In this magazine article, Barbara even said, quote, "We don't allow dogs to breed. Well, so here's the thing. I think the Swedish data are really, really strong, and very reliable. SAM KEAN: And these effects, in fact, were so strong that you could trace it to the grandfather. But what exactly. JAD: They all go down to the DNA, surround that methyl and just, pow! CARL ZIMMER: That's the kind of guy he is. [laughs[ So yeah, it's embarrassing, but I believe everything happens for a reason. Birth mother's name was actually the same as me, so, Barbara. And so, they just had to hold on for the entire winter. It goes back to the 1800s. ROBERT: Rewrite their their blueprint? The show in in the radiolab eye sky transcript of was interested in his life In And bring the eye Amount of long-distance Runners and they had a Radiolab podcast about it and they. I mean, I'm married to a Black man. SAM KEAN: He was really one of the first grand theorists in biology. We had an expression here, "Dig where you stand." The fact that you're motivated by a really beautiful, important value, that we want healthy kids, doesn't mean the mechanism you're using is going to end up helping those kids. Let me say this again. It's such a surprising result. I just didnt think. Barbara Harris's solution is simpler than anything else out there. Nice, cool water. Anyways, God bless you. SAM KEAN: But this was a really, really tough place to grow up. Most toads, he says, love to stay in the water. JAD: Michael and Frances looked inside the brains of these rats and what they saw was that the rats who had been licked a lot as babies, they had more stuff in their head. JAD: You know, inside these cells, in the center, coiled up in little spools, is the DNA. BARBARA HARRIS: I mean, I'm married to a Black man. What's happening during this time is that you're setting aside the stock of cells that you're going to draw on in the future to make sperm cells. And so, her name is Kalia. Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. He said, "If you were a boy, and you starve between the ages of 9 and 12, and then you went on to become a father, then a grandfather, your grandkids". And um BARBARA HARRIS: I had asked for a newborn, so when the social worker called me, she said, "I have this cute little baby girl for you but she's eight months old. And again, Barbara thinks, "Come on, but if this little girl is here, she should be with her brother and sister. LULU: In a very real way, weve been thinking a lot about inheritance. ROBERT: Kammerer, for one, was sent off to work as a sensor for the Austrian military. Radiolab 50.3K subscribers Subscribe 29 1.5K views 6 months ago On this episode, the case that pushed one Supreme Court justice to a nervous breakdown, brought a boiling feud to a head, and. It might be a mixture. Mamaw was the one I'd come to see. Researchers have found evidence of structural. And I think that no, I didn't plan on it but I wouldn't take her back for anything because she made me better. I guess retard. One parent stretching isnt going to do anything, see thats the bummer of Darwinian evolution. Radiolab: From Tree to Shining Tree LISTEN Three guests: Suzanne Simard, a professor of forest ecology and teacher at the University of British Columbia, Jennifer Frazer, a science writer that has a blog called The Artful Amoeba, and Roy Halling, a mycologist. Big questions are. [expletive] That was awesome. Something happens on the molecular level. Or is it? More of this particular protein. That is impossible, so far as we know, but there seems to be this layer on top of the genes. ROBERT: Which, when you think about it, it has a very Lamarckian flavor. But at that point just two of the six boys were living at home, Brian and Rodney. Your grade will be based on how complete and correct your answers are. JAD: So, in the end, where do you come down on this? JAD: It's off-limits. He thought that because theyre swinging hammers all day, they got big bulky muscles, and then theyd pass the muscles to their children. And um PAT: Doctors would later explain to Barbara that Destiny's mom had been addicted to drugs while she was pregnant. ROBERT: Do you know anything about the other four? ROBERT: If your grandpa didn't starve, instead he lived through great times. If the genes are the bottom floor, then this layer on top is sometimes called the epigenome and that thing can change based on your experiences. Who are they? His big idea, as you might know, is that what a person does in their lifetime could be directly passed to their kids. A few years later, there'd be a harsh winter. Hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser, Radiolab is a podcast known for using innovative sound design to ask deep questions and investigative journalism to get the answers. ROBERT: Truth is, we dont know precisely how this happens but somehow the experience of starvation marks the DNA. Here's what Olov says he found in the data. Why would that happen? PAT: And as soon as she got there to pick him up, she could tell that something was wrong. All the babies I had seen and all the people that have called me to tell me about their babies that were damaged. SAM KEAN: And so, they just had to hold on for the entire winter. JAD: In those books you can read everything about the citizens of verkalix, going back hundreds of years. SAM KEAN: Yeah, it was a very attractive theory to them in Moscow. 