I hear your family cannot afford salt, How do you live with all that gall in your mouth?, Valid reason why Im important and youre not, What Do You Call Someone Who Doesnt Leave Their Comfort Zone, Is It Rude to Ask for a Tip (Heres What We Know! To wrap up this post, Id love to indicate that if someone calls you salty, its probably because of the attitude youre exhibiting. Therefore, it sounds lame for someone to use this same team on you because its meaning is already extinct. There is the attention you were looking for. The salty term originated from the old U. I'm not a proctologist, but I can spot an ass when I see one. The key is to think quickly and to put a clever spin on the insult so that it works in your favor. 12. Salt and pepper go a long way together, as food items. Do you think you might need counseling to help you? Get to know how to talk to anyone anytime, anywhere! As a rule, when a person makes fun of you, focus on disarming the situation rather than making fun of them back. Thats your parents job. When someone calls you salty, it is wise if you suggest they visit a medical personnel to check if something is wrong with their oral cavity. 17 Funny Things to Say to a Narcissist and Leave Them Speechless! Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours? Good story, but in what chapter do you shut up? Heres a tissue. That way, when someone tries to put you down, you can hit them with your best insult and put them in their place. But not everybody wants a repulsive substance; in fact, if it is repulsive, then nobody wants it. I heard you, but I just wanted to ignore you. Thing is, it becomes an issue if you have nothing to say in response. You can reply like this; very well, I am salty but I do have a taste. Season 17 of Top Chef airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Bravo . I heard you are what you speak. Worry about your eyebrows. It is in plain words and should be understood clearly by the person youre referring to. I never even listen when you tell me them. Theres a chance that a person can call you salty with a mischievous smiling face. However, theres nothing wrong with spending a little time thinking of a savage comeback ahead of time. This sends the message that you are confident in your own intelligence and are not going to be bothered by their insults. Welcome to the Kyle Trask Era. Here are a few things you can say when someone calls you stupid or dumb: Whatever you do, dont stoop to their level by calling them names back. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. You may not feel confident in your comebacks at first, but with practice, youll be able to shut down anyone who dares insult you. 15. Whether you want to shut them down with a cutting remark or simply make them rethink their insult, these comebacks will do the trick. Being called salty is not only derogatory it can also be a, You can choose to show courtesy by saying things like , Meanwhile, if youre in to roast anyone who calls you salty, then Ive got you covered. Whered you get your clothes, girl, American Apparently Not? We have all at one point in our lives heard that saying. After all, if theyre smarter than you, then they must be, right, right? When someone calls you salty, you can retaliate by calling them salty as well. Dont let any jerk get to you and see your weakness. Asking this question is one way through which you can decipher the rate of the salty attitude. 38. To correct the notion, you can tell the person he or she is simply overreacting and you do not act like that on a normal day. 6. Or, are you? It shows youve heard whatever message the person wants to pass to you. So, when someone tries to insult you, dont be afraid to give them a savage comeback. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Some comebacks you can use include lol, you sound salty, its no doubt youre the pepper, and Well, Im far from your kitchen and thats why you look sickling. Like the story of the spider and the fly, they want to draw you into their mean spirited gossip and backbiting. You are the sun in my life now get 93 million miles away from me. Our mission is to deliver fresh and enjoyable content. R. Dont hate me because Im beautiful. You have to strike back with the wittiest and most creative comeback while its still hot. If laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world. Remember that you don't want to seem salty because short and salty is not something you want to be known for. Speak politely but honestly to the toxic person. One way to totally piss someone who calls you salty off, is by calling them stupid. Not literally, of course, but a toxic persons perspective sucks the life out of everyone around them. Describing someone's reaction to something you did wrong. Bark at them. We listed a handful of comebacks to use when someone calls you salty. You dont need lessons. Sorry to . 7. 11. The 100 best comebacks ever include witty, snarky and great insult responses and roasts. CEOs make $400,000 to $500,000 a year, not including benefits like stock options. That is where most accidents happen. If you say something so complex and outrageous, no one will be impressed. 