter of freedom of religion as well as separation of church and state. For decades it was even taught in schools that they were quacks which I think was said about anything that wasnt medicine and under the control of the AMA. So what. Here is what Dr. Breggin has to say about that : Regarding, Type III cases, I was referring to current onlines public. For Type III, I would expect the person to get a Qual program, which may include The Introspection Rundown. Caring for the insane is costly and time-consuming and requires resources. Alanzo: In fact when I was in I was told to go to a medical doctor twice. Taylors folks disconnected from her and threw her out.. Do you see the absurdity of your argument, Mr. Critical Thinking? Many people who arent involved in Scientology believe in that. We are currently puzzled about how Tyler Tweed died. And totally based on the Tech as well. . Thats just rhetorical horse shit! I used to think, Well, Mike is a supporter of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Thought, so he just tries to interfere as little as he can, you know. This is always a liability for anyone seeking the truth. There really is nothing there TO reform. I told you this little story, so that others here understand that not ALL of us were uncompassionate and ignorant of how to REALLY help someone. She commented at length about Scientology, and her mental issues were exacerbated by her auditing cycles. (Mick) Peacefully at rest on 30th September 2022 at the Royal Stoke. Douglas R. Tweed, 84, passed away Monday, March 20, 2017, at Mayo Clinic Health System in Barron, Wis. He was the oldest living past master of. If people come to me and are not ready to abandon their fathers, mothers, wives, children, brothers, and sisters, as well as their own lives, they cannot be my disciples.. Uhmmm, makes me wonder.. Lets follow your logic with an analogy, shall we? She doesnt stand a chance. Truth and fairness are not necessarily part of that equation. Things CAN be reversed for the great good, and sanity can be restored. There are MANY viewpoints. 1 2022 , , : / - , Copyright 2015 2024 All Rights Reserved. There's quite the discussion over at Tony's about whether or not Tayler's death can be blamed on Scientology. The family does not address the story in a believeable way. I went in GREAT details EXACTLY quoting from the that episode all the parts where Leah, Mike, and Lauren BLAMED Cathy Tayler for the death of her daughter without showing one IOTA of proof beyond HEARSAY. The sudden death is a heart-wrenching event for all the friends and family. At one point in time, this lady dared to question one of her husbands beliefs, which enraged the man resulting in a heavy beating and even rape of this lady. Humans CAN change if only we love them hard enough so as to be able to overcome our own bias (I have a TON myself, haha), lack of sensitiveness and compassion, and our desires for punishment and revenge. I am glad Leah and Mike are finally getting the truth out there. He was born February 13, 1998, in Madison, to Steven and Jo Ann Tweed. Friendly hint- dont say the sorts of things that you might criticize or object to others saying. Clearly people go through much worse situations and never commit suicide. I think even they would agree to that because they are not operating on the standard of getting all sides of their stories. How convenient!!! I knew the Tweed family. It is the same with for example, priests who are also trained clinical psychologists, and who besides using the scriptures as a priest to spiritually orient the individuals he/she is trying to help, he also uses the tools of his trade as a trained clinical psychologist (or other type of psychotherapist) to help his parishioner. I do think Mike Rinder shouldve spoken up and recommended, Hey lets find another story where it is more apparent that the tech was a major factor in a suicide. This video only strengthens the anti-scientology/cult dialogue, as it is cold, calculated, and defensive. Seems that most of her information came from FB and text messages that Tayler had with a friend. She states that she did take her daughter to doctors, but what kind of doctors? I realize there are many sides to documentaries, but if all the stuff Leah and Mike say are false, why isnt the church proving them wrong?. Because medical science has advanced since the publication of Science of Survival (66 years), and because these advancements save peoples lives, then it is extremely unethical even from the perspective of a Scientologist to forbid these treatments after everything else has been tried. That is what a strawman is. Need help? Regular medical care is allowed though Hubbard did and members do tend to look down on traditional medical care. He was a life member for more than 74 years with the Americus Hose Company, Bloody Third Ward. This show wasnt about Kathy Tweed! Taylor Funeral Home, Inc. has endeavored to provide the most up-to-date information for the families we serve. Part of the questionnaire, included questions to locate what was called Illegal PCs as per the ILLEGAL PCS, ACCEPTANCE OF HIGH CRIME BULLETIN PL. These are areas of legal vulnerability for scientology and I think they are areas where they need to reform. Now you got me confused again, Marildi. Plus it is now becoming more evident that there was a lot more to the story regarding Tayler and her mother which was left out of the episode. Please be so kind to PRESENT that evidence, leaving apart pure HEARSAY, and we can take it from there. But not all mothers have award winning, network sponsored TV shows magnifying their mistakes. I can see the public interest perspective with this series and and other productions that seek to find a story and tell it,, it has been created with key words cult secret confidential gulag ,, and so on not to mention the mood music and lighting,,, Its what media does,, its never enough just to