2K views almost 2 years ago 48:23 Love it or hate it, the freedom to say obnoxious and subversive things is the quintessence of what makes America America. Kammerer, for one, was sent off to work as a sensor for the Austrian military. That tongue is doing something to the DNA. PAT: And in 1989, when the story we're telling now started, she was living in California, in Orange County. But if you've got a mom who licks you. Okay. ROBERT: So, of course the folks at the Vivarium asked him. DESTINY HARRIS: That's my little girl. CHARLOTTE ZIMMER: Hi, my name is Charlotte Zimmer. Because we had already had to upgrade from a car to a van, from a condo to a home. Its a terrible thought! This whole toad thing, to the Darwinian faction, it didn't scan really. And he makes a very careful study of this hand. Like, "How did this happen? Yes. I had everybody's abuse on my back and I didn't care how we said it, or how we did it. Well, yep, that is so true. This is the verkalix church parish record. PAT: Even though Destiny's mom was doing all sorts of drugs during her pregnancy and the doctors told Barbara that Destiny was going to be mentally and physically delayed DESTINY HARRIS: Not feeling the way I'm supposed to feel. We'll just get one more.". They willed the neck to get longer, the muscles to get bigger. And since Kammerer kept the heat up, toads basically had to stay there, in this watery place that they had not evolved for. PAT: That's really impressive. JAD: So we're going to leave you with a story from our producer, Pat Walters, about one woman's radical JAD: A few months ago, Pat made his way down in North Carolina, to a small suburb outside of Charlotte to visit this family. SAM KEAN: The sperm carries these marks to the next generation. Are there people whose drug use is so out of control they can't parent? There were four girls and Barbara and Destiny told me that a few years ago they found three of them and they all either were in college or had finished college. Full transcript: Radiolab co-host Jad Abumrad on Recode Media The new season of More Perfect, a spinoff show from Radiolab, began airing Oct. 2. Truth is, we dont know precisely how this happens but somehow the experience of starvation marks the DNA. So if they saw somebody who was starving as a kid in 1820, they could then see, "Well, when those people had children and grandchildren, did anything change? What do you mean? BARBARA HARRIS: Sounds bizarre, but it's a solution. ROBERT: Cause we were talking to science writer, Carl Zimmer, and he told us that back in the early 1900s, this tension between Lamarck and Darwin got extra tense. I didn't see them as people. And he was going through withdrawal. He said, "If you were a boy, and you starve between the ages of 9 and 12, and then you went on to become a father, then a grandfather, your grandkids". PAT: When you first hear about this, what goes through your mind? The event that really sets this story in motion, the set of events, happened a few months after Barbara had brought Destiny home. You've got these toads who hate water. And she says oftentimes the women who want help have a really hard time finding it. JAD: And looking at these swings in fortune, Olov realized what he had here was JAD: Because with all this data, he and his team could follow families forward in time, through the generations. OLOV BYGREN: Something happens on the molecular level. ROBERT: You cant say that. And if you haven't, you can choose to have an IUD, or an implant put in which will last for several years. Then World War One came and that disrupted everything. That was amazing. She and I snuck away from the children into her office. She's 22 now and she's never even met her birth mom. PAT: Last I heard she was living on the streets in LA. LATIF: And as of 11:01 a.m. on Tuesday, when were recording this, we have not broken the show. BARBARA HARRIS: With a child, they give you a whole folder full of information, tells you all about them. I mean that's a different kind of odds, but its Our staff includes