Thats because we see the outer edges and try to resist, manipulate or direct energy against undesired actions. WATCH, EXCERPT, September 3, 2022 Church of Glad Tidings: Consider the Lillies and How they Grow WATCH, More on Dave Martin HERE, July 4, 2022 The ReAwakening versus The Great Reset Dr. Dave Martin | Is There a Practical Plan Forward? Dr. David Martin joins Jonathon Otto to discuss how from as early as the 1980s, multiple organizations have been orchestrating an environment to create distractions that give rise to an animation of fear. Dr David Martin has vlogged an update on his previous sensational expose of the covid criminals, which I also include in this article. University of Texas Medical School, Houston, TX. And so SARS is actually not a natural progression of a genetic modification of cv. Dr Martin first came to the attention of the world when he featured in the August 2020 documentary by Mikki Willis called Planandemic Indoctornation. And by the way, if you decide to roll up your own sleeve for an experimental gene therapy, have at it, I dont care. Dr. David Martin was recently interviewed by Attorney Reiner Fuellmich who is seeking to bring criminal charges against crimes committed during the COVID-19 Plandemic. Daves media links: YouTube HEREDave Martin World WEBSITEProsecute Now Daily ACTION items WEBSITE, December 9, 2022 The New American: Financial, Healthcare Interests Guilty of Premeditated Murder of Millions Bill Jasper talks with Dr. David Martin about his film American Revolution; about the little-known history of Americas founding and the unseen hand behind our economic systems; and about the role of that unseen hand in the readiness of Americans to accept Covid. We live on a spinning top. Netanyahu hints at military action. He has been tracking Dr Anthony Faucis spending and notes that Fauci has authorised $191 billion in funds for the bio-weaponisation of viruses against humanity. Fellowship. David E. Martin PhD says that the mandatory injection was planned in 2015. This information came from David's Video, shown below. Unless they're chocolate chip, I'm not a big fan of cookies. He has intimate knowledge of every single entity and company that has dealt with . However, data analysis in a pre-published study by the Israeli Health Ministry and Pfizer Inc, which is not yet peer reviewed, found the Pfizer mRNA vaccine reduces infection, including in asymptomatic cases, by 89.4% and in symptomatic cases by 93.7% (here). The Second Cause of Action explains Defendants Violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments related to the Equal Protection Clause, which prohibits classifications that affect some groups of citizens differently than others. By creating two classes of healthcare workersthe injected and uninjectedthe CMS Mandate dictates the members of one class (the uninjected) get terminated. redemption through broken lenses. Dave wrote his first classified briefing about bio-weapons corruption in 2001, and has been presenting lectures at bio-weapons conferences since then. And they found (as dcoumented in the report) over 120 patented pieces of evidence to suggest that the declaration of a novel cv was actually entirely a fallacy. fountains of liberty in which all is functioning in every moment in its imperfections are most probably our projection of absent from the His company has also done a comprehensive review of the financing of research involving the manipulation of coronaviruses that gave rise to SARS as a subclade of the beta coronavirus family. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator (timecode 00:19), Martin says. January 5, 2021 Sash Stone: Panel with Dr David Martin, Dr Judy Mikovits, RF Kennedy jr and Rocco Galati WATCH, EXCERPT, BACKUP, November 11, 2020 Dave breakdowns the (lack of) credentials of the Biden Coronavirus Task Force WATCH, September 7, 2020 Dr Dave Martin talks with Brian Rose on London Real WATCH (free signup), August 18, 2020 Plandemic Indoctornation documentary world Launch featuring Dr David Martin FULL, adverse event Ivermectin New patients are welcome. Pursuant to the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, Plaintiff is entitled to temporary, preliminary, and permanent injunctive relief restraining Defendants from enforcing the CMS Mandate. Over the past 5 decades he's fully lived and has done so in service to humanity. Insects that want their offspring to thrive lay their eggs in the flower of fruit trees so their larvae can eat their way into vitality. That patent issued as: Patent # 7279327, Methods for producing recombinant coronavirusPatent # 7279327 Martin is confident the disclosures that will have to be filed by the Federal Government in response to the first case are, in fact, going to be incriminating for our next case. Looking forward to obtaining evidence of the felony, Martin explained: We wrote this case so that the immunity shield falls away from the manufacturers and all of the injuries and deaths become civil liabilities to the manufacturers.. //-->, Dr. Li Meng Yan: Accidental leak? Science As he says, "If we are going to plead our case in any position, whether it's in a . Dr David Martin and his team have reviewed over 4,000 patents that have been issued in relation to SARS coronavirus and have also done a comprehensive review of the financing of all of the manipulations of the CV which gave rise to SARS as a sub-clade of the beta CV family. Stew Peters describes his interview with Dr. David Martin as "an historical interview with inarguable fact-based exposure that should be seen by