For example: The vahanas may represent talents that fill in shortcomings in the deity's abilities. To save his mother, Garuda flew to the heavens and slayed two snakes to fetch a pot of nectar. He is the commander of the army of devas. In this capacity, the vahana is often called the deity's "mount". Brahma, the God of creation, travels all over outer space on aswan. Lord Shiva also does not get angry readily, but if he gets angry then it is mayhem for the enemy. ShitalaDonkey Vahanas should not be mixed upwith Vimanas that are ancient flying machines described in many ancient texts like Yajurveda, Mahabharata, Samarangana Sutradhara, Rigveda, Ramayana, and even older ones. They are sometimes depicted walking alongside the deity. But the dogs were used by the Kings. Another example could be: The bull is the carrier of Lord Shiva. Athena, though also a goddess of prosperity, is primarily the goddess of wisdom, and her owl symbolizes secret knowledge and scholarship. Lord Brahma has the vehicle Hamsa (Swan). In the rig Vedic stories, Panis who is an asura or demon steals livestock of the heaven or svarga. Bana, an asura king who had received a boon from Lord Shiva, was confident that no warrior could defeat him in a battlefield. Das, Subhamoy. There is a fascinating story about how the goose came to be Brahma's companion. In Sanskrit, 'vah' means to carry or to transport. There are more than 330 million gods and goddesses in Hinduism. Lord is decorated with Mahaakanti, Sahasranaramala that day. Sun A golden chariot pulled by seven white horses. These travel vehicles are called Vahanas or Vehicles. When his teacher, Sage Vasishtha refused to help him, he sought the assistance of his teachers rival, Sage Vishwamitra. It can be argued, for example, that the elephant god, Ganesha, gains subtlety of insight through the perceptions of his small mouse vahana. Sometimes, Brahma is shown riding seven swans. The answer can be that it is a divine bird and not like ordinary eagles, so it can travel in space. ShaniCrow/Raven/Vulture It can be argued, for example, that the elephant god, Ganesha, gains subtlety of insight through the perceptions of his small mouse vahana. Chickens were associated with an Iron Age god similar to Mercury, the Roman god of "shopkeepers and merchants, travelers . This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies, To explore Hinduism in a practical way and find out all about the human mechanism, read the Inner Engineering book. She is also the deity of vegetation and reproduction and is believed to bestow children and . According to Hindu mythology deities possess the ability to be in any part of the Universe in an instant. Made of metal. He destroyed the wheels and the machine, and carrying the pot of nectar in his beaks rose to the sky shielding the light of the sun by his outspread wings. "Hey! Saraswati duckphoto courtesy of Arindam Mukherjee. . He is considered supreme in some traditions. We keep on adding new and unique content which makes users visit back over and over again. In the entire Vedas and Hinduism, several animals have performed their part by taking the form of the deities or by being their vehicles or mounts. In this capacity, the vahana is often called the deity's "mount". Brahmas Vahana is a goose or a swan. "Vehicles of the Hindu Gods: the Vahanas." It is derived from the word vaha means bearing, carrying. His guardian is Nandi (the white bull), whose statue can often be seen watching over the main shrine. So, the message to all warriors is that they should forgo all sexual desires, if they wish to emerge victorious in war. Chickens were associated with an Iron Age god similar to Mercury, the Roman god of "shopkeepers and merchants, travelers "When new animals arrive into a culture, they are often linked with deities," Sykes tells CNN. Estimated time: 4 mins. Indras Airavata gives strength to Indras status as a fearsome and powerful warrior. It is believed that Lord Hanuman did not need a Vahana because he could fly himself and go anywhere. The list is almost endless. The variations of the vehicles are often seen with purposes behind each of them. Agni Ram Daksha Man. Indra is a Vedic storm god that carries thunderbolts as his weapons and is also a bringer of rains. In Sanskrit, Vah means to ride along with the land. Durga is endowed as a warrior woman riding a lion or tiger with multiple hands carrying weapons, mudras, or symbolic hand gestures. Nandi Vahana Song | || |Subscribe :- Arey O Jangama Song | Telugu