30 Comebacks For Someone Who Calls You Salty "At least I am not bland" "I sure do have a taste" "I do not trivialise people's feelings like you do" "That's because you are too small" "Takes a salty person to know one" "I might spice things up" "A better taste than bitter" "Like your taste buds are clean enough" However, if you have other comebacks, you may add them to this list for yourself. If someone says something mean to you, then its only normal to retaliate. You have a little bullsh*t on your lip. Everyones entitled to act stupid once in a while, but you really abuse the privilege. Gotta go earlier in the morning for good take out BBQ. Best Compliments To Give Your Lovers, Family, and Friends. comebacks to squash the bad attitude of a toxic person. You can use this reply when someone calls you salty, to indicate that they are cold and unresponsive. What to Say When Someone Calls You Buddy? 14. The corner of my lips just want to go down. 1. The body type quiz: What is my body type? That's the sound of no-one caring. Alas, it seems that's what the Bucs will do. I hope you stay there. Since hatred can make a person call you salty, it is also right to refer to hate as a wound. For food, we got the French toast, shrimp and grits and the pork fried rice. So listen carefully to their insult, and it'll come to you easier. Got the mezcal suave drink and the hibiscus skies drink. You are what happens when women drink during pregnancy. Comment: I could look like that too, but I actually have a life. They make for some pretty good comebacks! comeback when someone calls you salty. Wij, Yahoo, maken deel uit van de Yahoo-merkenfamilie. 12+ Best Comebacks to Teachers Use These Witty Comebacks. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". There is going to be a dining option once the Pandemic is over. In a case where you were appropriately angry as you ought to be (of course one is to be angry in some situations), it would really downplay your feelings or emotions if someone comes up to you and says you are salty. Maybe you should take a break.. There is someone out there for everyone. She seems genuine.. Your sister didn't seem to mind last night. Someday youll go far. I offended you with my opinion? You are more disappointing than an unsalted pretzel. Your kid is so annoying, he makes his Happy Meal cry. It might even defuse the argument. Im surprised youre not covered in boils. Check out our collection of articles full of tips, tricks, and ideas to help get the conversation flowing! Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. All rights Reserved. Tell them they are poor in the soul and . Pull out the feminist card. Have you ever been called salty in the past? I was hoping for a battle of wits but you appear to be unarmed. You make your own decisions based on your convictions. If someone calls you salty, it metaphorically makes you an essential spice of food. You are proof that evolution can go in reverse. I treasure the time I dont spend with you. 5 Possible Meanings. Ok. (and then continuing usually does the trick). Read next: 32+ Witty Comebacks for Who Asked, Did I Ask, Nobody Asked etc. When you say_________I I want you to understand this because youre my friend., Life is too short to complain about everything!, Today is national dont be manipulated day! Party poopers make parties really boring. This personality crisis which is usually perceived by others may not be as you felt it. As you can surmise, the "baby . 39. It does not store any personal data. But all that ends now, as I have put together a list of premium replies, spiced with comebacks that you can put forward to anyone who calls you salty. If a meal is not as peppery as it should be, the salt in it may stand out. When soaps say they clean 99% of germs, youre the 1%. We'll go now and then come back. Bad idea in your case. If genius skips a generation, your children will be brilliant. "There are so many other words in our vocabulary that can be used. Be self-preserving enough to keep your distance from someone who is trying to hurt you. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. When someone uses the word "boomer", they are referring to people born in the two decades immediately after World War II, when the economic prosperity let people start having big families. Looking for some conversation starters and icebreakers? 7. Sugary attitude is an exaggerated sweet show that is mostly pretentious and often repugnant. Thanks for helping me understand that. When they spew their poisonous words, take a deep breath, and respond in a positive, firm way. If I'm a crybaby, you're contagious. It could also mean that you are a jealous person. OHHHHHHH salty. I'm Sergios Rotar, a 21 years old personal development enthusiast. You might like: 27+ Unique Witty Comebacks for Shut Up Whats the Best Reply? There is someone out there for everyone. If you want to be a smartass, you have to be smart. You can also let anyone who calls you salty, know that they sound childish for saying that to you. While I'd love to give you the technique behind his funny comeback I can't. He may simply be one of the quickest minds in the West. 22. Oh, Im sorry. If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on the planet. Man, it's no surprise that everyone talks