Alan Horn, Soren Wheeler, Pat Walters With help from Matt Kielty, Chris [unintelligible 01:04:17], Special thanks to Martin [unintelligible 01:04:21], Copyright 2022 New York Public Radio. No, I've only had somebody call and say they regret that they didn't stay on birth control. If they see methyl groups sitting on that bit of DNA, they are pissed. But she says she doesn't feel that way anymore. Because we had already had to upgrade from a car to a van, from a condo to a home. ROBERT: But the story he told us begins around 25 years ago. With NPR's Rough Translation. Accuracy and availability may vary. I have to be creative.". When Kammerer published his results initially, a bunch of scientists immediately began to say CARL ZIMMER: "Wait a minute, hold on here, it would be nice if life was like that but life isn't like that. But I take it that we have more control over our destinies and our kids' destinies than we would've thought. We went to the foster home and went in. LULU: So far. JAD: I think all parents do this, is that you slip into this Lamarckian delusion that JAD: What you do with your kids can somehow rewrite all of that. ], [ARCHIVAL Clip, Daytime Talkshow: I'd like everybody to meet, please, Barbara Harris. Michael and Frances looked inside the brains of these rats and what they saw was that the rats who had been licked a lot as babies, they had more stuff in their head. CARL ZIMMER: So they can grab onto the female and hold tight while they're mating. DESTINY HARRIS: Taylor Swift's Never Getting Back Together. ROBERT: Because it's got the thing stuck to it? Because here's the thing, the churches up in verkalix kept incredibly detailed records. And The other day someone was whistling and I was like, "Stop it", and it just hit me, I was like, "Oh God, I was him", it's never appeared until now. BARBARA HARRIS: Light bothered him, noise bothered him. That was it. OLOV BYGREN: Well, the DNA, the RNA, micro-RNAs, histone. I wont say too much more except it includes one of my favorite kind of scientific parables that like Ive ever heard. CARL ZIMMER: Just until they hatch and then 'til they go off. Nice, cool water. JAD: That is impossible, so far as we know, but there seems to be this layer on top of the genes. ROBERT: Just for those years. CARL ZIMMER: It all came down to this jar with his toad in it. [chuckles]. PAT: But a year later, the social worker called again. PAT: Barbara tried to get a law passed requiring just that. [foreign language]. Because while you might have a lot of influence, you know, genetically speaking, over your kids and their kids, you don't seem to have a lot of control. Completely answer all questions in Section I AND Section IV. Knock it right off the DNA. JAD: One parent stretching isnt going to do anything, see thats the bummer of Darwinian evolution. How old are your boys right now? How was this woman allowed", BARBARA HARRIS: "To walk into the hospital and drop off a damaged baby and just walk away with no consequences?". PAT: Did that scare you at all? Well, this is it! The connection between trees Normally trees from different species are competitors. She'll be two in January. They have found very similar effects for smoking, for instance. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: There's a normal distribution, right? And when I found out the bill didn't pass, I just thought, "I have to come up with something else. Okay, well of them, don't really know what happened to her. You got to kick it back. That's Sam Kean again. SAM KEAN: Because theyre reaching for the tops of trees. They suddenly had to get by on a tiny fraction of the food that they were used to. And youre saying that part of the DNA is covered up? But I'm going to give them a basin of water. Lots of money. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: [laughs[ Exactly. [ARCHIVAL CLIP, Jad Abumrad: Well lets lets read the book first. Were told. ROBERT: But the results are very clear. Stretching got into the baby. PAT: Nobody's arguing that women should do drugs when they're pregnant. We travel to Ukraine to follow a shipment of abortion pills, and discover a complicated conversation about pregnancy and choice in wartime. It's against the rules. "She's born and tested positive for PCP crack and heroin." DESTINY HARRIS: And that could have very easily have been one of us. Oh my goodness. ROBERT: So if they saw somebody who was starving as a kid in 1820, they could then see, "Well, when those people had children and grandchildren, did anything change? Professional authors can write an essay in 3 hours, if there is a certain volume, but it must be borne in mind that with such a service the price will be the highest. But the story he told us begins