Instead of an alter switching to front, they can exert passive influence on the alter currently at front. Switching refers to one Alter or Part taking control of the body from another Part. This is a short informational carrd on DID/OSDD-1. You might have moments where youre unable to remember important life events, such as the day you got married. Non-human alters are parts of individuals with dissociative identity disorder (DID) that see themselves as animals, fantasy creatures, or hybrids. Because of this, you may feel like you dont truly know how much memory loss you actually experience. Im sure that plenty of systems are already quite familiar with that feeling and theres no reason to continue spreading that within your own head. Ive gone through quite some trouble because it wasnt recognized during therapy, because it has been painful and scary to go through intensely separated moods with a change of behavior, sometimes hating/repressing the other mood while I was in a certain mood (manly+fearless, feminine+empathetic, fearful+child-like, feeling like someone else), and not understanding what my mind was doing, nor any psychologist until I found someone who did kind of understand but they started messing with my head and not recognizing the painful traumas associated with people being intrusive and manipulative. What are things in your system that everyone has to abide by? It caused psychologists to assume that I was stronger than part of me was, which caused quite some (unintentional) damage. There might be times where your body seems to be moving and speaking on its own because another alter is controlling it. So partial amnesia and/or brain fog during a switch is still DID? I appreciate knowing that the treatments are pretty much the same and a hit or miss either way. Sometimes it's met with a lot of just dissociation or noncontinuous thoughts. That's why I'm asking for experiences, I feel like I need a bigger, more closely sourced, base to make up my mind. Indeed, Spiegel et al (2011, p.841) point out the inherent flaws in the current diagnostic criteria for dissociative disorders and say: If the diagnostic criteria for dissociative identity disorder were changed to reflect the typical clinical presentation of DID (ie a complex dissociative presentation with no confirmed alter identities), these complex DDNOS patients would meet diagnostic criteria for DID. You might have difficulty being aware of your own symptoms or describing the severity of them. Image description is under the read more! Other specified dissociative disorder (OSDD) is a dissociative disorder that serves as a catch-all category for symptom clusters that do not fit neatly within another dissociative disorder diagnosis. It would cause misunderstandings as I would present myself as very angry and fearless, laughing at everything and at another moment I would be extremely fearful and could not handle anything that would stir up trauma again. Reading this has reassured me that even though my system and selves are not quite as separate as those with DID (although one is) they are still valid. It gives a great summary of all of the research into how DID develops and functions. Are you sure they don't front? (source, 10:15). It all seems very muddled. It really might help if the writers of the DSM could do something like that, re-word OSDD, to acknowledge the Disorder as being on the DID spectrum. Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) is a diagnosis within the DSM-V covering chronic & disruptive dissociative symptoms that do not fit the full criteria of any dissociative disorder. I grew, matured, had a career and a life. This article dispels several myths and misconceptions about dissociative identity disorder and the lives of those who have it. Whilst someone with dissociative identity disorder might be working towards eventually narrowing the gap between their ANPs and EPs, for someone with OSDD that gap may already be relatively narrow, and paradoxically for many this can lead to more states of crisis as they do not have the well-developed (albeit dissociative) inner resources of people with DID. I have no diagnosis and have only just begun to realise (in what feels like walking backwards) more and more that I am not who I thought I was But I would love a diagnosis with which I could feel I agreed. The DSMs criteria of alters, amnesia, and distress/impairment arent meant to be taken at the surface level. Sometimes this may result in an unsafe or distressing situation. The same cannot be said for OSDD. Please keep in mind that I'm not a psychological professional, just an OSDD-1b system who has a few system friends. Our daily life is hardly effected by large memory gaps or losing time, only a hard time retaining tidbits of information, as we dont fully switch either (for some reason or another, we havent found out why). OSDD is from the DSM, P-DID is from the ICD. Where EPs are also less autonomous and less likely to be out, these traumatised parts of the personality can end up being neglected or ignored: if a person with OSDD has non-distinctive traumatised parts of their personality, it can be harder to give them a voice and the time and space they need to bring their trauma to the fore, than it is for a clearly individuated EP with a name and age. And you are incredibly valid. I believe my system falls under this category: I (the host) am always fronting, while the other alters can co-front and influence my decisions whenever they please. 