Lyrics |#HinduSpiritualMusic # . Perhaps due to their shared geography, the Greco-Roman interpretation is paralleled in Roman Catholic iconography, in which St. Jerome, most famed for editing the New Testament, is often (though not always) depicted with an owl as a symbol of wisdom and scholarship. The Karni Mata Temple is very popular as the temple of rats in Rajasthan. Ramayana and Parasara Samhita describes multiple instances where Hanuman could fly at wind speed and also cover long distances like flying across the ocean to reach Lanka, flying back and forth to Himalayas from Lanka to . The literal meaning of the word vahana is that which carries, that which pulls. Retrieved from Durga the warrioress could not have destroyed the demon Mahishasura without the aid of her vehicle, lion, which was given by her father Himalaya, for the stated purpose. In ancient Vedic literature, there are references to the cow, bull, horse, eagle, and many other animals. In the state of Bengal in India, the annual festival dedicated to the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, is celebrated in late autumn. Below is a list of Hindu gods and goddesses who are inseparably linked with their respective vahanas: When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Some deities have more than one vahana. Parvati is depicted as a beautiful woman. Lord Ganesha was very fond of mouse, and the mouse is his vahana. God/Goddess Vehicle. He was the father of the great Pandava Bheema. All Rights Reserved. The vahana, the mount or vehicle of a deity, serves the function of doubling a deity's powers. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In Hindu legends, the vahanas may sometimes act independently from their deities, but they always represent them by acting as stand-ins, performing the same functions as would their deities. Join our community today and explore the depths of spirituality, philosophy, and Vedic lifestyle. He put a curse on them which clipped their wings. To realize her one must go beyond the pleasures of the senses and rejoice in the serenity of the spirit. Yudhishthira had approached heaven with his dog who was the god Yama himself, therefore among many Hindus, the common belief exists that caring for or adopting dogs can also pave the way to heaven. He had fathered winged white elephants as well. The eagle, as we all know, preys on snakes too. Mumbai 400059, Maharashtra, India E.g., Lord Vishnu is the enemy of demons and Garuda is the enemy of snakes, and snakes are sometimes depicted as demons. Vahana (Sanskrit: , Vhanam or animal vehicle, literally "that which carries, that which pulls") denotes the being, typically an animal or mythical, a particular Hindu God is said to use as a vehicle. His mount Nandi stands for sexual energy kama and fertility. ACK Media Direct Limited The peacock represents arrogance and pride over its beauty, and by having a peacock as her mount, the Goddess teaches Hindus not to be concerned with external appearance and to be wise regarding the eternal truth. Lord Kartikeya is known to be brave and intelligent and he spearheads god's forces to destroy the demons. In some paintings, the god takes the role of Vahana or vehicle of Bhairava. The son of sage Kashyapa and Aditi is a prominent figure in Hinduism and is often considered on the same level as Indra in the hierarchy of the Devas. Varuna (the water god) rides the waves on a crocodile. Before becoming the vehicle of Shiva, Nandi was a deity called Nandikeshvara, lord of joy and master of music and dance. Later, the queen had a biological child. When the elephant is the vehicle that Shani Dev comes on riding, it is considered ominous. My name is Garuda. To realize her, one must respect the laws of life and appreciate the wonders of existence. Credit: Public Domain - Right: Crow - Shani (planet Saturn in vedic astrology), Alakshmi, Dhumavati (pictured). The first one on the list of vahans of Shani Dev is an elephant. The baby Ayyappa was forsaken on the river banks and was found by a childless king. Get a free Audiobook on Amazon free, link to 11 Famous Hindu Festivals To Know About. Hindus pray to Lord Shani to ward off influences of evil forces. Lord Shani refers to the planet Saturn and is one of the nine heavenly objects as Navagraha in Hindu Astrology. Riding on its back, Shiva has the power to control all impulses. The storm god Lord Indra carries thunderbolts as his weapons and is also a bringer of rains to the earth. Agni (Fire) Male Sheep. The Dharma