Culling is the process of selective elimination of animals based on traits or factors such as health, appearance, and sex. Lets start with the fact that were protecting different animal species; why shouldnt we protect sharks? Although hard to deal with initially, they were eventually brought under control when over 60,000 emus were culled in 6 months. Also, as the culling of elephants continues in South Africa, many East African nations are struggling to increase their herds, many of which were killed in the 1980s. "[31], Shark nets and drum lines are utilised to kill sharks in a "shark control" program in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa[1][12][42] which has been occurring in KwaZulu-Natal since the 1950s. Five nets were deployed off Seven Mile Beach off Lennox Head; Sharpes, Shelly and Lighthouse beaches off Ballina; and Main Beach at Evans Head. [11] More than 5,000 marine turtles have been caught on the nets. Given the legal status sharks enjoy, the benefits to humans would have to be especially high to justify culling as an ethical option. "[41] Most Whitsunday locals resisted the cull. This means they have to be culled. PROS: Allows shark movement and behaviour to be monitored and studied, swimmers and surfers can be warned if a shark is detected close to shore. The program did not change the rate of shark attacks in the waters of Hawaii. Alternative ways of dealing with this problem should be established. But scientists argue that while such hunts may quench the public's desire for vengeance after a [shark] attack, they do little to reduce the likelihood of another one. [1], In Recife, Brazil, the number of shark attacks was reduced by 97% when long lines and drum lines were deployedin the Recife program, some of the sharks were caught on drum lines and then moved away from the shoreline. Often inhumanely culled for their notorious, Sharks keep our oceans and reefs healthy, Other research suggests killing sharks actually, published by a team of researchers from Deakin University, University of Technology, Sydney, Griffith University, and Utah State University in "Nature Climate Change,"warns that the declining population of top ocean predators, i.e. has been looking into available options to minimize the risk of shark attacks. This led to the termination of the three-year program afteronly three months. Eventually, the state government decided to cull them, which solved the problem. Shark sightings and reports from the public as well as from government and emergency services are recorded, with alerts sent out to user's smart phones and via social media. But there has to be a plan in place to help achieve desired outcomes and mitigate the risks. The ethics of this practice is a major concern when it comes to the pros and cons of culling animals. There are certainly a disproportionate number of them out there. In December 2013, the Western Australian Government announced the deployment of drum lines along popular beaches, but no permanent drum lines have been used in WA since April 30, 2014. As a result, they were classified as pests, and the government initiated efforts to cull them. Use effective personal shark deterrents; release electro-magnetic radiations that exceed the sensory range of shark's receptors. (a site that tracks attacks and fatalities by sharks across Australia), there is an average of 10 fatalities per year due to shark attacks globally, compared to the approximately 100 million sharks killed by humans annually for food, sport, and safety. The program is based largely on claims by the WA government that the cull will a) increase ocean safety, b) not. [2][3][4][5][6][40][68] They say sharks are important to the marine ecosystem and that killing them harms the marine ecosystem. Anthrax, for example, is spread by domestic and wild animals. Human Evolution In Nature The Australian Environment Ministry also considered a massive shark cull program in Western Australia in 2014 after seven fatal deaths were reported by shark attacks over the past three years. Shark culling is a term used to describe the blatant killing of sharks and is also used by some to describe the use of traditional drumlines. The emergence of HPAI was also attributed to Asian poultry flocks. The unsuccessful trial in Lennox Head resulted in debris from the half-built barriers polluting the area and the estimated cost of the unsuccessful trial was $2.6 million. ", "The Untold Story of Shark Nets in Australia", "Sydney Shark Nets Set to Stay Despite Drumline Success", "Whitsunday Locals Resist Shark Culls After Two Attacks", "Here's What You Need To Know About Australia's SMART Drum Lines Being Used To Prevent Shark Attacks", "Shark Nets Death Traps For Marine Animals", "About the Campaign:Sea Shepherd Working Together With The Community To Establish Sustainable Solutions To Shark Bite Incidents", "Threat to Cut Shark Nets if Government Fails to Act", "Shark nets will return to NSW's north coast beaches", "Shark Nets To Be Removed From All NSW North Coast Beaches", "Dolphins, Rays Among Hundreds Of Non-targeted Animals Killed On Queensland Shark Nets And Drum Lines, Figures Show", "Video: Endangered Hammerhead Sharks Dead on Drum Line in Great Barrier Reef", "621 Sharks Killed Off Queensland Coast Through Control Program", "Australian Government Plans Would Block Shark Cull Photography", "Queensland Government Kills Sharks, Faces Court Challenge", "Overfishing has destroyed Australia's shark population", "Lifesavers warn swimmers off Amity Point", "Australian Authorities Kill 6 Sharks After Whitsunday Islands Attacks", "Culling Of Tiger Sharks After Whitsundays Attacks Sparks Heated Debate", "Fourth Shark Culled Leads to