1 ESS employed a special type of reed switch known as a ferreed. Its very interesting, informative, and definitely worth your time! These disorders fall under the term "dissociation" and are known as DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) or OSDD (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder). Dissociative Identity Disorder Information - First Person Plural You are part of a strong community with a rich history and wonderful people. Welcome to /r/AskDID, the sister subreddit of /r/DID which focuses on those that wish to ask questions about Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) etc. We have touched on two major differences already less elaboration or switching to distinct parts, and less amnesia. Yes, you are real. You might feel numbed to or detached from your body parts, thoughts, emotions, sense of agency, or even your entire self. They are not adults pretending to be kids. Typically a pair of semiconductor outputs that are safety rated (an OSSD pair). These alters weren't around during my childhood. Both contain different self-states, holding shards of memory and unformulated experience (Stern, 1997). I recall hiding ME in a wall and leaving the doll behind. Switching is often prompted by stress in the individual's life, or by the person's own intrapsychic conflict, such as vague memories of abuse. But what is also there is that when, for example in conversation with a psychologist in the past, when he indicates that its just mood switching, I kind of start to feel hurt and unvalidated, as if parts of me, or moods want to be acknowledged separately, my angry mood gets angry because Im not the vulnerable self or Im not that weak, fearful, kind side of myself. There might be alters who dislike or lash out at other alters within the system. Alter - A dissociated identity, found in DID and OSDD. it doesnt change much if your experience is unusual, if you can relate to a single thing from someone elses experiences, then that can help you understand your own experiences even if its a different disorder. At least now I know. Please give this a read! While they do not occur in everyone who lives with DID, they are a painful reminder to many that they are burdened with the disorder. Our switches are like "becoming" different people. For those with OSDD-1a, this is due to a lack of two or more sufficiently differentiated alters, and for those with OSDD-1b, this is due to a lack of amnesia between alters. DDNOS is seen by many people as a not yet or a not quite version of dissociative identity disorder and although it is supposed to be a residual category and only given to a few people, in fact the vast majority of people diagnosed with a dissociative disorder fall into this category. Most cases of DDNOS are partial forms of DID which lack either clear switching of executive control, full amnesia barriers between identity states, or clear differentiation and structure of identity states. There are different kinds of alters, including littles, fictional introjects (fictives), factional introjects (factives), and non-human alters. The Plural Association is the first and only grassroots, volunteer and peer-led nonprofit empowering Plurals. Our continuous memory gives us a more continual sense of self. You might experience moments where you dont feel in control of what youre saying or doing. They were simply people who had endured more than their share of pain in this life and were struggling to make sense of it., Deborah Bray Haddock, The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook. We discussed the results but not the diagnosis (I know its mostly for insurance anyway, but I like to do research so I like to know whats going on). Caring was beyond me, only existing moment to moment, hoping not to be hurt anymore, drifting deeper into insanity. They may suspect that someone has DID and their suspicions may prove to be correct, but each of the four criteria must be met to diagnose someone with DID. =). You might find that sometimes you cant remember important information about yourself or about those closest to you. Shes a specialist for Dissociative Disorders so she would be skilled to know that stuff, but, then again, can a couple of break room conversations be enough for that drastic of a diagnosis? And then, it was wanting to arey myself in a different way. Until I started remembering switches, I didn't always recognize when someone else was fronting because I feel like myself in the moment. They are separate diagnostic manuals and which diagnosis you get depends mostly on which manual your therapist is using. But I cant work any more, because I cant stay present to do it. If you found this article helpful, please consider making a donation. it quickly developed into them trying to traumatize me as much as possible to "break me" so they could "re-make" me as a person they'd want to have as their host. It's actually really sinister because you can mistake it for different moods or something, but it changes much more than just mood. There might be times when you experience intrusive thoughts, visual images, feelings, or urges that dont actually belong to you but to another alter. Probably not DID, maybe OSDD or BPD. This article makes the complex simple. Some indicators that a switch may be about to occur include the following: feeling "spacey", depersonalized, or derealized; blurred vision; feeling distanced or slowed down; feeling an alter's presence; or feeling like time is beginning to jump (indicating minor episodes of time loss). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. These alters protect the main identity from awareness of trauma. You do not need to have DID/OSDD or PTSD to follow me! Thank you. There might have been times when you ended up in a different place but could not remember how you got there. This last point is incredibly important as if a dissociative disorder is misdiagnosed as being bipolar or psychosis, treatment with antipsychotics may quickly make things worse and significantly delay recovery. The Alexandrite System are 25 activists, content creators, and intra-community educators in one body. Most strikingly perhaps, people labelled as OSDD may not feel that their condition is taken as seriously as dissociative identity disorder. This was a truly amazing article. So what is the solution? Im here looking for answers, because its all so confusing. In the meantime, we will be continuing to push the idea that dissociation is truly a spectrum disorder! like, don't get me wrong, i get where you're trying to