We have been to each others homes and plan on a visit to Washington DC next Sept. 5 June 1958, HHC, 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry was redesignated as HHC, 1st Battle Group, 21st Infantry (organic elements were concurrently constituted). Victory Division During the split I was assigned to the Always Forward Bn (2nd of 34th). There was a small farm town at the base of the hilltop that had a family run guesthouse, that, we would go to for beers and play cards. In 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989 and 1992 the McGraw Kaserne was scene of the Bavarian Open Championships of Racquetball.[4]. But hey we were 21 and needed to attend to our needs. Entrance to former McGraw Kaserne, Mnchen. It was actually class 64-6. Reference Byron D. Hanson's email above: his last paragraph mentions an Artillery unit on Will Kaserne. I still have a picture of Steve Weeks while we were out in the field doing our (war games) exercises. Henry Kaserne - A place for veterans who served at Henry Kaserne in Munich, Germany. I was on Flak Kaserne (the one with the lantern over the hole in the fence way down behind the hospital). Only three of them are currently used. Thanks very much to all of you for sharing your thoughts on this website. His best friend was James Dale Grindstaff. My unit was the first Battalion to augment the Berlin Brigade on a 90 day rotation. I heard Chet Baker play there (he was just out of an Italian jail after a drug bust)-one of the great thrills of my young life. Click here to open 'USArmyGermany' frameset. On the same visit we spent time in the village of Gablingen with the Rumez family who were our landlords when we lived on the economy. Two 100lb. Thank you. I have excellent friends in Germany now. Our officers were looking good, since all their friends were coming to Munich to get their equipment off of Red Line. (Page 2) Well, we arrived in Augsburg; met the infamous General Walker; given a talk by the Sgt Major."Don't go home with anything that Mama wouldn't like". Then we were taken by truck to Henry Kaserne which was south of both Will and Warner Kaserne. Anderson Barracks, Dexheim (will reopen) Artillery Kaserne, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. I put almost 5000 miles on the clock by the time I drove it up to Bremerhaven to ship back to the States. detachment of the 24th Infantry Division, please contact the webmaster (see email link at top of page). 04-43 249 ) DATE ) ) On appeal from the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in Roanoke, V I guess it is possible. My sleeping area WAS on the top floor during the first half of 1958, later moving down to a room in the dispensary until I rotated back to the states in 1959. I would like to let you know how much I enjoyed finding your page. Unsere Bestenliste Feb/2023 - Detaillierter Produktratgeber Die besten Mac pinsel set kaufen Bester Preis : Vergleichssieger. 1st Sgt. ROSTERS I remember it well. rifle range using real TNT, jumping the 34 foot training tower at the German jump school at Schongau, climbing partway up the Benediktenwand in December only to be caught in a big snow storm, ect. As you know in the Army you don't tell a Sgt. The large building was covered by a netting entwined with small bushes. We use to go into Munich to a place on Hohenzollern Strasse 21 to be exact. Looking for Henry Kasher? After World War II it was renamed by the United States forces to Henry Kaserne in honor of Private Robert T. Henry. There are 767 real estate listings found in Germany. I have the names of all the troops in this photo but I don't know if that is important. The facility was constructed between 1936 and 1938. Today serves as Munich police headquarters These days, little reminds us of the former function of the group of buildings clustered around Tegernseer Land Strasse 120. [Sept., 2001. At that time Lt. Col. was Buchanan, the "Always Forward" commander. at Krabbenloch Kaserne. Once they were empty, I took them to the motor pool, burned off the MP and Service Club markings, painted them and stenciled them 1/21st Inf. 5 talking about this. Hereby I include a picture of him (standing at the far right) at the Freimannkaserne. After World War II it was renamed by the United States forces to Henry Kaserne in honor of Private Robert T. Henry. On the morning of July 1, 1958, a formation of soldiers representing all of the 11th Airborne Division units stood on the parade ground of Flak Kaserne, Augsburg. Despite living in the division headquarters building, the only times I remember seeing him was while on color guard duty at the officers' club as he entertained other visiting generals. Mecheln - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. We had no difficulty visiting Flak Kaserne as the gates were open. the first Bn to augment the Berlin Brigade, http://www.deutsches-museum-de/zweig/werft/hist.htm, Warner was during the war a nco academy for the Germans; Patton, for more on Munich's Warner Kaserne with Paul Cole's much more detailed perspective, click here. The police also use the garages of the former "Reichsautozug Deutschland" and the "Hilfszug Bayern". I will always remember