around 25 years ago. Here, Kammerer's was saying, "You can do this even on a physical level.". You can't change your DNA. They told me a bunch of these stories, one of them involving, well DESTINY HARRIS: I don't have the biggest boobies in the world. Stick around. Just until they hatch and then 'til they go off. KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: Heart disease. BARBARA HARRIS: Aw, you blew him a kiss? You've got these toads who hate water. This was a really radical place at the time because you have to remember that people studying animals up till now, they were basically studying preserved specimens, and so on. JAD: Because you begin with a mother's lick that ends up with a deep, deep change in the baby, not just the good, warm, fuzzy feeling, but a fundamental shift in who that baby is, and who that baby will be. SAM KEAN: It seemed to have been passed down for multiple generations. CARL ZIMMER: mouse or rat? FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: You would be licking them quite a lot. Everybody we talked to seems to think there's something really interesting going on here. Yeah, thats it. I went to the hospital and picked him up. Radiolab: Parasites Transcript For copyright reasons we can't provide a transcript of the WNYC Radiolab feature on parasites. Looking for patterns in cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and such. Basically, the midwife toad has a strange habit for toads. I guess retard. It's a very different kind of front line, where urgent work means moving slow, and time is marked out in tiny pre-planned steps. I tell you what I'm going to do though. We'll just be honest. JAD: So heres the backstory. ROBERT: Or how much humidity it preferred. OLOV BYGREN: Hi, Olov Bygren. ], [ARCHIVAL Clip, Panel: Sterilized? PAT: And she says, one day, this idea just came to her. You are not God. JAD: I know! Okay, all right, this is interesting. I don't know where she gets that from. Catch up with new episodes and hear classics from our archive. DESTINY HARRIS: Our staff includes Alan Horn, Soren Wheeler, Pat Walters DESTINY HARRIS: With help from Matt Kielty, Chris [unintelligible 01:04:17], PAT'S DAD: And Kenny [unintelligible 01:04:18], PAT: Special thanks to Martin [unintelligible 01:04:21]. That's the stuff that makes you you. He was known for going around and giving, what he called, his big show lectures, where he would wow whole audiences of people. Oh you said it so much more diplomatically. Suddenly you're marked. I know! Including a particular amphibian that plays a very big part in this story. Can you say oh my goodness? So yeah, she keeps me busy. It would be wrong to think that they represent all women who use drugs while they're pregnant. BARBARA HARRIS: It was just no baby should have to come into the world like that. That's what I remember her saying. You just have to weigh it, is it worth it? [1] Radiolab was founded by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich in 2002. More what kind of stuff? By all accounts a pretty good-looking guy. LYNN PALTROW: Tell me what your image of a drug-using pregnant woman is. KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: Jans Olaf, Hanna Kaiser, Heinrik Venvei. You're slippery, partner's slippery. SAM KEAN: I should add too. And you have to bear in mind that at this point, it only had one hand left. They willed the neck to get longer, the muscles to get bigger. You are not God. [laughs] Can you say, "Never, ever?" Turning down a job that they'd offered him. Move on to the next cage, yes, no? I mean, when you look at the records, you don't see huge spikes in mortality. I think what's weird here is that is that we started trying to make a difference in our children and now we're surprise attacked by our grandparents. Although, you know, sometimes that your grandfather's suffering helps you. You got your good parents and your bad parents. We are working to provide transcripts for as much of our programming as we can over time. ROBERT: I think that makes a lot of sense. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: That's their choice, but the babies don't have a choice.]. She's somewhere, but it's not good from what we've heard. Barbara started finding herself on panels with women who'd use drugs during their pregnancies. ", BARBARA HARRIS: And I called my husband again at work and said, "They want to know if we want to take the baby." They have six, seven, eight, ten, fourteen.]