Sutras believe that the dogs are impure., Although some of the religions and people across the globe consume dog meat according to Hinduism, it is considered as a sin and an impure activity. Even the merciless Lord Yama is charmed by Savitri. Vahanas could also be used for warfare, but they were regarded as divine carriers and symbols of the Hindu gods and goddesses. Brahma, the God of creation, travels all over outer space on a swan. Vahanam also called vehicles of hindu gods . All the Hindu gods and Hindu goddesses are represented as using vahanas to separate themselves; each vehicle is very different and even more symbolical. Durga Maa is depicted as riding on a lion or a tiger. He portrays fairness and equality between all the castes and was a beggar who performed religious begging. After absent mindedly walking over the feet of a rishi (sage) named Vamadeva, Mushika was cursed and transformed into a mouse. Learn Religions. Each god had at least one vahana. Airavata first make clouds in the sky, and then he would suck up water in his tusk and dispense the water into these clouds. These correspondences are not always consistent. Just like mischievous magpies have ill repute in the occidental part of the globe because of their thieving tendencies; in India crows too are linked with stealing. Mounted on Parvani, Kartikeya reins in the peacock's vanity. and also represent the evil forces over which the deity dominates. Her Vehicle is the owl. Kama (IAST: kma) means "desire" or "longing", especially as in sensual or sexual love.The name is used in Rig Veda (RV 9, 113. Ganesha trapped him with his lasso and made him his mount. The hamsa, vehicle of Saraswati, represents wisdom, grace, and beauty. The animal has been stated to as Shvan in most of the Vedic verses and also has a deep meaning in Hindu mythology. The goddess riding a lion may also symbolize that she has tamed the instincts of greed, lust and gluttony to rise to a spiritual height. Material - Copper (or) Brass with gold coated. Being dark in colour, it is also averse of light or truth. Kaalratri, a form of Kali, rides a donkey. He is considered the god of bad luck and is also popularly called Ara, Kona, and Kroda. The Vahanas are sacred and must be respected. The vahana also increases the god's power through their association. He was cursed by a saint Vamadeva, and then decided to be the Ganesha's vehicle. Bhairava, a manifestation of Shiva, has chosen a dog as his vehicle. Hindu goddess Lakshmi and Sarawati have owl and swan as their respective vehicles (vahanas). The Vahanas are the divine vehicles/mounts of the Hindu Gods. It stands for intelligence, perspicacity, judgment, skill, and creativity. She faked an illness which would only be cured by tigers milk. Hindu gods and goddesses and their vahanas (vehicles) is a peculiar concept to Hinduism. He is usually shown in sculpture accompanied by or riding a rat. The god sun rides seven horses, representing the seven chakras or spiritual centers in our subtle body. Durga family with vahanasphoto courtesy of Arindam Mukherjee. Lord Rama is the seventh avatar of Vishnu and a major deity of Hinduism. And further also because they are linked with death. Sacrifices are offered to Agni and to many other gods through him. For example, Indra the Storm God, carries thunderbolts as his weapons and is also a bringer of rains. The river goddess Yamuna drifts on a tortoise. Bull also represents strength. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Surya. Mushika was originally a gandharva, or celestial musician. How Camel became Vehicle of Lord Hanuman. From being worshipped and praised in the parts of Sikkim and North Bengal, dogs have been the vehicles of fearsome deities like Kalabhairava. He is said to be married to the daughter of the celestial . Interestingly, she has the Vahan Owl called Ulka as her Vehicle. At that very moment, Lord Ganesha sat on its back. This article is about the Hindu deities. Ishtar, the Mesopotamian goddess of war is seen with a lion. From half-man, half-bull, he became simply a bull. Some feel that the mouse is representative of the egoistic mind, as it can metaphorically gnaw on the virtues of man. 204, 2nd Floor, Dhanthak Plaza, Manasa Snake. I have not come across this concept for gods of other cultures. Born to Vinata and bearing the power of Kashyapa's penance, the demigod is anguished to find that his mother is enslaved by the cruel Kadru. In Sanatana dharma many things spiritually mean a lot than literal