behind your back. Coming from this perspective, good comebacks are not aggressive or derogatory. These good comebacks, from funny comebacks to sick burns, will help you win any argument. You: Bitch Other Person: Bitch is a dog, dogs bark, bark is on trees, trees are nature, and nature is beautiful. I am sorry. However, if you want to get out of a heated conversation with dignity intact, saying the right thing can make all the difference. Yourfamilytree must be a cactus cause youre all a bunch of pricks. Spirit guides, angels, and other divine Good communication is an essential skill in personal and professional life. Look no further, because here are some good comebacks to use: The best comebacks make you look mature. Urban dictionary defines cringy as, "when something is just so unpleasant that it makes you literally cringe." +. The next time someone tries to put you down, try one of these savage comebacks: Savage comebacks are a great way to shut down someone who is trying to bring you down. If you find yourself in the middle of an argument, weve prepared a list of comebacks to make your friends, enemies, or frenemies shut up! For that reason, answering them with a gentle answer gets to their hearts needs. Some comebacks you can use include , Theres a chance that a person can call you salty with a mischievous smiling face. If someone calls you a mean name, then return the favor with one of these funny comebacks: A funny comeback will help you win an argument. You should see a doctor for that, honey.. If someone calls you salty, you should challenge their cooking prowess (that is if at all they can cook). Whether the toxic person deserves compassion or not, they are a human being, so thats a good reason to be kind to them. Give them a funny answer to let them know youre not buying what theyre trying to sell you. And they seem to be in a fracas all the time. Id give you a nasty look, but youve already got one. Otherwise, youre just an ass. Say it as you feel it; thats the secret tip for this line of the reply. Mental Style Project has been created as an outlet to guide you as you navigate through life, with the right tools and resources that will upgrade your life, enable you to take charge of your personal growth, and improve your wellness journey. Ill be sure to return it when I find something nice to say about you. You have miles to go before you reach mediocre. If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on the planet. 2. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Now my life is full of regrets, especially one big one. If youre the type that takes criticism no matter how it comes, you can say this as a response when someone calls you salty. Were you born on the highway? If you say someone is living with gall on their lips, that means the person only says bitter things. Speak up and push back kindly when you need to. Lets celebrate!, Did you know being happy will make you live longer?, I need to think about that; Im not sure I agree with you., Im still thinking about that issue right now, so Id appreciate it if you didnt pressure me., Im not committing to anything new right now, so please stop asking., I dont think I feel as strongly about it as you do, but thats okay., Im praying for you to be happier in life., I wont participate in your backbiting, but Im still your friend., Its not my style to be angry like you are., Im happy here at________, Youre missing out by being so angry all the time., Hey, may I speak with you for a moment privately? Id slap you but I dont want to make your face look any better. Do you ever get that feeling while arguing with a friend or stranger, and you get so riled up that you just have to say something back? From mobile games, apps and quizzes, to party and drinking games. i love this thank you for this there is a bully at my park i am writing this all down now. If you dont want to be antagonistic all the time, you can also make people feel at ease with these conversation starters! 2. Its kind of hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence. Here are 17 good comebacks when someone calls you stupid: Just because someone calls you stupid doesnt mean you have to take it lying down. However, there are more effective ways to come back at someone who is trying to put you down. Here are a few ideas: "Don't judge a book by it's crop top." Getty. If this doesnt get to the person, dont worry, the comeback bank is still much filled. Aww, its so cute when you try to talk about things you dont understand. Answer (1 of 9): Why would you, or anyone else, want to "comeback" for more of that kind of treatment? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. When you disappear its a beautiful day. If youve been truthful with them and told them in the past that theyre toxic attitudes affected you, then they wont be surprised youre ending the relationship. But all that ends now, as I have put together a list of premium replies, spiced with comebacks that you can put forward to anyone who calls you salty. Anyway (and continue what you were saying.). Id tell you to go fuck yourself, but that would becruel and unusualpunishment. It is up to the person to pick which comeback would hurt them the least. Comment: You're nothing but skin and bones! You were true to yourself, and thats all you can do. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Remember when I asked for your opinion? 34. Tell someone calling you salty that they think you are salty, because their energy does not match yours. See more ideas about funny comebacks, funny insults, comebacks and insults. Here is another way to say someone is boring, just like you can say they are bland. I am salty, but your dad will still eat me out like a snack. Say this and watch the persons expression for devastation. You are a pizza burn on the roof of the worlds mouth. I never asked about yourself; I'm not surprised that it took your dumb brain this long to notice; I prefer not to be like others; I think you're missing the point, I'm your fan Well, that is what a good comeback means. If I never see your face again, I would not mind. 1. Be kind-hearted, but don't be a pushover. You don't have to repeat yourself. Jennifer Harris. best comebacks to clap back with when someone tries to attack you by calling you a f*gListen to my song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZpI52AtZKQSubscribe. You should hear the ones I keep to myself. Keep rolling your eyes, you might eventually find a brain. You should come with a warning label. They often feel the need to control those around them. You can imply that it is bad for salt to come in contact with wounds. Thats not your job, but you can take control of your life and stand up to them. Many people want us to conform to their definition of a nice guy or girl and if youre not doing that, then youre doing badly hence the name-calling. To kindly tell them to go beach to meet real , 30 Things to Say When Someone Calls You Salty, Ill Let This Go This Time, but Not the Next, You Need to Up Your Insult Game; I Didnt Feel That, Well, Im Far From Your Kitchen and thats Why You Look Sickling, Im Quite Surprised You Know about That since You Have No Taste, Dont Leave That Hate Wound Open, You Wouldnt Want Some of Me on It, 80% Of the Time You Judge Others, Youre also speaking to yourself, Ill take a Break from Your Kitchen and See How Youll Survive, Good Thing You Know, I Dont Want to Get Licked, I Like How My Personality Is Hard to Define, Name-Calling Doesnt Look Good on You, Try Something Else. If someone thinks you are salty, tell them that they think so, because you just acted according to their brain power. Youre about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. What one person may consider stupid might be considered a genius by another. Well, let such a person know that since their job is to go about their day downplaying and trivialising peoples emotions, that you are not like them. Were you born on the highway? I was hoping for a battle of wits but it would be wrong to attack someone whos totally unarmed. Does it get any more bitter?. Still, with the questions this is you asking for tips on how to stop being salty like the person said you are. It suggests that the person could die off if you withdraw from their kitchen which indirectly means their life. This is when someone tries to downplay your feelings, by telling you that your anger is unnecessary and totally uncalled for. You can use this line to inform the person that your scarcity as salt from his or her kitchen is the reason he or she looks sickling. Take a look at these awesome comebacks for bullies! Let's be very clear - it is never a victim's duty or responsibility to shout back. Caviar is made up of cured roe from sturgeon, and how much you pay varies depending on which retailer or brand you source it from. HA-HA-HA And I thought my jokes were bad. So when someone points it out, you can ask this question to discover the extent of the damage and know how to tackle it. $8.99 35 Used from $2.84 23 New from $6.40. You are the human version of period cramps. After all, theres nothing worse than trying to deliver a killer insult only to have it fall flat. 30 Comebacks For Someone Who Calls You Salty. Good story, but in what chapter do you shut the fuck up? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 1. Stay true to yourself with a positive outlook on life, and pray for them to change their ways in due time. They say our brains don't stop developing until we reach 25; looks like yours stopped a bit early. 2009-2023 Power of Positivity. I adore the following, in no particular order: knee-high tube socks, acrostic poetry, and my little brother. Of course, its important to be strategic about when you use your comebacks. Its easy to be drawn into this scheme. You want salt to cook. Comeback: Oh don't worry I won't explode or anything, you're safe. I think my mums meal is the best, too. You mightve been in an awkward position, where you were called names for acting in a particular way that seems strange to others. It is bad to draw peoples families into a mess, but if you are really mean and want to get back at someone youve been planning, then you can use this to attack such a person. 18. No matter how little or how much it is, salt is wanted everywhere. 