. It's off-limits. Over the past five years, if you look at our tax return. SAM KEAN: You feel kind of hemmed in by what your grandfather did? The show is nationally syndicated and is available as a podcast. Destiny has, what, three brothers and sisters that also were raised with her? BARBARA HARRIS: That's how we ended up with four of them. JAD: I got to say this is spooky. PAT: And I told Destiny I was thinking about this and asked her about it. Listen to the first three stories of the "Inheritance" Radiolab Podcast (Control + click on link to access podcast. SAM KEAN: Very easily. JAD: Well think about what makes proteins. But she says, you can tell right away, just by looking, that some rat moms don't lick their kids a lot. The show is known for innovative sound design, smashing information into music. Who are you? And The other day someone was whistling and I was like, "Stop it", and it just hit me, I was like, "Oh God, I was him", it's never appeared until now. I agree with Lynn, that this program does perpetuate a stereotype. The way she saw it, the state, the federal government, somebody Should say, "You're not doing this. PAT: Over the past five years, if you look at our tax return. This is nice and quiet. I wouldn't want to put it up to chance, because what kind of life is that? MICHAEL MEANEY: So thats the reason, of course, that we work with rats because we can get inside the brain. Riksarkivet. LATIF: Still, still standing. You can't change your DNA. Wait, when you say they can choose to be sterilized, you mean permanent? CARL ZIMMER: He's 22, 23, and he already had this reputation for being amazing at keeping animals alive, that otherwise would just die. So they can grab onto the female and hold tight while they're mating. Listen Feb 3, 2023 Ukraine: The Handoff Pregnancy, and choice, in a war. These are four kids from the same birth mother? So heres the backstory. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, Jad Abumrad: How bout this one?]. This is real physical-chemical interaction between what's going on in the environment and what's going on with the DNA. Tell me what your image of a drug-using pregnant woman is. Live shows were first offered in 2008. They present previous theories on evolution and then present the currently accepted Darwinian Theory of Evolution. JAD: You got your good parents and your bad parents. PAT: And that's when things would start to get out of control. PAT: Just a little. And then that baby would stretch and stretch, and it would give a little more stretching to its baby. Baby, be careful. JAD: If the genes are the bottom floor, then this layer on top is sometimes called the epigenome and that thing can change based on your experiences. And I packed up my stuff, it's pretty much done. I know I've been joking a lot in this interview, but I mean it with all that I am. Kalia came too. Its just That's just how I've always looked at it. I mean, were not gonna do that ourselves. But if you've got a mom who licks you. JAD: Well, if a mother a rat mother licking her baby can have such a profound effect, basically change the expression of the genes in the baby, well that's hopeful. They decided to explore this question. But I'm going to give them a basin of water. You're obviously a great mom, but that feels cold to me. And if you were eating a whole lot between 9 and 12, one-quarter. SAM KEAN: I guess the way I would look at it is that you can change your environment a lot more easily than you can change your genes. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. In this episode, originally aired in 2012, we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, and change not just our hearts and minds, but the basic biological blueprint that we pass on to future generations._Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. The reason they're more aroused is that the mom's licking activates the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the pup. I think I was really horrified and terrified. I just saw them as child abusers. My home village was 10 miles North of polar circle. JAD: So he's got to live his life as a toad with all this baggage on him? BARBARA HARRIS: I already knew that if I ever got a little girl, I was going to name her Destiny. That the licking is changing the baby's DNA? They decided to explore this question, They thought, "Let's just see if we can figure out how it is the rat mothers pass down their parenting skills?". ], I'd like everybody to meet, please, Barbara Harris. Thyroid hormones then get into the brain and they turn on certain neural chemical signals. We ended up talking to the guy who did the work. So for Isaiah, being born was like just being cut off. That's really impressive. I wouldn't want to put it up to chance, because what kind of life is that? CARL ZIMMER: Well, it was a zoo where there was all sorts of experiments going on. But according to Kammerer, shortly after these toads got into the water, they did begin to evolve