If Lyla wasn't called in Episode 1, she will not appear in the. After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will say he doesn't believe in that kind of thing. Those 2 actions don't encourage Daniel's power, but performing them prevents repression: Do not call Daniel out for cheating at the dice game. If Sean surrenders at the border and Daniel refuses, he will look indifferent and say that nothing can stop the Wolf Brothers, before ramming ahead. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to fortify the camp site while he gathers wood. Sean will remind Daniel not to use his powers in front of other people. Daniel doesn't have to consider killing the officers. Daniel will be knocked back from the impact of the snowball and yell at Sean for hitting him. Several people who Sean doesn't know have written threatening comments and hate speech on his wall. Daniel uses his power to set the plates while Claire isn't watching. When Sean walks over to check Campbell's pulse, Daniel fiercely tells Sean to hurry up and stop checking on the officer. Sean will not set an immoral example for Daniel. He can read two blog posts that anonymously mention Sean and Daniel and wish them well. - For this, Sean does NOT tell Daniel to tell Chris the truth. Money problems.. :: Life is Strange 2 General Discussions. After a choice is made, one or two wolf symbols will appear in the lower right corner, depending on whether the choice impacts Sean, his brother Daniel Diaz, or both. Cassidy will ask Sean if he has a crush on her. Sean will have the opportunity to confront Charles about his behavior by saying "Chris talked to me" in Charles' truck. Daniel gets down the ledge by himself and catches up with Sean. At the Christmas market, if Sean tells the truth to the gift vendor, he will obtain a $1 discount. Sean scolds the boys (mainly Daniel) for using the power out in the open, saying it's dangerous, to which Daniel responds with guilt. Contributes 1 point per item to whether Daniel will steal from Brody (3 or more required). . Caused by: Asking Daniel to stop swearing when he is packing his bag in the cabin. Claire will leave a thank you note for tidying the room. After a long cut-scene, we take control of Sean again. Sean and Daniel surrender and are both arrested. Sean doesn't have a gun to use during the confrontation. Daniel uses his abilities to attack Lisbeth with the intention of ending her life. Caused by: Sean giving up on finding Daniel after calling for him three times. Sean shoots Merrill in the shoulder, who shoots Finn in the chest in turn. At the Christmas Market, Daniel will tell Chris that he almost beat his high score a few weeks ago, but Sean's phone died. True Colors is carried by Alex. After Daniel wakes up with a nightmare about his dad, Sean will easily be able to comfort him and get him to go back to sleep. When examining the soda at night, Sean will be glad he brought soda so that Daniel could get a sugar rush. Sean will lament to Brody later that he didn't get the chance to hug his dad the last time he saw him. Daniel makes no attempt to hurt Lisbeth; she is shot and killed by Sean instead. Nicholas will bring Sean into the church. Sean will have the option to talk about Mushroom's death or Hank Stamper to the others. Sean will steal a truck with Finn and Daniel and break into Merrill's house with them. When Lisbeth asks Sean if he has faith in God: If Sean replies he has faith, Lisbeth will say Daniel told her so. Sean has the option to enter Cassidy's tent if he kisses her. -, You refused to pray with Claire and Daniel. Claire will leave a note saying she tidied the room if Sean didn't do it himself, or a thank you note if he did. Say the power is pretty cool after catching Daniel with Chris. He will only mention stealing from the gas station if Sean attempted to steal the gear, but chose to run, instead of attacking Hank. Later, the bruises will be visible when Sean takes a shower in the motel. If Sean decided to play on the machine, but left the game, Daniel will lament how they can't even win a toy. When the Sheriff arrives at the door, he will claim that a call was made to her from the house. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel that there's no time to play. Caused by: Letting Karen open up to Sean and refusing her help. Daniel is grossed out by the bathroom but doesn't need to urinate at night. 3. Claire is initially shocked, then angry with Sean and Daniel for breaking the door. Sean is uncertain about Karen's advice since he remembered how Esteban raised him and Daniel. Then LiS1 and it'll make just as much sense if not more. Sean agrees but advises Daniel to always look for other ways of helping the situation, before using the power. Sean has the option while handcuffed at the gas station. If Sean logs in to his social media account, he will see Lyla defending him on his page and posting about the legal system being unjust on her own page. Sean will be thankful to know that Chris is fine. Sean can find the wristband from Finn in Daniel's room, while exploring Lisbeth's house, and comment how Finn was Daniel's real friend after all. Caused by: Finn being killed at the farm. Sean will not be able to enter Cassidy's tent even if Sean kisses Cassidy in the water. Daniel will be slightly comforted by the promise. Daniel takes solace in the fact they were able to actually bury Mushroom. He will also give Daniel his cape. may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. To succeed: Speak to the Californian family and choose at least two of the dialogue options. Joseph's political Economy. Daniel didn't take out his anger on the photo of the family. If Sean looks at the photo, he will comment that he doesn't blame Daniel for "being pissed that day", presumably alluding to when he had to go look for food and leave Daniel alone in the cabin. 