Brown this week signed into law expanded statewide restrictions on police use-of-force. Two murders, gunshot wounds, assaults, and rapes took place at her pet mobs little summer of love squat. Many demonstrators carried shields, it said. Federal law, in particular 40 U.S.C. Anyone can read what you share. The events come after officials in suburban counties refused a call from Gov. They necessarily conflict with other peoples rights to be left the hell alone and in peace to go about their lives. The duplicitous politicians have agreed that the law doesnt apply to the Democrats pet protesters. The reporter from CBN called the mayor a liar for alleging that the federal police response was unprovoked. People watching Portlands antifa/Black Lives Matter riots have been appalled by the violence, lawbreaking and head-cracking. The police said 59 officers had been injured, including one who was hospitalized. Theyve recently been outed by James OKeefe and Project Veritas and are most certainly under scrutiny by the feds. But, Governor Kate Brown has COVID restrictions on large gatherings too. A video of an officer chasing down and tackling a protester and then punching him repeatedly in the face this week inflamed calls for more police accountability. The Dads, who look oddly like the rioters from the night before, came with the leaf blowers to blow back at federal officers all the CS or tear gas theyve deployed, while their comrades yes, they call them comrades, lobbed IEDs. There are currently 114 federal law enforcement officers in Portland, according to a legal filing from the U.S. attorneys office, drawn from various agencies including Customs and Border Protection and the Federal Protective Service. Camera! They are discussing on Reddit & other places new ways to change public perception on the riots. The fireworks progressed in their size, with officials saying that by 1:40 a.m. on the 26th that a mortar had been launched onto the precincts roof. Other cost estimates support Property Claim Services' $2 billion figure. Under questioning, Mr. Barr said that tear gas and violence were not appropriate responses to peaceful protesters. Those of us covering the Portland Professional Protester scene for years have seen most of this behavior before. We Need to Talk About Mark Levin's Interview With Ron DeSantis, MONDAY AT 3PM EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit - Replay Available, LOL: White House Official Shares Tweet From Biden Showered With His Daughter, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. When not working or combating bad ideas, Hoyt also leisurely studies economics, history, and law. Of all the chaos that ensued during the riot, police were said to have taken four people into custody. The mayor forgot to mention the attempted murder of many officers and persons in custody. Officials say that some among the crowd that had gathered were picking up the CS canisters deployed and throwing them back at officers. He is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. I park several blocks away, and often find myself walking by people getting off work or going on a date. But this is an election year and time is short. Its about powerthe power of the collective against the rights of the individual, which is the fundamental precept upon which this country was built. Contrary to the claim in the post, manyBlack Lives Matterprotesters did face consequences. . People are coming in with their jaws falling off, she said. And Trump has stepped up threats to send U.S. agents back to the city, like his administration did in July when agents brought in to stop attacks on a federal courthouse and other U.S. property only reinvigorated the protesters. (LockA locked padlock) lol. Protest dad, using a skateboard as a shield Three investigations, including one by Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, showed that wasnt true. The rally turned into a riot . There is not a comprehensive tally of injured protesters, but at least five people have filed civil lawsuits describing injuries and seeking damages of up to $950,000. a Canadian oil-sands-producing city where 2,400 of 25,000 buildings burned, the power grid was damaged and the water was . (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, File), Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. and wholly destroyed, which included 12 structures . This is unlawful., U.S Attorney for Oregon Billy Williams gets irritated by biased media who refuse to accurately describe the criminal behavior of rioters trying to burn down the Portland federal courthouse. Far from denouncing the violent and destructive nightly arsons and assaults, Democrats embrace the riots to denounce President Trump. Acting deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Ken Cuccinelli, says bringing weapons, gas masks and shields are preparations for violence. Its gaslighting writ large. The only freedom they want is freedom from the laws that make a civil society work. As of Aug. 28, the U.S. Attorney's Office for Oregon had charges outstanding against 74 people in connection with the Portland unrest. lol. Rose City Antifa writesin a tweet: since we see a lot of new folks coming out to the local protests (welcome! We are standing up for what we believe in.. . Per an agreement between @OregonGovBrown & @DHS_Wolf, there are OR State Police visibly protecting the federal courthouse starting now. Updated September 17, 2020 - 6:35 pm. Outrage over the federal agents actions in Portland extended to Seattle over the weekend, when thousands