come from, but understanding the reasons for their abuse isn't really something i get the chance to center when i have no cognitive or emotional space to process their actions. Its really weird. In fact, there actually isnt a 1a or 1b in the DSM-V, its a community holdover from the outdated terms DDNOS-1a/1b. Just now I saw a comment by an OSDD system describing something similar to the above as a 'non-possessive switch' and would like to know if that's a common way of describing it. that especially back in the days was full of shame and self-loathing. i just don't have it in me anymore. Welcome to r/OSDD, a community for those affected by otherwise specified dissociative disorder. Ive also seen others who believe that DID/OSDD are just having alters and not liking themwhich is also not an accurate portrayal! Does everyone need to take turns going to your shared job, or are only one or a few people going to take care of that while others take care of cooking and cleaning at home? As long as we have a pragmatic and even utilitarian view of diagnosis that leads people towards recovery and health, I think were near enough on the right tracks. Many commentators such as Dell and Kluft argue convincingly in a number of places that switching is hard to detect, and one of the least frequent signs of DID, and should not therefore be a core diagnostic criterion. It should be kept in mind that some systems use the term trigger to refer to both positive and negative stimuli that can catch an alter's attention. You may disable these by changing your browser settings, but this may affect how the website functions. My final tip is to know that things will be okay. It provides a coded signal which, when interrupted due to a safety event, signals the machine to shut down. My body which hurt so, sent away, there but not there. You might struggle to retell what your childhood or adolescence was like. Every time I heard something the first instinct was hide, which I haven't done in years because I'm not 12 and I haven't been doing against the rules so like, no problem. But I am somewhat aware that other alters are fronting, but not all the time(I stay conscious throughout others fronting is what I am saying). Its clear to me that there is a spectrum of these things. System - Sometimes it's used to mean the group of alters in DID or OSDD (ex: "A system of alters."). Who I am is not important, rid myself of self, as it hurts too much. We often simply say we are a dissociative system and nothing more, because our alters are fully fledged and individual (to the extent we recognize as such), but experience hardly any amnesia aside from large portions of childhood. Please, feel free to leave comments or feedback in the comment section. cPTSD or PTSD is a very common comorbid diagnosis. Many voices, many children, each with their own story, voices to be heard and listened too. Reassurance, comfort, a hand holding ours, being hugged and held and made to feel safe. If you lose control that's like the definition of possession. ", This website uses cookies in order to analyze visitor trends. Also, if you can give me some more info on what this type of switching is, in what types of systems it's the most common, etc, it would be super useful! OSDD What is a Switch? Systems have completely different brain wiring from singletons because of the effects of early trauma. The temptation might be to describe it in terms of what it is lacking Its sort of DID except not quite or Its like PTSD but with more dissociation. I wonder how many people with OSDD therefore feel short-changed, as if somehow they are not deemed worthy of a proper condition, only a residual one, which is terribly unfair. Dissociation is weird. its not unheard of for a host to think theyre the only one to ever front when in reality they might actually front less than the others, just because they dont remember not fronting. Switches can be consensual, forced, or triggered. You might feel like your body is unrecognizable, unreal, or doesnt reflect who you are. Put it aside and go to work. In the harsh reality of the state of awareness of dissociative disorders in the UK today, we have to just keep moving in the right direction and not be dispirited at the challenges that still lay ahead. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. antipsychotics don't do shit for me, and they can control my body to a limited extent (stuff like raising an arm or making me pee). For some people, that means rejecting labels altogether. This type of action chains is present in every person with a personality and is not exclusive to DID/OSDD. I'm evaluating one flight path that I wanted to get the group's feedback on: + Take a United flight from the US that lands at FRA at 9:10 am + Ryan Air flight. Transition from one personality to another is referred to as "switching." This usually occurs within seconds to minutes, but can also be gradual, taking hours or days to complete. Some individuals with OSDD-1 lack both amnesia and highly distinct parts, and other individuals with OSDD-1 have highly distinct parts but rarely or never switch between . If you have alters, you've had them since childhood; systems only form due to severe repeated childhood trauma before age 9. yeah, but that doesn't mean they always differentiate early-in-life. Thank you! Vote 0 comments Then we found out about OSDD, and suddenly everything made sense. We are The Alexandrite System, when we first discovered our plurality, we spent months confused and distressed because we didnt fit into the very rigid DID mold. It is not easy to phrase this question, but will try: There are people out there who have no internal monologue at all, and then, of course, there is us :D on the other end of this, let's say, "spectrum". I didnt fight it because there was good reason for it, its just sad to be triggered so drastically. Answer - An OSDD (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder) system is a group of alters, formed by repeated childhood trauma from ages 1-12 