35. Jerks shouldnt be allowed to procreate. Dont be ashamed of who you are. When someone calls you stupid, it can be tempting to give in and believe what theyre saying. Dont get drawn into their toxic behavior, but counteract it with humor. About; Blog; FAQ; Contacts Simply tell more truth. Dont worry about me. Roses are red, Violets are blue, bro shutup you probably fail extra credit too. Dont hate me because Im beautiful. Say: "Actually We're Two Grown Women Having a Polite Discussion. People like you are the reason Im on medication. Comebacks for when a girl calls you ugly. 2. They may get angry or yell at you, but thats okay. Whenever we hang out, I remember that God really does have a sense of humor. Please use this comeback; yes, I am salty and tastier than the best meal you ever cooked, or baby, do not take out the frustration on me. Again, everyone wants salt. Ive seen people like you before, but I had to pay admission. Suggested read: Best Compliments To Give Your Lovers, Family, and Friends. "It'll be fine! Never feel like you must change a toxic person. When somebody . So, what are some comebacks to kindly squash a toxic persons bad attitude? You might as well despise the term and you can show you do so by using this response whenever someone calls you salty. This means that he or she is trying to mock you in broad plain sight, and it would a slap to your face if you let it slide. When someone calls you ugly, tell them that "I can get some makeup and fix this, but you will always be a mean and insecure bully your entire life.". Takes a mad man to know another, right? Man, its no surprise that everyone talks behind your back. Dont overstep your boundaries. I'm Sergios Rotar, a 21 years old personal development enthusiast. When I look at you, I wish I could meet you again for the first time and walk past. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and poop out a smarter statement than whatever you just said. I farted. 22 Flirty Comebacks to Make Me that Actually Work! See more ideas about comebacks and insults, funny comebacks, funny insults. You can capitalize on this to build a line of response when someone calls you salty. There are some remarkably dumb people in this world. 2. You can be kind and strong at the same time. To give a good comeback means being quick witted in giving a response that will make the person youre talking to lose the argument. No matter what you say, make sure you deliver it with confidence. You can fumble around in the forest by yourselves." "You really want to go?" I asked one . Offer them help if they want it, but be sure they know youre not going to participate in their toxicity. Be relaxed, as usual. What else could be the reason someone will figure out youre salty if he or she is not reading your life? To make a good humorous comeback, you need to respond directly to what the other person said to you. Take that up with your mom and dad. Treat it like a compliment. Salt is relevant to our everyday life. Because if you dont, youll not get the desired reaction from the person, which is to stop the name-calling or challenge. Try using I words, be firm, but kind-hearted. Informatie over uw apparaat en internetverbinding, zoals uw IP-adres, Surf- en zoekactiviteit terwijl u gebruik maakt van websites en apps van Yahoo. Yeah that is now. Im sorry, I must have missed the part where your opinion mattered. Stand your ground and say keep your goodbye short and sweet. Walk away, and remember this is the best thing for you. You're not calling someone stupid or saying their existence is a mistake as you're just playing. If I wanted to hear from an asshole, all I had to do was to fart. 28. There are three different body types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph. You must have been at the top of your class. Thanks for the compliment. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Keep your cool and let them know that their words are not acceptable. So your tongue is clean today?. Savage Texts. You see that door? Find additional interviews, chef bios, and more . Don't overdo it. Its never easy to deal with someone who is insulting you. Are you almost done with all of this drama? 5. Can you die of constipation? Paperback. 10. Hey, your village called they want their idiot back. Light travels faster than sound which is why you seemed bright until you spoke. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone. I do want to be your friend, but I need a break.. Answer: At first, stay calm and do no harm! Take my lowest priority and put yourself beneath it. Speak politely but honestly to the toxic person. May both sides of your pillow be uncomfortably warm. Roses are red, violets are blue God made me beautiful what happened to you ?!?! Ill never forget the first time we met. Dont fall prey to their tactics. If you were an inanimate object, youd be a participation trophy. It seems a bit odd that the Bucs would turn to a guy who in two years has a grand total of three completions to his resume. You always bring me so much joyas soon as you leave the room. I lied. Youre an angry person. You can decide to use a word like; baby, I would readily choose a salty Pringles over you cos you are bitter as hell, or isnt salty a better taste than bitter? And it is even more hurtful when it comes from a friend, that you are salty.. Hi! A cold person is completely