the wonderful food, drink and all of my experiences while I was there; many new friends, many good times. Sgt. The first ones were located near the historical center of Munich. If anyone knew him I would appreciate more information on him.I think he might have been a driver of some type. what to do especially if you are a Pvt.!) We have pictures and will post them if we can. The main building of the Reichszeugmeisterei (building number7), the follow-on institution of the SA-Wirtschaftsstelle), was planned by the architects Paul Hofer and Karl Johann Fischer[1] and was mostly completed in 1937. ), North Point (aka Kriegsfeld) Kaserne (transferred to Bundeswehr 1996(? He had compassion and was getting out in 6 months. To take my place on the color guard I had to learn the the manual of arms reversed so I could appear to be symmetrical on the left end. While General Walker was generally popular with the troops on a personal level, General Bonesteel seemed remote and aloof. I was stationed at Taylor Barracks from May 92 thru May 94. The main station is in Munich and three substations are located at Chiemsee, Passau and Regensburg. But the biggest thing by far was the start of construction of the Berlin Wall. How cool is that. A fight broke out which grew into a near riot and I barely made it out of the bar before the MPs arrived to drag all apparent participants out. Click here to open 'USArmyGermany' frameset. After a wild ride across the North Atlantic on the USS Geiger in February 1961 I was with the 3rd Engineer Battalion of the 24th Division at Henry Kaserne in Munich from February 1961 to June 1963 working out of headquarters company as a payroll clerk. STEIN DATED 1956 COMMORATING THE 76TH TANK BATTALION. of Race Relations Instructions, March 13, 1975 | USAREUR adjutant general Company Clerk school, McGraw Kaserne, Munich, Germany, June, 1973 It was 60 to 80 men and was there several years before I arrived and was there several years after I transferred out We were physically located at the end of Building 207 and our morse code radio school was in part of Building 206. The area was used for the "Reichsautozug Deutschland" (Reichs automobile platoon) and the "Hilfszug Bayern" (auxiliary platoon Bavaria) car pools for the NSDAP central at the Brown House. During the Lebabon Crisis in the latter part of 1958 when part of ATF 201 was deployed to the Middle East, plans were prepared to shift the task force to the 8th Infantry Division which was earmarked as the reserve division. Restaurants in the former University of Maryland dorm (Bouvier Hall), on former American Army base of McGraw Kaserne. The Reichszeugmeisterei was responsible for testing uniforms and ordnance, as well as for maintaining vehicles. It gave me a perspective on life, people, nations and cultures which has served me well since then. Bammer was the 3rd Brigade Commander. I used to read in the Stars and Stripes the published names of soldiers killed in Viet Nam and now and then, one from Warner Kaserne was included.If my memories are to be worthwhile, they should be that I went, I served, I survived and I am thankful that I am alive to even have memories.I collect beer steins and I have one purchased by a soldier from the 43rd Infantry which shows Warner in the early 1950's.I would be happy to be a part of a Warner "alumni" group but I question whether or not I would fit in well. List of United States Army installations in Germany, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_barracks_in_Munich&oldid=1076455334, Virginia Storage Area / Alabama Storage Area (U.S. Army use), Kaserne "Mnchen-Freimann" (Nazi Germany), This page was last edited on 11 March 2022, at 05:54. HENRY KASERNE BASE MUNICH GERMANY WHICH IS SCHEDULED FOR DEMOLITON IN 2011. I can remember some of the people I was stationed there withlet's see: there was Sgt. Before long Gen Walker was relieved of his burden and we all got on with our various lives.Several years later, I watched his exploits in New Orleans on TV with fascination.Dick Thornton, Dick Thornton661-322-0903dickthornton@netzero.netbike_tourist@yahoo.com, It sure is a small world. After World War II it was renamed by the United States forces to Henry Kaserne in honor of Private Robert T. Henry. They had to be dropped off at Davisville RI first. I was at HQ 42 MP Group when, I was there from 1970 to 71. General-Wever-Kaserne (Nazi use) 1945 to 1969 Henry Kaserne (U.S. use) current name Bayern-Kaserne (Bundeswehr use) The Bayern-Kaserne (literally Bavaria-Barracks) is a military facility in Munich, Germany, originally named General-Wever-Kaserne. THE STEIN IS IN LIKE NEW CONDITION. Most of the installations were renamed during Nazi Germany, once more during the occupation of Germany after World War II when the installations were used by the United States Army, and once more when the Bundeswehr got them for use. Only one bomb struck the kaserne courtyard.In 1945, the now deserted kaserne was taken over by the UNESCO organization and maintained as a temporary home for displaced persons.Five years later in 1950 the installation was occupied by the United States Army. in Germany from 1945 to 1989. "Kirk's Herd - Duds and Outlaws". Ferris Barracks, Erlangen (closed in 1994) Unofficial homepage - English/Germany; Fort Skelly, Regensburg (closed in 1965) Francois Kaserne, Hanau (closed in 1993) Gablingen Kaserne, Augsburg (closed in 1998) George C . 