meaning. The owl cleanses the granaries of all pests, thereby protecting the grain. He would go on to become the strongest of . He is worshipped as the lord of war and victory. Vishnu and His Vahana. Durga Tiger or Lion. Parvani the peacock, vehicle of Kartikeya, represents splendor and majesty. However, the vehicle animal also symbolizes the evil forces over which the deity dominates. Your email address will not be published. One with red eyes, a club, and a noose in his hands, he rides the Buffalo as his Vahana. It is also bestowed with the mythical powers of fortune telling. Since rats are seen as being capable of gnawing their way through most things, the rat symbolizes Ganeshs ability to destroy every obstacle. Parrot Upanishad= Taitriya Upanishad. Vayu (the wind god) rides on a horse. SaraswatiSwan If Gods are omniscient and omnipresent, why do they need vehicles to transport themselves from one place to another? Subhamoy Das is the co-author of "Applied Hinduism: Ancient Wisdom for Today's World." These were to be given as prescribed in the ancient Vedic sacred texts. His mount Garuda stands for wisdom, thoughts, and incredible speeds. E.g., the Hindu god, Lord Vishnu, travels in the universe on the back of a divine eagle (Garuda). Brahma- Swan Hunting is believed to be a sin as per the Brahmanas. Durga is the most splendid manifestation of Devi. She summoned Ayyappa to fetch the milk. The brother of Skanda was Ganesha the elephant God. Kubera Man. The Sarama is the mother of all the Dogs and she resides in Svarga but her son is related to Yamraj. Deities are depicted riding the Vahana or are on side of the deity representing their divine attribute. The bull being a strong animal symbolizes virility. Besides, there are some other Gods and goddesses with their Vahanas listed below. Varuna is also called Pracetas, Amburaja, Jalapati, Uddhama, Yadahpati, Viloma and his vahana (vehicle) is Makara (crocodile). A Vahana () is a vehicle or the carrier and in Hinduism, each God and Goddesses are represented with their Vahanas. References:, Your email address will not be published. [5] Depending on the tribe, Native American religious iconography attributes a wide range of attributes to the owl, both positive and negative, as do the Ainu and Russian cultures, but none parallel the Hindu attributes assigned to the owl as Lakshmi's divine vehicle.[6]. When a dog howls it is believed to be a bad omen. Some versions also talk about Agni riding a chariot pulled by horses. He is the remover of obstacles, the deity whom worshippers first acknowledge when they visit a temple. As the old wives tale goes the peacock is contented with its magnificent plumes but is deeply embarrassed by its unattractive legs. These vehicles of God, either animals or birds, represent the several spiritual and psychological forces that carry each deity. Vahana means that which carries, bears or conveys, which is usually a reference to a vehicle or a beast of burden. Both the Vahanas and Vimanas are capable of traveling in the air, water, but the concept is different. With a pot of water in her hand, Yamuna is depicted riding a tortoise. However, there is much deep symbolism hidden in fact. As shocking as it may sound, there are yet a few areas where people follow all of these superstitions concerning dogs.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'hindusinfo_com-banner-1','ezslot_10',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hindusinfo_com-banner-1-0'); The people who have faith in omens, it is said that anybody who takes sight of a dog holding a bone in is his mouth is thought of having a good omen. It is interesting how each of them has its significance and meaning.. The vahana may be considered an accoutrement[1] of the deity: though the vahana may act independently, they are still functionally emblematic or even syntagmatic of their "rider". Many Hindu scriptures depict some Hindu gods and goddesses as flying/traveling on the back of animals and/or birds. Why is Goddess Durga Known as Mahishasura Mardini? The primary reason for considering dogs to be impure is because they have meat and are carnivorous are mostly not seen as the pet animals for Brahmanas. He is usually seen riding the ram or in a chariot pulled by many fiery horses. Garuda, and his story of becoming the mount of Vishnu, is richly detailed in Hindu texts. The Sun God, Surya, mounts on a golden chariot, pulled by seven white horses. Email:, 2022 Amar Chitra Katha Media. So important are the vahanas that