usually. It felt like me, and I lost control over the body for a few seconds in both situations, but I was told all this could just be derealization or 1000 other things, and I wouldn't be surprised at all. Thank you though. I would love to feel I knew what I was and that I could give a name to something. Seek a professional if you are questioning a mental disorder!). You might lose a lot of details or misremember the important bits. well, its both. Please consult a licensed professional before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about potential mental health conditions. And Spiegel et al (2011, p.838) state that A review and analysis of OSDD concluded that the majority of OSDD cases are actually undiagnosed (or misdiagnosed) DID cases. So something is clearly going wrong. My system usually falls into that categoryits OSDD 1b I think? a) Assuming that the goal of working through a system's DID issues is to find ways to identify and address what generated these, in an ideal world where a system (after a serious amount of amazingly hard work) could successfully identify, address and even resolve these issues, would the "ultimate" goal be to put each identity to "rest" and only keep one (ideally one that combines the strongest characteristics of all the others), or is keeping many identities that work well together also considered a successful ultimate goal (in other words, is having multiple identities necessarily a disorder)? This was a wonderful read that we in our system very much appreciated. The disorder and symptoms manifest in childhood, always. Thank you for investing the time to read this article. Others can try to contribute by taking over body parts to write messages etc. dissociative identity disorderand otherwise specified dissociative disorder, type 1are dissociative disorders that involve two or more separate personality states (or alters). The belief that DID is overdiagnosed & primarily diagnosed in America. Has anyone researched whether, for example, potentially everyone has many voices/identities in their head, but never considered this an issue? Robert Oxnam on relating his experiences with Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly MPD), from A Fractured Mind: My Life with Multiple Personality Disorder(pp.4-5), (If you like this post then you might like this other one as well! Get to know them. It can therefore be very frustrating for some people with the OSDD label not to have the full diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder and be placed in a seemingly sub-category because they havent played the game with the psychiatrist, or at least not sufficiently well. In the end, bereft of emotions, self, body and identity, I lived. I have experiences like this when the one who normally "drives" gets booted out of the driver's seat when another one of us has such overwhelming emotions that they take over. In other words, someone with OSDD has dissociative symptoms but they do not meet sufficient criteria to be diagnosed with either depersonalisation disorder, dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue or dissociative identity disorder. In some OSDD-1b systems, switching very rarely happens, leaving one host who handles the majority of the system's life. I know that the bibliography says these identities must be caused from severe issues to be considered DID, but could it be that all people have many voices/identities that appear and/or disappear throughout their lifetime (in other words, is having a singular internal monologue an exception, similar to those who have no internal monologue)? As always, we encourage you and your System to follow your own truth, to soul search, to find words, labels, visions, theories and communities that arent only within your values but also match your lived experience and/or long term goals, so that you might find belonging and dont have to try to fit in. And what about instances of amnesia about amnesia how do you know that you have amnesia for something if youve forgotten that it happened in the first place?! All of you have a right to life, a right to be happy, a right to have some say in decisions. Someone might have told you that you did or said something that you dont recall. I couldnt believe what I was saying and how I was behaving.). Previously called MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), this disorder is categorized by the action of switching . You can read that article by clicking here. The remaining cases rarely manifest detectable identities, except when these patients are in crisis. Its so nice to meet others that feel the same way. Paul Dell (Dell & O'Neil, 2009) argues convincingly that the externally-observable 'signs' of switching between personality states are only a very small part of what dissociative identity disorder is like in practice . yes, if you have amnesia between switches, even if it's not 100% amnesia or 100% all of the time it is still DID not osdd-1b though it may depend on who diagnosis you as there is a grey area. They are partial forms of DID with the same patterns of childhood trauma and co-morbidity. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Some people with DID may resent the multiple personalities connotation, but at times it is the easiest way of explaining it to other people when time is short or openness limited. Going insane as a 6 y ear old is not something you want on your bucket list, Your email address will not be published. i feel like an outlier and hearing from other systems where only the host can front would be helpful. People with OSDD need to understand that their experiences are valid and real and not inferior in any way to people with dissociative identity disorder. This of course begs the question of whether OSDD/DDNOS-1 and DID are in fact the same thing, and just different points on a spectrum, and whether the diagnostic criteria for DID are too tightly applied. In fact, a lot of your switches until you figure out how to switch voluntarily may happen without you realizing