of protesters took to the streets on Saturday against police violence and the deployment of federal agents to Portland. The 100th consecutive night of protests in Portland quickly escalated into a riot Saturday as people hurled "multiple fire bombs, mortars, rocks and other items" at officers, police said. MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) - Minneapolis officials said Tuesday they have identified approximately 700 buildings that sustained some sort of damage during the riots in the wake of George Floyd's . He has written for numerous publications, including The Christian Post, National Review, The Washington Free Beacon, The Daily Signal, AEI's Values & Capitalism, and the Colson Center's Breakpoint. Because of a lack of state and local leadership, DHS law enforcement officers have been forced to take measures such as making arrests in order to protect our officials and federal property. Reports indicating otherwise are irresponsible and inaccurate. Look for more shutdowns after Oregon experiences another spike in COVID cases in the next few weeks from the riots. U.S. Attorney for Oregon Billy Williams condemned a journalist for refusing to call the violent attacks what they are. The George Floyd riots cost $2 billion. In Portland, what we see is almost two months of coordinated violent attacks by anarchists against a federal courthouse and the federal law enforcement officers sworn to protect it. Antifa activists attempted to burn down the Mark Hatfield federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon Thursday night. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The citys police chief, Chuck Lovell, pointed out the criminal display that transpired, highlighting how those present made attempts to trap people inside of the police precinct while setting the building on fire: Last nights violence barricading doors of a building with people inside and then lighting it on fire is reprehensible & immoral. @KerriKupecDOJ @realDonaldTrump @USAO_OR, Victoria Taft (@VictoriaTaft) July 26, 2020. DHS law enforcement officers are there to protect a symbol of justice, the courthouse, along with federal property and personnel. Other injuries, like those sustained by the Navy veteran, have been captured on video. As you may have wondered, yes, Portland has a leaf blower ordinance ( Leaf Blower Regulations 18.10.035) banning the use of them in the city after 7 p.m. The most serious injury to an officer to date occurred when a protester wielding a two-pound sledgehammer struck an officer in the head and shoulder when the officer tried to prevent the protester from breaking down a door to the Hatfield Courthouse, the filing stated. Democrats, like this democratic strategist, cheer them on. The idea is to show that rioting to bring down the country and serving to protect this country are totally the same thing. Their streets. Meaning, previous riots, like the 1992 Rodney King Riots in Los Angeles, cost $775 million in 1992 dollars. with the ones looting Louis Vuitton, tearing down statues of George Washington, and trying to burn down federal buildings. The new arrangement should weaken the antifa rioters, but the violence is likely to continue. Anotherclaim surfaced Feb. 15 on Facebook. They faced no consequences. In many instances, business owners were left paying for damages out of pocket as more than half of all riot-related losses were not covered by insurance. If you see a media outlet or politico selling this Broadway production-pap, theyve been had and you need to re-think your news sources. A large fire was ignited in the street outside of North Precinct, prompting some arrests during a protest Sunday night into Monday morning. Weve said this before, but to re-iterate: we are not organizing, leading, or otherwise behind the local protests. Not a sign with a slogan that someone expressing their first amendment rights might carry, but preparations for violence. Black Lives Matter protests, vigils and speeches marking the occasion are planned over three days and Trump supporters are planning another caravan rally. As he stood there staring intently at the IED-pocked, scorched, and graffitied building, there was an unprovoked gassing of the protesters. The cleaning and repair . Officers on site were utilizing crowd control methods to stifle the rioters and arsonists, deploying the likes of CS gas. Scant evidence of antifa shows how sweeping the protests for racial justice have become, AP tally: Arrests at widespread US protests hit 10,000, How George Floyd protests evolved in 5 major cities, This summers Black Lives Matter protesters were overwhelmingly peaceful, our research finds. They just put on a yellow shirt now for optics. Starting in May 2020, demonstrations over the police murder of George Floyd were held in the city of Portland, Oregon, concurrent with protests in other cities in the United States and around the world.By July 2020, many of the protests, which had been held every day since May 28, drew more than 1,000 participants. Arrests Are Plummeting. Action! Tyler O'Neil is an author and conservative commentator. In St. Paul, more than 50 businesses were vandalized and destroyed. The mayor knew this. The destructive and violent antics from the crowd comes on the heels of Mayor Wheelers calls from earlier in June to ban the use of tear gas against protesters. Protesters burned an American flag they hung from the Multnomah County Justice Center, a government building mostly used by police, the statement said. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) Once hailed as one of the most livable U.S. cities, Portland, Oregon, is grappling with an uncertain future as it reaches a stunning benchmark: 100 consecutive nights of racial injustice protests marred by vandalism, chaos and the killing of a supporter of President Donald Trump. Four people . Portions of the crowd were said to have moved on from the precinct to bring their terror to other businesses in the area, setting additional fires and engaging in looting by 3:00 a.m. on the 26th. Kate Conger reported from Portland, Ore., and Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs from New York. Meanwhile, Wheeler is politically sandwiched between Trump and local business owners who want order restored and left-wing groups demanding his resignation for what they call his failure to rein in local police. Federal law clearly states that DHS has the authority to protect federal property and arrest criminals who damage federal property or attack federal officers. Portland Police Bureau - 09/07/20 2:59 AM. Theyve gone all-in on blaming the riots on President Trump thus allying themselves with the antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchist and communist mobs. In the absence of individual names, each officer wears a unique identifier. PORTLAND, Ore. Attorney General William P. Barr forcefully defended the federal response to long-running protests in Portland on Tuesday, telling the House Judiciary Committee that the protests had become violent. Demonstrators in Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday vandalized the state Democratic Party headquarters and a federal US Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, according to police. But BLM has soldiered on, recasting the group as being in support of black lives, when its only blacks killed in connection with a law-enforcement action that they care about. Lights! Clashes are common. The Department of Homeland Security said in daily briefings about the protests that agents had been burned by fireworks and a caustic substance that were thrown over a fence surrounding the courthouse. It's almost like Portland police have been waiting years for a chance like that while ANTIFA have run riot on them. Portland police cited the figure during a recent news conference from a Portland Business Alliance survey of nearly 100 businesses about protest-related damages. Crews are cleaning up the shattered glass and starting to board up windows. 1. fwiedwice1 7 mo. and another . If theyre not outright organizing it with their Lisa Fithian-like trainers around the country, theyre in it. USA TODAY reached out to Wright and The Right View of the United Statesfor comment. "portland, ny, minneapolis and chicago are all now in bankruptcy due to blm protests," the post reads. Most of these people arent mothers & many dont even identify as female. Wheeler was overcome by the fumes, his COVID-19 mask not being enough to keep out the smell. The post has been shared over 15,000 times since it was posted on Aug. 14. killing of a supporter of President Donald Trump. The move appears to be a way to get around Portlands newly elected local prosecutor, who has dismissed hundreds of cases against demonstrators arrested for low-level, non-violent offenses. Wall of Vets' joins Black Lives Matter protests in Portland, Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) July 25, 2020. Protester Shane Braswell, who has marched in at least 60 of Portlands demonstrations, said people who oppose or are indifferent to the goals of Black Lives Matter need to . Enforcing federal law is not by invitation. This wasnt like Seattles infamous police precinct that was abandoned: These rioters were working to block off all exits from the police precinct in Portland where officers and persons in custody were still inside. Their freeways. Like our page to get updates throughout the day on our latest debunks. Marketing and Sales professional based out in Sierra Vista, Arizona. There needs to be a distinction made between lawful, constitutionally-protected protest, and this. Along parts of Pine Street, where many of the confrontations between police and rioters took place, few businesses were untouched. During the clashes, some have broken windows, set small fires, punctured police car tires with spikes, shined lasers in officers eyes and pelted them with rocks and frozen water bottles. Team Joe member, Jon Cooper, the Draft Joe Biden for President 2016 finance chair and former chair of The Democratic Coalition, points to the veteran street theater as a moving event in a cheap attempt to whitewash antifa and BLMs anti-Americanism. The owner famously said, "Let my building burn. Another federal agent was shot with a pellet gun, leaving a wound deep to the bone, she said. Rep. Marcia Fudge, Ohio Democrat, told USA Today that the show of force for BLM protests and the weak policing of Trump supporters who sacked the Capital is clear evidence of racial bias. Over the weekend, there were multiple shootings and stabbings at these mostly peaceful protests, or, as the news media likes to dub them, rowdy rioters.. Some of them may be military vets. Donate to their GoFundMe! He later pronounced that the feds had no provocation for gassing the crowdsthat he had seen nothing which could possibly, remotely, ever, ever cause cops to shoot tear gas canisters. ), wed like to remind everyone of the importance of good cybersecurity, A later Rose City Antifa tweet vowed: weve never been more prepared to fight for what we believe in and what is right.. The Minneapolis Police's 3rd