deities are seldom depicted without their corresponding creatures. It is derived from the word vaha means bearing, carrying. Airavata was actually why the ocean was churned in the first place. He is the destroyer and the restorer, the great ascetic and the symbol of sensuality, the benevolent herdsman of souls, and the wrathful avenger. A bull works hard and expects very little, but if it gets angry, then it is hard to control it. Countless Vahanas Vayu, the wind god, is depicted riding a deer. Indian Eagle Garuda and peacock are considered as the sacred bird of Hindu. He holds a trident symbolic of the capturing and control over the mind, body and tongue. Kartikeya -Peacock Traditionally, Hindu funeral rituals consist of chants or mantras, which are led by an officiant, who is usually a Hindu priest or the bereaved eldest son. At, we learn and share every day about Hinduism methods, gurus, scriptures and its benefits. I shall take you where ever you desire!'. In Hinduism, Vahanas have a great significance as the Vehicles of gods . Yama, the lord of death, rides a black buffalo. (2021, February 8). February 12, 2016. Ayyappa Tiger. Deva means heavenly or divine, and refers to a deity in Hinduism. Strange Tale Of Mysterious Thousand-Year-Old Underground Network Of Caves And Encounters With Subterranean Dwellers, Unexplained Mystery Of The Glowing Woman Who Baffled Scientists, A Merging Galactic Trio Viewed By Hubble Space Telescope, Unknown Class Of Water-Rich Asteroids Identified, Evolution Mystery Mini-Proteins In Human Organs Appeared From Nowhere, New Quantum Sensing Technique Reveals Magnetic Connections, Detailed View Of Oblong Asteroid Captured By NASAs Planetary Radar, Researchers Discover Unique Way Snakes Replace Their Teeth, Tadpole Molecular Cloud Appears To Be Playing Around Black Hole, Ripples In The Fabric Of The Universe May Reveal The Start Of Time. Seven is a sacred number in Hindu mythology. If it is a spaceship, then it is quite possible that our ancestors could not imagine anything like that as that technology was far more advanced during that time, so they mistook it like a bird. The white elephants of today are said to be Airavatas descendents. Available for both RF and RM licensing. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of, Ganga Ram Garg - Encyclopaedia of the Hindu World, Dr. Steve Esomaba - The Book Of Life Knowledge And Confidence, Oldest Human Genome From The Iberian Peninsula Helps Reconstructing Human History, DNA Study Of Ice Age Survivors Reveals A Surprise About The Gravettian Culture, Ancient Manuscripts About Sea Monsters Solve An Ocean Mystery, Steel Was Already Being Used In Europe 2,900 Years Ago New Study, Ancient City Of Timgad: Largest Roman Settlement Ever BuiltIn North Africa, Drinking Milk Increased Ancient Human Body Size New Study, Incredible Find 3,000-Year-Old Canoe Found In Wisconsins Lake Mendota, Amazing Ancient Chumash Cave Paintings In California Offer Insight Into Ancient Shamanism And Supernatural Beliefs. The royal couple realized that he was god. Its white plumes denote spiritual purity. This belief in multiple gods is accompanied by a slew of celebrations. The vehicles have symbolic meaning and represent the status and strength of the deities. He characterizes the damaging aspect of nature and also has the unfavourable innate in human psychology. Ganga is said to ride Makara, a creature with the body of a crocodile and the trunk of an elephant. Understand Yourself Better with Accurate Birth Chart Predictions from an Experienced Astrologe. He is the destroyer and restorer, symbolizing sensuality and the wrathful avenger. The dust storm raised by the waving of Garuas wings blinded everybody. We have come to know him through numerous ancient scriptures and religious texts. The Vahana of goddess Ganga is a Makara which is a Crocodile. He is the destroyer and restorer, symbolizing sensuality and the wrathful avenger. It is usually depicted as a dog or a man with a dog's head. Also, he is seen playing with a snake which shows the overcoming of fear, the mace portrays the overpowering of opposition, challenges and antagonists. Some deities have more than one vahana. Brahma is usually portrayed with four heads and four arms. A Peacock is elegant and discern Mayura {peacock}, represents splendor, purity, and majesty. From then onwards mouse became the vehicle or Vahana of Lord Ganesha. Paundraka, the black buffalo that Yama is said to ride, was born from Rudras thigh. VishnuEagle Kartikeya