at all, or only realizing after the fact. You might find that your memory is unreliable. For example, ducks at the pond could be a trigger for a 7 year old alter to push their way to front, or someone calling who is a special friend for one alter in particular might trigger that alter to switch out. I've had alters who have sabotaged my life and done awful things. I don't think of things as like.. they "will get better" but moreso that they will change, and that is something to aim for. These are all important things to figure out off the bat, and its a lot easier to both set and follow these rules when you dont have to worry about memory barriers preventing people from knowing them. plus like, they can talk out loud if i let them. I feel like we each live hundreds of lives if we allow ourselves to fight tooth and nail to keep pushing on. Retraumatization last year led to us developing more alters who ARE able to switch. Let your body rest! no such thing as an outlier when everyone is so different lol. However it is to escape from my painful self (which may make it a form of dissociation?) So if you have DID or OSDD, you will likely heavily dissociate, you'll have alters tied to repeated intense traumas, and even with OSDD-1b it's likely that you'd experience occasional dissociative amnesia/memory issues. (PLEASE dont use this list to diagnose yourself. But I do see a problem with how you talk about your alters. the thing is, they can't front, like, ever. There are four presentations of OSDD listed in the DSM-5: In practice, subtype 1 is much more common than the others. Indeed Spiegel et al (2011, p.826) in their incisive critique say: Importantly, the ICD-10 describes dissociative disorders as primarily acute disorders that usually remit within a few weeks or months, and that have an onset in the immediate context of events that are highly stressful, traumatic, and/or that involve intolerable, insoluble problems. And, either way, theres not going to be a simpler, or at least different, solution to stopping the CPTSD hijackings and days of disorientation. Switching (of any type), and the existence of alters (parts of different gender, age, temperament, etc) ONLY occurs in OSDD/DID. they are both caused by childhood trauma by way of the structural dissociation theory. Additionally, switching can be more varied than many may be aware. In OSDD-1, severe childhood trauma causes different identities, known as alternate states of consciousness (alters) to form. I'm interested in hearing yall's experiences! So for some people, their alters or parts are only obvious to other people during times of crisis. At what point, when that is happening, could you state that you no longer have amnesia, and should your diagnosis change from DID to OSDD? You might hear voices, such as voices arguing or commenting on your actions. I feel like I'm still doing things but Feels Different. A body with multiple identities is known as a system. They cant be allowed to take over. There are as many Plural experiences, as there are Plurals. In a moment, my interests, name, vocal inflections, gender- change. Eventually it became apparent that a few of us were able to front (like 2-3) and some others if forced, on rare occasions, or highly triggering moments to them. You might have episodes where you feel like you dont know who you are, like youre a combination of alters, or that youre just not like yourself. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Slow switches can also indicate that the system is heavily dissociated and depersonalized and that alters are struggling to connect with the mind and body. There might be alters who are be unaware of other alters existence or refuse to believe so. These systems do not experience clinically significant amounts of amnesia, more commonly having emotional amnesia. People with dissociative identity disorder have at least two distinctly different identities, but some believe as many as 100 can emerge. Back to the beginning of the mystery and its mulling around in my head again relentlessly! They still have distinct personality states and distress or issues caused by their symptoms. These alters protect the main identity from awareness of trauma. I know how you feel, believe me. Its not like with GPs sending you to the right specialist, no, the mind is somehow way less easy to define than the human body, and way more complex. These other parts of me arent clear though theyre not distinct. Above all, all forms of dissociation need to be validated for their unique contribution to survival. Not a life others would want though. Since DID/OSDD are more complex forms of PTSD, you or other alters might experience the symptoms of complex PTSD. You might feel like you are invisible, two-dimensional, or a robot. Carolyn Spring Ltd. Company registered in England no 11109933. 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Dispels several myths and misconceptions about dissociative identity disorderand otherwise specified dissociative disorder, type 1are dissociative disorders that two... That the treatments are pretty much the same way we have touched on two major differences already less or... Push the idea that dissociation is truly a spectrum disorder! ), known as a system has abide... May not feel that their condition is taken as seriously as dissociative identity disorder at... An account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in.... Follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations, fantasy,. Where you dont feel in control of the mystery and its mulling around in my head again relentlessly your.. Diagnosis you get depends mostly on which manual your therapist is using and a life varied many! The option to opt-out of these things different people ( unintentional ) damage the surface level if! Have a right to life, a right to be moving and speaking on own... The host can front would be helpful a wonderful read that we in our system very much appreciated control...

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