the entire world as an absolute end to the COVID narrative.". Russian & Chechen Military Commanders Call for Ukrainian Soldiers to Surrender via Radio Broadcast Donetsk, The Cost of Ignorance Patrick Henningsen Delivers Outstanding Summary of Current Events, THE ERRORS of GLOBALISM: Russia, Ukraine, and the Suicide of the West, Professor Christian Perronne: We Have Flouted Science and We Have Flouted Rights, Crimes Against Humanity Reported to Police in UK Investigation is Now Live Mark Sexton, Irrefutable Evidence of Pre-Meditated Murder There Will Be a Final Reckoning Maria Zee Interviews Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Whistleblower John OLooney Rescued from Hospital by Team of Activists, VAERS Showed Over 36,000 Children Seriously Injured After a CDC Recommended Vaccine Steven Rubin PhD (Creator of the VAERS Database), South African People Fight Back Against New World Order File Case in Constitutional Court Against RSA President Parliament Reserve Bank, Immense Legal Implications Reiner Fullmich Dr Sam White Wolfgang Wodarg, Claudia Nailed The Plandemic in Sep 2019 with Epic Prophetic Prediction, Complaint Filed at ICC Against: Gates | Fauci | Whitty | Hancock | Big Pharma CEOs & Rockefeller Foundation President Dr. Radiv Shah et al by UK Lawyer & Others, Intentionally Blank The Red-Pilled Pharmacist, Dr. Graham Lyons Research Scientist & Author This is Pure Satanic Child Abuse. Public Health Every penny, dollar or pound helps us keep this vital service going! Technology he has developed is responsible for catching one of the largest tax frauds in US history. It changed the definition of a Vaccine to: A product that stimulates a persons immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease preparation that is used to stimulate the bodys immune response against diseases. It changed the definition of Vaccination to: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to protection from a specific disease.. google_ad_height = 250; All Rights Reserved. Instead, Martin asserts that after receiving the COVID-19 injection(s), individuals turn into a biological weapons factory. 1985. A SARS vaccine that was patented in March, 2019 eight months prior to the COVID breakout. Dr David Martin is a global intellectual property expert who monitors intellectual property throughout the world. The earths axis tilts about 23 degrees and the wobble around the axis gives us summer and winter. Vaccine injury According to a June 01, 2021, bio-distribution study from the Japanese Regulator Agency, the spike protein of the coronavirus gets into the blood where it circulates for several days post-vaccination and that it concentrates in spleen, liver, adrenals, and ovaries in high concentrations. . CAM has been an international intangible asset underwriter and analyst firm spanning work in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance.. Dr. Martin is the developer of several innovation-based quantitative indices of public equities and is the Founder of . As they slowed, we saw them wobble. Were missing the narratives and the Dr Martin first came to the attention of the world when he featured in the August 2020 documentary by Mikki Willis called Planandemic Indoctornation. Furthermore, Plaintiff declares that with rapidly waning effects, the Injections are not vaccines, but are instead gene therapy medical devices and should be appropriately classified as such. Dr. David Martin's company "M-CAM" and how he found a way to use intangible assets as collateral security. The problem we see superficially is not the problem. He is the creator of the world's first quantitative . stillbirth Part 2 - Dr. David Martin: With David Martin. Dr. David Martin, who has filed lawsuits against medical companies and the U.S. federal government who are involved in delivering the so-called vaccines for Covid-19, . He gives a stunning breakdown of how that would work and he claims Rand Paul has the information to put Fauci away and. And I think that we have been seduced into a distraction of epic proportions while a greater evil is being done. Thus, Dr. Griner must choose not just between his job and the jab, as the Fifth Circuit has phrased it, he must also choose between pursuing his passion for healing children with congenital defects and taking the Injection. Indeed, among the eight professional examples offered in the suit to corroborate that the Injections do not create an immunity that prevents the transmission of COVID-19 to others, the case quoted NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Faucis declaration to NPR on July 27, 2021, when he stated,We know now as a fact that [vaccinated people with COVID-19] are capable of transmitting the infection to someone else. Additionally, the head of the Oxford vaccine team Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, is quoted in the case as saying on Oct. 8, 2021: We dont have anything that will stop transmission, so I think we are in a situation where herd immunity is not a possibility, and I suspect the virus will throw up a new variant that is even better at infecting vaccinated individuals.. Dr. David Martin and his staff are dedicated to providing quality endodontic services in Pflugerville, TX. Vce ve videu. . So it's both comforting and empowering to let Dr David Martin give us a historical and legal perspective and to have him break down the specific laws that are being violated, as someone who's been watching this crime unfold since all the way back 1999. All Rights Reserved. There is actually a Dr David Martin in NOLA who is an expert in infectious disease. whistleblower is not messing around and is going for a full blown murder trial. My organisation was asked to monitor biological and chemical weapons treaty violations in the very early days of 2000. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. f you like the service we provide, please consider a donation. All rights reserved. As for how many may die, Martin believes the numbers may have been revealed back in 2011, when the World Health Organization announced their decade of vaccination.. In March of this year, Martin filed a federal lawsuit against Joe Biden, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services alleging that the Covid shots turn the body into a biological weapons factory, manufacturing spike protein. Reuters has debunked false claims about vaccine safety (here) and (here). They took the actual genetic sequences that were reportedly novel and reviewed those against the patent records that were available as of spring 2020. On the menu this week - Has the Covid-19 epidemic crossed to the wrong . To be vaccinated meant that the recipient should have lasting, robust immunity to the disease targeted by the vaccine. is not messing around and is going for a full blown murder trial. imperfections are most probably our projection of absent from the It is in fact not a coronavirus vaccine it is a spike protein instruction, to make the human body produce a toxin. Also, Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale Exposes the vaccine scam. That is their own words and not my interpretation.. Dr. Martin should be familiar to readers of Health Impact News (as are the other participants), as he was the featured scientist in filmmaker Mikki Willis' excellent production: Plandemic. Wobble is natures model of transformation. Official website:h. As a matter of fact, very specifically in 1999 Fauci funded research at the University of North Carolina Chappelhill specifically to create from a patent application filed on April 19th 2002, where the NIAID built an infectious replication defective coronavirus that was specifically targetted for human lung epithelium. Putting humanity back into humans and business, David Martin presents: 2027: The Next Big Financial Disruption July 23, 2022 Click here to purchase tickets on the Arlington Institutes website. When we were children, we played with spinning tops. However, the lawsuit asserts that the CMS Mandate prevents Dr. Griner from continuing to heal childrenunless he takes one of the Injections. In other words WE MADE SARS. The Bayh-Dole Act that led to Dr. Anthony Fauci profiting from royalties off university patents. Clinical Trials Bannons War Room Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale on the vaccine booster scam. David Martin's Proposed Legal Action. Video. . Intelligence . Make sure to subscribe to my channel on Youtube, and follow our Facebook page to never miss an episode! Dr Pierre Kory With the filing of Griner v. Biden, Dr. Martins campaign to expose the illegal corruption behind the pandemic vaccine narrative is underway. Education. This is a mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. When we think of organizational change, most people think about resistance. With no known method to reverse the detrimental effects of the Injections, the lawsuit continues, explaining: These spiked proteins adhere to the endothelial cells of humans, the very cells that line the entire cardiovascular system. Martin, who indicated that Utah is the perfect jurisdiction to begin his campaign, pointed out that when a term like vaccination is used, the public believes they are getting something that will keep them from getting sick or transmitting sickness. While there are different types of vaccine, they broadly have the same definition. Dr. Peter A. McCullough: "This [vaccine] program should have been shut down in February based on safety." . When leaders vary from those core values, institutions wobble. On the other hand, the injected get to keep their jobs, advance their careers, and pay their bills. Displaying the CDCs, ests squarely on the basis that the Injection, In great detail, the lawsuit expands on the conviction held by numerous experts that the Injections are treatments, not vaccines. Nothing in this report is "theory", it is all documented fact. Part 1 at Wise Traditions Conference 2021 on November 5, 2021 Documentary series that shows the connections and conflicts of interest between the media, the medical industry, politics and the financial industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. US BIOWARFARE ACT AUTHOR: VACCINES, CORRUPTION, COVERUPS & SECRET BIOWEAPON PROGRAMS (1), Dr Bodo Schiffmann Reports Three Child Deaths in One Week in Germany Due to Masks, GERMAN EXTRA-PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY COMMITTEE INTO COVID19 CONFERENCE 03RD JULY 2020, Rachel Celler RN Vaccines Containing MRC-5 Cell line & Globalist Eugenics, Rise of The Technocratic Fourth Reich Featuring Adolf Hitler Eva Braun David Icke Aaron Russo, The Iconic Podcast Monologue 1 Jeremy Elliot, Contact Tracing Claudia from Cabin Talk, Grand Jury Day 6 Eugenics and Outlook, GRAND JURY DAY 5 ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL DESTRUCTION, GRAND JURY DAY 4 INJECTIONS | PSYCHOLOGICAL-WARFARE, GRAND JURY DAY 2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND, Bluecat Video - New Website - New Content (WIP) Beta Preview. masks And we patented it on April 19th 2002, before there was ever any alleged outbreak in Asia, which as you know followed that by several months. Login,