have a story confined to the specifics and analyse it,,,no one buys that approach anymore. Ok, got it, and I am sorry for the long comm lag in replying. But I dont see him getting into a plane and going to Texas to help. For now, we cant expect many resources from Tyler Tweeds family as they are not in the right mood to describe Tyler Tweeds death. Now, I challenge anyone to show me ANY reference where Scientology prohibits seeing a medical doctor; ANY. I am just curious, I am not challenging you. to death notices and obituaries in Australian newspapers: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ryerson is a free service, but we do use google advertising on this search page to help defray our operating costs. If Leah and Mike would have emphasized specific instances of Disconnection and Fair Game practices, where only factual data capable of being PROVED was shown preferably with documents, videos, etc that might have acted as enough Media pressure for the church to decide to reform a few things, even if they would do it backstage, you know, without publicly admitting to anything. Thats what I call being able to see truth for what it is. What we used to do at my Mission/org was to do what we called an A to J Check based on the policy, Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity and Sources of Trouble. Second guessing a mother who has lost a daughter to suicide like this is pretty cruel, dont you think? Thats not what we were trained for. Now because this police officer that wouldd be YOU thinks that the statements from ANYBODY who follows a psychotic fundamentalist Jehovah Witness minister, should be considered null and void, you decides then that the lady might be lying and refuse to even investigate her claims. She was regularly having suicidal thoughts and always been sent to auditing or naturopaths instead of to a competent mental health provider. I am so grateful for my amazing parents and brother, whose love is unconditional, and support unwavering no matter how bad or misguided my youth was. But my first impulse and action, is to try to reform and rehabilitate the individual. Then you have the standard Scn reference covering EVERYTHING about Assists (Scientology physical healing type of processes) and how to go about it if a PC (Preclear the one undergoing Scientology counseling) gets sick. Kaiser Earl Lynch. You wonder how could they? Yeah. I understand. It all became a psychological bull shit of plain invalidations and case evaluations. Would you like a TV show to make an episode about you and your dead daughter without your consent, and second guess you like this to millions of people? This aspect of Hubbard and Scn always irked me. Search Funeral Notices, Deaths, Obituaries & Memoriams. C) Getting the person to move to a non stressful environment and to temporarily get away from hostile people and environments. Lauren detailed her friendship with fellow second-generation Scientologist Tayler Tweed, whom she met as a teen fresh out of the Sea Org. So there are these areas such as child labor and blocking access to medical care where I believe critics can legitimately point out criminality by scientology and try to get the government to act. Youll be send back in a plane (if thats how you got there) to your home to go see a licensed medical doctor, get properly treated, and once you are DONE, go back WITH the evidence that you did so. Ill check that out too. We assure you that we will regularly update all the information regarding Tyler Tweeds death when the details are made aware. Does that sound familiar to anyone was in?. Is my post to be interpreted as that I think that ALL psychotropic drugs are harmful for the patient, and that at no moment any of them should be used to help someone? Lets analyze this for a minute, shall we? Am I really suppose to believe that all the people who have spoken up just woke up one day and decided to try and fuck this church up for no reason? Towards the end of my involvement with the church, they got positively mean and nasty. My local AO wouldnt deliver this, instead either hat a family member, or turn it over to a field auditor.. A LOT, I assure you, one of them being myself, and another being the mother of my daughter. No real mother would ever be truly at peace with a child blowing their head off. Unless your experience results in greater tolerance and compassion and wisdom for suicide survivors what good is it? (Dot) Dorothy passed away peacefully at The . The object of Twain's wrath was William A. Clark, a Pennsylvania native who eventually moved to Montana and made fortunes in banking, mining, newspapers, railroads and other ventures. And how does the Church feel about psychiatry and receiving psychiatric treatment? Mr. Dennis Wayne "Butch" Tweed, age 69, Limestone, passed away peacefully Saturday, February 25, 2012 at his residence surrounded by his family. Your search results for obituary: 26 newspaper articles contained information about obituary filtered by: Date from: 1st Apr 1973 - Date to: 30th Apr 1973 It is even doubtful if full healing can be accomplished by medical treatment alone and it is certain that an assist greatly speeds recovery. Dj Sumbody Obituary, What was Dj Sumbody Cause of Death? "Tweed" Mummert passed away at McDonough District Hospital on January 3rd, just 3 weeks shy of his 98 th birthday. Thank you Lauren for sitting down with Leah and Mike. For some reason, no medications that treat the brain are allowed. Butlets go get tattoos so we can feel better about it. This test (questionnaire, which was mostly done unmetered) was usually done by me, as I was kind of famous for spotting troublemakers even without the e-meter, and on the spot. Hence, we both probably have our bias. One of the spiritual teachings, which might seem contrary to Rons idea, is to not be too certain at least not in a fixed way. 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