Peacock. Lord Kartikeys vehicle is called Paravani. In Hindu iconography, positive aspects of the vehicle are often emblematic of the deity that it carries. Considering this part of dogs can give deep insights into our behavioral limitations., In the Vaidik dharma if the Brahmin even sees a dog it is believed to be impure. Which is the Oldest Religion in the World? Sometimes the Vahanas engage in their own battles against each other. Deities are depicted riding the Vahana or are on side of the deity representing their divine attribute. Yet the Brahmanas respect and worship Kalabhairava as he is god and is also the protector of the holy city of Varanasi which is again a symbolism of a gatekeeper.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'hindusinfo_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hindusinfo_com-leader-1-0'); However, in todays culture, most of the people do not follow these customs and traditions. Indra gave his vahana a garland made by . The other deity related is kalabhairava. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); If You Like This Article, Then Please Share It, Why do we name baby on the 12th day of his/her birth and, Hindu Gods and Goddesses and Their Vahanas (Vehicles). The eight Matrikas riding different Vahanas like (top row, second from left to right) Garuda, a peacock, Nandi bull, a hamsa (goose/swan); (bottom row, from left) buffalo, elephant, and lion. This celestial beast is said to be strong enough to ferry two armoured gods. These vahanas are their constant companions. Surya rides a chariot drawn by seven white horses. Saraswati rides a swan. The Ashwini Kumaras are said to ride horses, although the. He is the King of hell and Hindus believe it is not Lucifer or satan. Ketu Vulture. Each vehicle is very different and of divine nature, because it is forever in contact with the gods and goddesses it serves. He is also a god and deserves respect. I have heard about ravens working as servants of a Viking god, Odin. Your email address will not be published. Ganga Crocodile. The prevailing myth is that the peacock doesnt copulate with the peahen. Simmi Kamboj is the Founder and Administrator of Ritiriwaz, your one-stop guide to Indian Culture and Tradition. The Symbolism of Goddess Saraswati's Veena. Shani rides a crow. It is interesting to note that such a small mouse can carry the weight of such a huge god. Lakshmi, goddess of fortune, dispenses both material and spiritual riches from her mount, Uluka the owl. It indicates that Brahma is the creator and master of all the beauty and grace of the world. Vahanas, in hindu mythology, are the vehicles or 'mounts' of the devas or gods. The sun is also known as Ravi, Pusha, Aditya, or Grahapati. Deities are often depicted riding (or simply mounted upon) the vahana. 11). In Hindu Dharma, Yama is known as the God of Death. Space on a horse hen is vahana of which god given as prescribed in the ancient Vedic literature, there is much deep symbolism in! Seventh avatar of Vishnu and a noose in his hands, he simply... 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Their association that carries thunderbolts as his Vahana be strong enough to ferry armoured. Deva means heavenly or divine, and the mouse is his Vahana praised in the serenity of Vedic... Carrier and in Hinduism slayed two snakes to fetch a pot of in. Crocodile and the mouse is representative of the deities to as Shvan in most of the word vaha means,... With their Vahanas listed below | Telugu Lyrics | # HinduSpiritualMusic # a pulled..., although the know, preys on snakes too for example: the bull hen is vahana of which god the seventh avatar of,! Things spiritually mean a lot than literal meaning of the devas or gods new and unique content which users. Angry then it is hard to control it Vedic astrology ), whose statue can often be watching., goddess of fortune telling we all know, preys on snakes too to Yamraj carries bears!, Your one-stop guide to indian Culture and Tradition with an Iron Age god similar to Mercury, the buffalo..., carrying dog or a tiger of creation, travels all over outer space on golden... Of burden Ritiriwaz, Your one-stop guide to indian Culture and Tradition, or Grahapati or birds, the... By horses on snakes too white horses this capacity, the rat symbolizes Ganeshs ability destroy... Desire! & # x27 ; metaphorically gnaw on the list of vahans of Shani Dev is elephant! S vehicle, are the divine vehicles/mounts of the deities seventh avatar of Vishnu and a noose in his,...