Precinct was also destroyed. Hundreds of Antifa Riot in Portland, Try To Set Up Another Autonomous Zone, Attack Police Precinct and Set It on Fire, Patricia (@Patrici30991964) June 27, 2020. #PortlandRiots. BREAKING: Minneapolis Police Department's 3rd Precinct on fire as riots continue https://t . The Times could not independently confirm the use of those weapons. And tear gas is internationally banned in war, and theyre using it on our streets, on our young people. Follow him on Twitter at@Tyler2ONeil. Wednesday night marked the 61st straight night of violent antifa riots outside the federal courthouse in Portland, Ore. Rioters threw the first mortar firework just before 11 p.m., and federal law enforcement cleared the area in the wee hours of the morning. Eight people were arrested in Portland on suspicion of offenses including rioting and reckless burning, while two people were arrested in Seattle, one for assault and another for property damage . In a July 22 court filing, the U.S. attorneys office in Oregon said that 28 federal law enforcement officers had been injured during protests in Portland. The nightly protests in Portland, which began in late May as a response to the police killing of George Floyd, have become the backdrop for a conflict between federal officials and local leaders. Antifa and their BLM brethren seek to destroy American institutions because they claim those institutions are somehow racist and oppressive. The Portland Police Department said that protesters gathered outside the . They have no business being here. leading up and after the 2016 presidential election. from the more than 100 days of consecutive chaos in Portland to the explosive unrest in Kenosha, . They are cracking heads and cold-cocking Trump rally-goers who dare bring a contra-narrative to one of their riots. . Op/Ed: Police Stops Are Dangerous. "They want to burn, they want bash, they want to intimidate, they want to assault," Mayor Ted Wheeler said Friday, while announcing the city would . Is #OPDX #OccupyPDX HIRING ACTOR to pretend they're apologetic captains of industry to rile up their mobs? Amid the turbulence, Portland now finds itself as a proxy for the culture wars sweeping the nation. They direct traffic, block freeways, block bridges, block ingress to the airport, barricade doors of police precincts, and set the building on fire and burn police union halls. Antifa sympathizers and 'streamers' pledged more riots like the ones last summer. This ones from Occupy Portland that occurred in 2011-12. Only 3.7% of the events involved property damage or vandalism, according to the analysis. Portland police returned and . The Portland Police Department has declared a riot on numerous occasions because of the nightly violence, which occurred well before the federal presence increased in early July. It turns out that the mayor missed a few thingssuch as the bags of burning garbage, IEDs, assorted other fireworks, and green lasers being shot into the eyes of law enforcement. Others say the street activism and particularly violence is taking attention away from other urgent issues affecting the Black community. We've said this before, but to re-iterate: we are not organizing, leading, or otherwise behind the local protests. Local and state leaders have prohibited the Portland police from enforcing laws that could bring this violence to an end. Cheerrzaman, please list any and all cities that got "burned down." I live in Portland, a supposed burned down war zone and outside of the 2-block area around the federal building, you ., Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 19, 2020. By 11:00 p.m. on the 25 th, more exits from the building were said to have been barricaded on the precinct. Welcome to Portland, with its white protesters cast for their newly announced production, the Wall of Vets, a collection of protesters who now call themselves military veterans. . Those clashes ended July 31, when state police took over from U.S. agents under a deal brokered by Brown and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. He took a team of men with guns to protect him from the rowdy rioters. Whose freeways? PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) Once hailed as one of the most livable U.S. cities, Portland, Oregon, is grappling with an uncertain future as it reaches a stunning benchmark: 100 consecutive nights of racial injustice protests marred by vandalism, chaos and the killing of a supporter of President Donald Trump. It's almost like Portland police have been waiting years for a chance like that while ANTIFA have run riot on them. Many of the more than 1,500 businesses in Minneapolis and St. Paul damaged during last year's riots following George Floyd's killing remain closed, while others are struggling to stay open. Security concerns explode as Afghan refugees pour into U.S. before to proper processing, Snoop Dogg the criminal talks for a living calls educated black conservatives The Cn Bunch (Op-ed). Justice needs to be served," during the initial riots, and became an international symbol of the unrest. Here is what the Portland fire department has had to sa. The Hill reported over 17,000 arrests had been made in the first two weeks of protests. Gregory Hoyt is an I.T. Official websites use .gov Most of these people arent mothers & many dont even identify as female. DHS officers are clearly identifiable as law enforcement officers. North Precinct, prompting some arrests during a protest Sunday night into Monday morning with! 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