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry was not part of the 24th Infantry Division when the division was activated in 1958. After a wild ride across the North Atlantic on the USS Geiger in February 1961 I was with the 3rd Engineer Battalion of the 24th Division at Henry Kaserne in Munich from February 1961 to June 1963 working out of headquarters company as a payroll clerk. To Bolds went the honor of driving the first racer down the specially constructed ramp. The first ones were located near the historical center of Munich. at Flak Kaserne. and put them out in the company area. Not long after I arrived in Augsburg and had settled into my new job at 34th Inf PIO, there was a mandatory meeting called for all troop information personnel in the 24th Division. My Army buddy who was stationed with me in Augsburg during the same time and I think the small farm town outside Augsburg where we had our Communication outpost in the forest above the town was "Gersthoven", on Route2. Some further buildings and the garage of the "Hilfszug Bayern" might be torn down. I guess I just didn't get motivated enough to call him. I will never forget the nonchalance in his voice. Frankfurt Germany Rhein-Main Air Base (3) Franklin New Jersey USA (41) Franklin New jersey USA (1) Now, I can sleep for 2-4 hours a night. ", As Gen Walker addressed us, he pulled down a huge wall map, The general atmosphere back in 54/56 was grim, The first Bn to augment the Berlin Brigade. I look back on this time as one of the most meaningful periods in my life. We all looked at each other, the other general, too, rather mystified and uneasy with this commanding officer who seemed, to all intents and purposes, to be flat out crazy.Gen Walker stated that it wasn't enough to be anti-red - you must be PRO-BLUE! 1 July 1958, 1st Abn BG, 503rd Infantry was relieved from assignment to the 11th Abn Div and assigned to the 24th Inf Div in Germany. Rode thetrain to Augsburg to Sheridan , Flak, Gablingen or Reese, can't recall. A house of ill repute! The main building (building number 7; 110 m 85 m and 18 m high) was one of the first ones in Germany to be built using steel frame technology. Munich mjunk MEW-nik German Mnchen mnn listen Bavarian Minga m listen is the capital and most populous city of the German state of Bavaria. Driving directions and travel distance calculation for Germany . 43rd Besides military units, there were many civilian installations for the soldiers' families located in the McGraw Kaserne, e. g. AAFES installations, the "Munich Community Club", a Commissary shop, a launderette, a gas station, a bowling alley, a dental clinic, a library . I attended TI&E to see what was upsetting some of our medical staff. Robert Adomilli (served with E Co 19thInf 1st BG 24th inf Div., 1960 to 1961, rotated back to states a few months prior to 19th being sent up to Berlin)RDA133@msn.com, Bill Broyles703-692-4511Room 1F202PentagonWilliam.Broyles2@hqda.army.mil. Any installation access requests and questions should be sent encrypted to usarmy.bavaria.id-europe.list.garmisch-iacs@army.mil. 24th I never knew what other shortcomings Cunningham believed the commander of the battalion had, but this incident was definitely the final straw. 1 Feb 1963, reorganized and redesignated as 1st Bn, 19th Inf. When I got back to the office, Sgt. Infantry Division EXISTING KASERNES 5th General Hospital, Stuttgart-Bad CannstattArtillery Kaserne, Garmisch-PartenkirchenBarton Barracks, Ansbach (scheduled to close)[1]Bismarck Kaserne, AnsbachBleidorn Housing Area . Will never forget the friends I made and the time spent at Warner and Andrews barracks in Berlin . 1st Abn BG, 503rd Inf, Warner Barracks?, Munich (retained from the inactivated 11th Abn Div) It was a wonder that no one committed suicide by going overboard on that ship. What I remember about General Walkers Pro Blue program is that I dont remember anything. I'm the first to ever contact him. General Walker was recalled by President Kennedy not long after I arrived in Augsburg and I want to correct a statement someone made------General Walker was replaced as division commander by Major General Bonesteel, not General Cunningham. Mention is made of the detention facility.After we left in May 1968 the Germans took it back over and I think some medical unit moved into at least part of it.I rode by the Kaserne in October 1995 and it is now converted to apartments.One other interesting thing. I have been back to see the post twice since leaving in 1968. Mnster Kaserne/Mnster-Dieburg Special Weapons Depot, Mutlangen MSA, Mutlangen near Schwaebisch Gmuend (closed 1991? I was assigned to Hq & Hq Co, 1st Battle Group, 34th Infantry, 24th Inf Div from Mar 1962 until the end of July 1964. Were looking good, since all their friends were coming to Munich get! The hospital ) down the specially constructed ramp of Bavaria was activated in 1958 Mac... 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