5.2. You are now ready for breakfast. If he says he likes her too, he has the chance to kiss her in the lake and will then be invited inside her tent if he disagreed to the heist. This will lock you out of Cassidy becoming Sean's romantic interest in the long run; although you can share a kiss in the lake, she will become mad when Finn greets you back at the camp as his partner in crime, preventing you from entering her tent. The phone battery will die while Daniel is using it. When handcuffed in the back room of Bear Station, Sean can ask Daniel to tear off the vent. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven. She will also post a photo of her with Daniel, saying she's thinking of him. I really want to get the ending where Chris helps Sean and Daniel escape and gives Daniel his Captain Spirit cape. If Sean called Lyla back in Episode 1, she will write comments defending the brothers. When the Sheriff arrives at the door, he will claim that a call was made to her from the house. If Sean condones the behavior or doesn't confront Daniel about Brody's toy, Daniel will steal Chris' submarine. Since Chris' costume is mostly blue, Daniel's "wild animal" makeup is done using blue dye to match the appearance code. Sean can have a "conversation" with Nick. Karen's goodbye to Daniel takes on a more melancholic and advisory tone. Esteban will hug Sean and tell him to be careful. Sean apologizes about forgetting to use the soap and allows Daniel to use it himself. Whatever your choice is, grandpa offers to keep this conversation between you and him. Caused by: Daniel having Low Morality and Low Brotherhood. 172. Daniel is more conflicted about his power while talking to Sean before boarding the train. Sean can steal one item without getting Daniel involved, as Doris doesn't constantly watch him on the alert. or "Fuck Puerto Lobos!". help listeners to realize that they troubles are not unique. His and Sean's conversation in the car, before the final decision, feels more uncertain. Daniel goes to sit on top of the rock at the end of the day, and Sean can choose to watch clouds together. This choice confirms Sean not having faith for the time being. Daniel won't tell Claire that they went to the Christmas market. If Sean has not yet helped with chores, Claire will suggest it to him as she leaves the house to run errands. The Power Bear toy will be absent from the motel room. The sun will go dark and the seas will turn to blood. If Sean reveals that he agreed to the heist while in the lake, Cassidy will storm off and take his flashlight. Without proper moral guidance beforehand, Daniel might try to choke Cassidy if you don't agree to the heist. )Daniel is upset and wondering if Chris is dead. After getting in, Daniel will ask Sean what happened to his face, and Sean will reply that 'that old bastard happened.'. Go down to the kitchen and move to the grandmother sitting at the table - choose "Join for breakfast". Caused by: Sean stealing from the car in the forest and from the store, or simply just stealing the tent. Daniel will only thank Sean for getting him something. - 43%, You chose to protect Daniel's secret and told him to be careful. This will not, however, make him actually terrified later in the night. After Daniel accidentally cuts himself with scissors, Sean can advise Daniel to slow down and reassure he's doing a good job. Daniel will make an enthusiastic comment and hug Sean. Caused by: Asking Daniel to stop swearing when he is packing his bag in the cabin. Daniel will clean using his powers, and Sean can ask him to stop or allow him to continue. This will, however, result in Cassidy's particular resentment towards Sean. 2. If you agree to the heist, aren't caught on the CCTVs, and successfully lift the bar behind the living room door, Merrill will take out a radio upon catching the group and tell Big Joe that he was right. Finn will comment that Sean is not a ninja. -, Daniel enjoyed his early Christmas presents. Daniel is more conflicted about his power while talking to Sean before boarding the train. Sean can beg for food from the Californian family and either succeed or fail. To get this outcome, get all the heroes and villains correct, but do not ask for details about Chris's dad. Daniel will note that he's better at skipping stones on his own now. Sean listens to Daniel's ending of the story. Daniel won't tell Chris he has a chibi Power Bear. Main article: Game Statistics (Season 2) Daniel suggests his power could help the brothers sometime. Sean tells Daniel that they can't trust her. Sean will be more optimistic while looking around Haven Point before seeing Daniel, since he has faith. He will write in his sketchbook he won't forgive himself and he's able to stab a friend in the back to save himself. Cassidy will be injured in the final confrontation with Merrill by Daniel's power. Sean will draw a romantic sketch of Cassidy in the hospital, regardless of whether she cut ties with him or not. The edges of Sean's vision will be blurry around the campfire. The two distinctive purposes in reading will determine different rates. Caused by: Sean finding Daniel in the bathroom and Daniel having Low Morality. Sean will have the option to steal a gun from the safe. Daniel is caught off guard and lets go of the flying plates, making a noise and alerting Claire for a second. The worst horrors of the Great Tribulation are yet to come. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire he will have the option to tell the group about how the cougar killed Mushroom but they were able to scare it off. Contributes to Sean's potential intoxication. Life is Strange 2 Episode 2: Rules - Not As I Do Xbox One, PS4, PC After completing Life is Strange 2 Episode 1: Roads, I was extremely optimistic about the direction developer DONTNOD were taking. Robert Hackerman will greet Sean without asking if he's alright. Sean can still help with chores after this dialogue. Sean asks Daniel to get rid of the officers. The symbol is not unique to Life is Strange. If Karen didn't witness Lisbeth's death, she agrees it's fair and warmly approves of Sean's attitude. Use Daniel's power to blast open Karen's door. -, You chose to pull Stephen out together and injured his leg. Given the random nature of the dice game, this outcome might be hard to get, especially if you continue to let Daniel cheat. Daniel will complain about the lack of food or comment on how they're eating leftovers from strangers, to which Sean will reply that they don't have enough money. Daniel's drawing will appear in Sean's inventory without an explanation. Life is Strange: Before the Storm "Farewell" Bonus Episode. Sean agrees but advises Daniel to always look for other ways of helping the situation, before using the power. Caused by: Sean asking Daniel not to move during the confrontation and Daniel having Low Brotherhood. Go outside the balcony door in the room with the TV. Asking Daniel to do it is not required to escape. Sean will tell her that his wound hurts before going inside. If Sean sees the Bible at the motel, he has a sarcastic thought about any guest willing to read it. Sean will not be able to check the news, Brody's blog, or log in to his social media account. Caused by: Sean interacting with Daniel in any way and Daniel having High Brotherhood. Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to use his power during the confrontation. If Sean doesn't call Lyla in Episode 2 or lies to her mom, Lyla's Facebook page will be supportive about mental health. If Sean takes a harsher tone at Daniel disliking ravioli, Sean will ask Daniel if he wants to eat berries again. Daniel will tell Chris he has a chibi Power Bear when meeting him for the first time. Daniel interrupts Sean's story, asking if he can contribute something to it. Sean will have a chance to chicken out saying the water is too cold or go in. Sean can't tell Charles that Chris "gave [him] some tips" when he was drawing. Sean can't gain any more info from Lisbeth's house. Neglect and pranks are what cause him to get upset. Contributes to getting closer to Cassidy. Daniel's "lair" will be made from a tarp. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire, he will be able to tell the group about how they beat Hank up for kidnapping them. If Karen didn't witness Lisbeth's death, she argues she just wants Sean and Daniel to get what they both deserve. Unlike Finn, Sean does not have the option to wake Merrill up, the situation plays out similarly to if Sean chose to escape instead of wake Finn. Meaningly contributes to keeping distances with Karen. Call Daniel for help - he wants to play hide and seek. The blade will bounce off of the tree and Finn will comment that you whiffed it. Sean can add soap to the bathtub for Daniel. Caused by: Sean choosing to cross the border and Daniel having High Morality during the game's finale. Sean will be more skeptical while looking around Haven Point before seeing Daniel, since he doesn't believe. In Sean's dream, Esteban will mention it. So I've played the first two episodes of LiS 2 three times now, and each time I get the same ending. Doris won't care if Sean doesn't have only a bit of money to fully pay for the articles and will force him to at least remove something. When Claire leaves to run errands, she will recognize Sean has done chores and say he's free to keep tidying up. Sean spends the next 15 years in jail, while Daniel grows up under his grandparents care, going on to use his powers for good. Arthur and Stanley will warmly goodbye Sean before leaving. Karen advises Sean and Daniel to stay true to themselves and not let anyone get in the way towards their goal. The car swerves sideways to avoid him but fails, striking him on the side. Daniel will be optimistic as the pair hike to Bear Station. Big Joe will not join the final confrontation. For example, they will say "Heaven is not real", instead of "Heaven is bullshit". Sean says nothing is certain at the moment, upsetting Daniel more. Daniel will only thank Sean for getting him something. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that Mushroom is in Heaven with Esteban. Caused by: Sean finding Daniel in the bathroom and Daniel having High Morality. Cassidy is guaranteed not to join Sean in the. Cassidy won't be as confident while talking to Merrill and Big Joe. Daniel grows up in Mexico, using his powers to commit crimes and keep surviving on his own. Sean confidently says they aren't, since they only did what they had to. Sean describes Doris in his sketchbook later as "okay, almost nice". Sean notices more foreboding things about the church from the start and is more skeptical of the community. Daniel keeps his power a secret from Claire and Stephen. Daniel will give Sean a drawing he made right after. Sean helps Daniel with the dishes and Daniel in return helps with the water tanks. During the argument with Claire, she will mention blasphemy among the things she put up with. Contributes 1 point per action to whether Daniel will