Backlash After Whitsundays Attacks", "Drum Lines Part Of Life In South Africa For 50 Years", "Fact Check: Are smart drum lines just a PR exercise? And what effect do they have on the marine environment? Sharks: they're some of the most majestic and wondrous animals in the ocean. "With some species of shark seeing a 90 percent reduction, culling sharks could effectively result in dead zones in the oceans providing. According to the report, 16,177 metric tons of shark fin, valued at around USD294 million per year, were imported globally each year between 2000-2016, with 90% of these shark fin products being imported by four countries: Hong Kong SAR (9,069 mt/year), Malaysia (2,556 . Culling is also done in dairy and beef farming to improve the herd performance and quality of produce. About half of the shark species caught in Queensland's nets and drumlines pose very little risk to humans. CONS: Further testing needed, including to see if large fish and non-target marine life are picked up by the buoys. Sharks have existed for over 450 million years, and there's a reason for that. Life on earth depends on the delicate balance of this vast life support system. Already, many of the worlds largest animals such as elephants, sharks, whales, rhino, and bears are at risk of extinction. [18] Between 1950 and 2008, 352 tiger sharks and 577 great white sharks were killed in the nets in New South Wales. 2. They also scavenge, clearing the water of decomposing debris. PROS: An electrical repellent known as the 'shark shield' has been independently shown to be effective at deterring sharks from biting, most of the time. [57] In January 2019 the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia determined that the "SMART" drumline trial would have minimal impact on the environment.[58]. Disease reduction deserves mention on the pros and cons of culling animals. Lifetime cow studies were conducted at a USDA experiment station in Montana. In addition, culling disturbs marine ecosystems and affects protected and vulnerable species including the targeted great white shark and non-target species such as . Avoid surfing at dusk, or alone, or in the most dangerous spots with murky water. What are the pros and cons of culling animals? Baited Drumlines How Do They Kill Sharks? Not only are shark attacks still common at beaches that have shark nets installed, and not only do they lead to a slow and painful death for the shark, but they kill other marine life as well. It was later discovered that the flying fox was the chief agent of pollination for more than half of the islands plant life. Every year, thousands of seals are hunted down and killed as a way of controlling their population. How does killing sharks affect the ecosystem? Their practices show no respect for these beautiful animals at all. CONS: Associate Professor Adam Stow, of Macquarie University told the ABC that: "Killing sharks risks disruption to the ecology of the ocean". Apart from harming unrelated species, culling may also have worse ecological consequences that may affect humans. "[1][65] A more recent analysis highlighted that there were three shark attacks, none fatal, at KwaZulu-Natal's "controlled" beaches between 1990 and 2011, while at unprotected beaches nearby there were 20 fatal attacks in the same period. This can perfectly illustrate the effects of shark culling on the ecosystem. Intentionally reducing the number of sharks have more negative effects on the ocean than we can comprehend. [28][16][29] Queensland currently operates the largest shark culling program in Australia. Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia, the French Overseas Department of Runion, "Can governments protect people from killer sharks? Sharks are so crucial for the, A marine biologist from the School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne, Robert Day, says, the top predators of the trophic levels in any ecosystem are critical because they, decide on whether other species thrive or not, Sharks prey on old, diseased, or weak creatures, thus maintaining the, If the number of sharks in the ocean declines, then other predatory fish species will become abundant that. Many people seem ready to begin a shark. [47] George H. Burgess called the killings "an archaic, knee-jerk reaction that seems more borne of vengeance than of science. As northern New South Wales residents continue to debate the best way to deal with shark attacks in the region, we take a look at the pros and cons of the most popular options available to protect people from ocean predators. The use of nets and baited drum lines is an outdated and ineffective approach against shark attacks. "[11], In September 2018, the government of Queensland began culling sharks with drum lines in Cid Harbour in the Whitsunday Islands in response to two non-fatal shark attackssix sharks (including five tiger sharks) were shot and killed, and their bodies were dumped at sea. Sharks are long-lived and slow-growing. On the surface it makes sense that few sharks in the water would result in fewer bites on human. They are then deprived of oxygen and slowly drown to death or are left to be culled by the authorities. This is not about public safety, rather it's a blatant tactic to reduce public scrutiny by a government under increased public pressure to end its archaic culling program. Sharks captured using SMART drumlines are tagged and released into the wild where they can be studies further. [21] Sixty-five percent of shark attacks in New South Wales occurred at netted beaches. As a result, the population of cats increased significantly. Shark exclusion nets and drumlines or traps are used to lure, entangle and kill sharks and other animals that pass near them. To begin with, culling generates money through tourism, especially where wildlife is involved. Wildlife biologists in Tasmania wanted to reduce the population of feral cats. Shark culling is ineffective and the shark responsible for the attacks is not always among the ones killed. More about how we earn money as an affiliate. Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume. Protecting humans from sharks: What are the options? Avoiding shark culling allows fish to mature and recover. There is another fascinating benefit they provide, with the bigger shark species using their size to intimidate and regulate the behaviour of their prey, stopping them from overusing certain habitats. Avoiding shark culling allows fish to mature and recover. [38][39][19][40] The killings have been called a cull. The culling of animals is also beneficial in helping to maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem. Environmentalists have proposed the banning of shark culling and the use of drum lines because they are threats to endangered species. [19], The government of Queensland currently kills sharks in the Great Barrier Reef using 173 lethal drum lines; in 2018, Humane Society International filed a lawsuit (court challenge) requesting that the drum lines be removed there. For an ocean with sharks is a healthy ocean and one that stands a greater chance in mitigating against the climate emergency we are in. If a shark is sighted in the area leave the water as quickly and calmly as possible. The disappearance of scallops and clams in the restaurants is an indicator of the declining shark population. This explains why this point could not miss on our list of important pros and cons of culling animals. As a keystone species, sharks are important for maintaining the delicate balance in the aquatic ecosystem. the effectiveness of SMART drumlines were in question, Is Deep Blue The Largest Great White Shark, Sharks and Surfers: Risks, Tips, and More, Yum Yum Yellow, Surfing, Surfboards & Sharks, The Best Surfing Movies From The 80s, 90s & 2000s. According to the KZNSB, "from 1940 until most of those beaches were first netted in the 1960s, there were 16 fatal attacks and 11 resulting in serious injury. Here's why shark culling is not a good idea: Sharks are in their natural environment, swimming and finding food; Sharks are irrational predators; Sharks will always keep returning to beaches and surfing/swimming zones; There are more than 480 species of sharks, but . The Grom Life is an independent publisher. [2][3][4][5][6][7] Government officials often cite public safety (attempting to reduce the risk of shark attacks) as a reason for culling. [51], The impact of shark culling is minor compared to bycatch from commercial fishing. PROS: Ability to sight sharks from the air and potentially give warning to water-goers through the use of sirens or signals. So instead of becoming the solution, culling compounds the problem. There was no difference in number of shark attacks on humans recorded in the Hawaiian islands during the time the program was active or immediately after the closing of the program. Demonstrable effectiveness means a measurable decrease in shark bite incidents in response to culling activities. Miscellaneous Many countries are also reaping billions of dollars from reef . With about 90% of the worlds sharks and other large predatory fish wiped out through overfishing and culling, prey such as sea turtles and crabs have flourished. The decision was condemned by the environmentalist, conservationist, and native Australians alike, with. But the methods of culling chicks are inhumane. Put simply, shark culling is a deliberate government action to kill and reduce the numbers of sharks in our oceans, which is usually an unthoughtful, knee-jerk reaction to a shark attack. . Most shark species take longer to reach maturity, especially the larger species such as bullshark, who take about. [80] The NSW prawn trawling industry alone results in 64 tonnes of shark as bycatch each year,[64] with two thirds dying. You would have to kill a lot of sharks to create the level of depletion needed to result in a measurable drop in the risk to humans". [12] Although shark species such as the great white shark are protected in South Africa, the KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board is allowed to kill these sharks (an exception was made for them). Without culling, all or most of them would have died of starvation. Sharks are more use alive than dead This is a difficult time. "[74] Kelly Wang of One Green Planet said, "Australia's attitude towards its sharks is truly horrific. The following was said about Queensland's use of lethal drum lines: "Lethal drum lines in Queensland are used to catch and kill sharks. '"[34], In October 2018, the Queensland state government proposed a policy which would ban the photography of shark culling in Queensland; Lawrence Chlebeck of Humane Society International said the following about this proposal: "The Queensland Government's plan to put exclusion zones around shark control equipment is simply a measure to keep the slaughter of sharks and marine wildlife hidden from public view. Difficult time arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume dangerous spots with murky water an ethical.. [ 19 ] [ 16 ] [ 16 ] [ 16 ] [ 40 ] the killings have called. Achieve desired outcomes and mitigate the risks three months kill sharks and animals. Protect people from killer sharks caught in Queensland & # x27 ; s nets and drum... Down arrows for volume French Overseas Department of Runion, `` Australia 's towards! 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