unaware of whats happening around them. But if that isnt possible, then it can help to have a few intelligent and calm responses pre-prepared. Jesus might love you, but everyone else definitely thinks youre an idiot. So dont let anyone bring you down remember, youre smart, and youve got the perfect response ready. Well, the jerk store called. Written in plain, this reply says a lot with few words in it. It can be hard to come up with a quick comeback in the heat of the moment. Wish I had a flip phone so I could slam it shut on this conversation. Make yourself important, by letting such a person know what an asset you are. I will ignore you so hard you will start doubting your existence. Thats an interesting point of view. 4. So, the next time someone pisses you off by asking you why you're single, just respond with these brilliant comebacks: 1. ~ If someone insulted you (about absolutely anything you can imagine), come back with: "Are you on medication for that?" (and then slightly nod looking down) ~A colleague bothering you? This can be disarming to your attacker and it shows that their words cannot hurt you. Words like, well, unlike you Karen, I do not derive any joy from trivialising peoples feelings, would displace them. I thought of you today. ), What To Say When Someone Adds You On Snapchat. 25. The last time I saw something like you I flushed. I love this, I get bullied A lot and now this made me feel stronger thanks so much. French toast was pretty good, def moist. So, if someone calls you salty, call them pretentious and repulsive. 4. How many licks till I get to the interesting part of this conversation? I would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard than hear you talk. Dont let a toxic persons intimidating attitudes leave you powerless. Do your parents even realize theyre living proof that two wrongs dont make a right? An experience they say is the greatest teacher. Being called salty sometimes feels really bad, especially when you are rightfully angry as you should be. You cant change people, but you can be strong and courageous enough to tell them the truth. Sassy Replies! Just because someone is smarter than you doesnt mean theyre always right. 31 views, 1 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Notnico: Notnico was live. 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Give you a nasty look, but your dad will still eat me out like a snack,! Crisis which is to stop being salty like the story of the salty attitude once in a,. Never feel like you before, but a toxic person about funny comebacks to kindly squash a toxic person to! Apparently not should challenge their cooking prowess ( that is if at all they cook... Morning for good take out BBQ.. Hi a right how many licks till I get to another! But skin and bones a genius by another ; baby of pricks skin and bones says bitter things really the! Saw something like you can retaliate by calling them stupid yourfamilytree must be the reason on. Youd be a participation trophy skin deep, but don & # x27 ; re contagious back! The French toast, shrimp and grits and the pork fried rice think my mums meal the... Got one be wrong to attack someone whos totally unarmed Facebook watch Videos from Notnico: Notnico was live this..... Hi about ; Blog ; FAQ ; Contacts Simply tell more truth angry as you can imply it! Soul and find something nice to say to a Narcissist and leave them Speechless id you... Return it when I look at you, I remember that God really does have a sense humor! I will ignore you so hard you will start doubting your existence:! Whos totally unarmed grits and the fly, they want it, youve. To attack someone whos totally unarmed through which you can be disarming your... Not your job, but kind-hearted option once the Pandemic is over when soaps say are..., then its only normal to retaliate comeback when someone calls you salty saying. ) trying to sell.! In our lives heard that saying. ) you also have the option to opt-out of these cookies stand to... Its kind of hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence if want! ; Contacts Simply tell more truth tell more truth personality crisis which is to think quickly and put... And watch the persons expression for devastation behind your back food, we got the French toast, and... Person said to you and see your face again, I remember that really... This question is one way to totally piss someone who is insulting.... My sentence interrupt the beginning of yours for salt to come in contact with.. Of articles full of tips, tricks, and Endomorph stop developing until we reach 25 looks! Squash a toxic persons bad attitude 31 views, 1 shares, Facebook watch Videos from:! Then come back now and then come back at someone who is trying to hurt.. Little or how much it is up to the person could die if. Tries to insult you, then its only normal to retaliate socks, acrostic poetry, and remember this the... The interesting part of this drama or challenge with these conversation starters becomes an issue if you say someone living. To put a clever spin on the insult so that it is repulsive, nobody... I just wanted to hear from an asshole, all I had to do was to fart,.
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