steal from Brody later in the episode (3 or more points required). Daniel will be too upset to enjoy his Christmas present(s). If Cassidy is romanced, she will send Sean a warm letter with her phone number, explaining where she currently is with the others and that she might think about joining Sean in Mexico after she parts with the other Drifters. Choosing "You kidnapped me!" Life is Strange 2. Chris is hit by a Police car if Daniel didn't tell him the truth earlier. To get this outcome, get all of the heroes and villains correct and then ask Chris about his dad either right away when he's mentioned, or after talking about the broken tree house. There's no injury for Chris to mention in his letter to Sean and Daniel. Sean will help Daniel wash the dishes and Daniel will help him lift the water tanks in return. When a mysterious entity known as 'The Timekeeper' begins to meddle, however, Twilight will need to adapt as she's thrust into a deadly crusade for truth she never asked for. Sean gets hit with a gun and Daniel throws the guards toward the end of the room in panic. Sean draws Finn as he sits under the tree, either with his wood piece or without it. Ordered by The Committee of the Ce If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he's only sad about leaving Chris all alone. If Sean is not able to talk with Lyla and lies to her mom, Lyla's Facebook page will be supportive about mental health. While staying up late, Sean revealed he might be interested in some boys. Sean either stops believing or continues not to have faith. Doris might be more cold and curt when addressing Sean and Daniel during their interactions. If Sean didn't agree with Finn's plan, Cassidy will send very warm and supportive letter. Karen tearfully cleans up Sean's wound in silence. first, since the option doesn't carry any risks. This will allow you to keep Cassidy as a romantic interest as Finn will not approach Sean when they come back to camp. And yet the rule of primogeniture alonethe concern for a "heir madle"could not have insured the integrity of lineage if it had not been accompanied by a model of marriage appropriate to the unilateral transmission of the ef and to the organization of feudal society as a series of alliances between landholders with mutual obligations. If Finn is romanced, survives and Sean forgives him, he will send Sean a warm letter with his phone number, explaining where he currently is and that he might think about joining Sean in Mexico after ending his sentence. If the Chock-O-Crisp was stolen, Daniel will get out the Chock-O-Crisp to eat that night. In the latest chapter . Time for another story-related choice: "Hide the secret" or "Tell the Truth". Sean will go easy on Daniel after breaking the rule, admitting that saving Chris was the right call. Daniel will not help you with the water tanks. Daniel's shirt and trousers will remain dirty throughout the episode. - 18%, Daniel was told to tell the truth but he continued lying to Chris. Actions that contribute to Doris' warm/trusting attitude: Sean didn't steal anything throughout the episode so far (including at the gas station). Cassidy's letter will not be impacted by any additional tragedies. Sean will have the same hairstyle for the rest of the episode. If Sean looks at his phone while sitting by the campfire, Daniel will ask to play games on it. Daniel will not steal anything from Brody's car. Sean goes easy on the boys and keeps talking to Chris about the power with some approval. If Sean looks at it, he admits in his thoughts how Daniel still misses Chris. Click here for Season 2 overall consequences. Daniel will wear the lime green shirt that he found, both at the campfire and during the heist. Caused by: Breaking into the truck through the back window. As someone who has owned a dog all my life, I understand exactly the importance, especially for elderly people, of a dog. If Sean has a low intimacy level with Cassidy or ignores her advances, Cassidy will tell Sean she has to swing by her tent and Hannah will interrupt them. To quickly get this outcome, you can call Daniel out for cheating after he moves Sean's pieces, then forfeit the game. As long as Chris doesn't get hurt, Daniel will enjoy his Christmas present(s). 0. Or Two lonely souls find each other (again). Caused by: Sean sending Daniel to beg for food from the family. Sean stood up for Daniel after the latter hit Big Joe. Penny won't mention the coffee at the party. With "Nice Weather" you have to avoid looking suspicious by mentioning the flat tire or camping (only after looking at the "Tacoma Rock" sign). At the motel, Daniel will place a toy he stole from Brody on the nightstand after Sean examines something. The following article features the statistics and consequences of choices from Episode 2: Rules. Community Hub. This will guarantee Daniel steals a toy from Brody (This statistically contributes 3 points necessary for Daniel to steal) regardless of your past choices that contribute towards it. Has faith do not ask for details about Chris 's dad Daniel keeps his power could help the.... By: breaking into the truck through the back room of Bear.. Enthusiastic comment and hug Sean and Daniel to stay true to themselves and not let anyone get in lake! Gas Station Karen tearfully cleans up Sean 's wound in silence chores after this.! Is, grandpa offers to keep tidying up there 's no injury for Chris mention... Big Joe guards toward the end of the room in panic cold and curt when addressing and... Merrill 's house things she put up with either stops believing or not... 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