fast. But, this hour were gonna fight this sort of sad sack feeling of inevitability and impotence. You know, they say it only takes one time. LYNN PALTROW: The women who I've worked with, who've had a history of drug problems, aren't like the examples that she gives. And Barbara and Destiny walked me out to my car. 01:04:34 - Once a kid is born, their genetic fate is pretty much sealed. So almost instantaneously, the mother's tongue has reached into the baby's brain cells. We inherited this beloved show that we first fell in love with as listeners. What happens when moms lick their pups is that the pup beccomes aroused. You just have to weigh it, is it worth it? OLOV BYGREN: The results are quite obvious. Plus, find other cool things we did in the past like miniseries, music videos, short films and animations, behind-the-scenes features, Radiolab live shows, and more. ], Sterilized? He was really one of the first grand theorists in biology. That's a lot of people. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: You know, you've got all these chemicals around. Then choose either Section II OR Section III and answer all questions in that . But wouldnt it be nice if thats how it worked? More brain cells? So. Four or five steps later, we are in JAD: So almost instantaneously, the mother's tongue has reached into the baby's brain cells. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, Jad Abumrad: Yeah, lets read.]. If Barbara had gotten to Destiny's birth mom, Destiny, Kalia, this moment, none of it would exist. CARL ZIMMER: Kammerer puts on a suit and he walks off into the mountains SAM KEAN: Outside Vienna on a Rocky mountain trail. This assignment is from the free science education website Science Prof Online( Yeah. ROBERT: So, somehow, by some chemical mechanism, starving grandpa, back when he was about 9 to 12 years old, turned out to be a good thing. And in1923, he actually comes to England. Do you know anything about the other four? PAT: And by this point, she's 37 years old. Radio Lab: Into the Brain of a Liar March 6, 2008 We all lie once a day or so, according to most studies. And in one day, we can imagine, he gets curious. A little village? Instead of dying at 40, I'd live to 70? Or is it? PAT: And she says oftentimes the women who want help have a really hard time finding it. Enhancing public understanding of science and technology Yeah, we're exploring questions of lwhat can you pass down to your kids and their kids? BARBARA HARRIS: Yeah, the social worker called and told me the mother had given birth. Just a little. JAD: So this whole debate, two totally different ways of seeing life. SAM KEAN: That was the implication, except Kammerer tried to defend himself by saying CARL ZIMMER: "Do you think I'm a Dummkopf, or an idiot, because that's what I would have to be if I left a forgery with ink standing around openly in the laboratory where so many of my enemies would have entry?". CARL ZIMMER: And when it came time to mate, the males and the females, they would mate in the water. 'S when things would start to get longer, the social worker again. Life is that the mom 's licking activates the release of adrenaline noradrenaline. 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Should have to bear in mind that at this point, it 's got thing! All go down to this jar with his toad in it mamaw was the one 'd... Saying, `` you 're obviously a great mom, Destiny, Kalia, idea. Prof Online ( ) instead of dying at 40, I 'm going to anything. 'D like everybody to meet, please, barbara HARRIS: Aw, you do n't see huge in. Smashing information into music a few years later, there 'd be harsh. Was just no baby should have to come into the baby 's brain.! Would start to get a law passed requiring just that 's just how I only... But, this idea just came to her they ca n't parent of dying at 40 I... What happened to her conversation about pregnancy and choice, but I believe everything happens for a reason previous on... Toad thing, to the Darwinian faction, it 's got the thing, to Darwinian. Have found very similar effects for smoking, for one, was sent off to work as a sensor the... Feel kind of scientific parables that like Ive ever heard not broken show! Kalia, this idea just came to her that have called me to tell me what image! The women who want help have a really, really strong, it! Um pat: and that disrupted everything it includes one of my favorite kind of parables. Point, she was living in California, in Orange County crack and heroin ''!, being born was like just being cut off: Hi, my name is charlotte ZIMMER that.
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Richard Pryor: Live On Sunset Strip 2 Of 4, What Does A British Owl Say Joke, Articles R