A one-time executive editor at Sailing World magazine, he writes about his passion for racing and boating. Insurance and Issues of Law. Particularly smaller shafts can be out of alignment The tropics havemuch to offer, Ive cruised them, from the Bahamas, Windward, and Leeward chains to Grenada, the Galapagos, San Blas Islands and beyond, however, theres something about high latitudes that beckon me in a way no other region does. On one occasion, as a demonstration, I had a shaft, complete with coupling, clamped to a sturdy workbench, extended past the end of the bench the same distance as that found on an example vessel, two or three feet perhaps. Every day I learn some new things about boats and share them here on the site. or more, that's the amount that the moving engine is throwing the That means your engine life expectancy should be somewhere close to ten years, maybe a little longer. This months Marine Systems Excellence eMagazine article, the first of two parts, covers the often misunderstood subject of engine and propeller shaft alignment. As she edged through, and pushed aside multi-ton iceberg growlers and bergy bits at glacier snouts, the thickness of her hull and stem guard, and deep protected propeller, were foremost in my mind. Most motor mounts allow for lateral movement by using slots or ovals in their bases; not exactly high tech, however, it does work. Rebuilding costs start at $3,000, but they can sometimes reach $10,000. Welcome to BoatingValley.Com. Also, it is highly recommended to clean the boat after every ride to prevent corrosion and other damages later. Sierra's 18-4442 Engine Alignment Tool is used to verify alignment on select stern drive models. toward the top. systems is that the shaft will align itself as it wears into a new Yes, the shaft coupling to transmission Simply a threaded stud in a rubber doughnut, Sailboat engines are the most affordable choice, while jet motors tend to be the most expensive. is doing the same. Check this article to know more about blisters and how to prevent them in a detailed way. The same holds true for shafts There is a third alignment point: the shaft also has to be aligned with the bore or opening in the stuffing box or shaft alley as shown in the above right photo. Obviously, be certain to remove the clamps before taking the next reading with the feeler gauge. 4.1 4.1 out of 5 stars (54) $129.99 $ 129. However, it varies drastically from as small as $700 or less per year (if you DIY) to $5,000 or more per year (if you hire a professional to do it). Engine alignment issue. While its possible to achieve a Motorboats, including power jets, bass boats, cruisers, and skiffs, need strong engines. At high speed even bent bent Web site: Maintained by Junko A. Pascoe, Focuses exclusively cruiser class generally 30-55 feet. The thicker the feeler gauge blade, the more shimming of the engine will be needed to bring it into alignment. engine mounts are expensive, hence the motivation by the builder So, lets see how much the replacement process and buying new parts will affect your budget and what are the possible alternatives. mount are moving more than 1/8" in any direction, your mounts However, it varies drastically from as small as $700 or less per year (if you DIY) to $5,000 or more per year (if you hire a professional to do it). MBS Mfg Two Piece Engine Alignment Tool + Drive Shaft Bellow Sleeve Installation Gimbal Bearing Installer Tool Compatible for Mercruiser OMC with Hinge Pin and Bellow Expander Tool. I hope you find it both useful and interesting. However, you need not apply a bottom paint every year unless if needed. Causes stuffing boxes to wear out and leak, not infrequently base means that it can't possibly hold the shaft steady. Lock washes or locking nuts must be used, and in all cases a minimum of two threads should protrude past the nut. from Buying a Boat, Stress of those things that requires occasional maintenance, and is one Free shipping. Check with your engines manufacturer for recommendations on mounts to support your particular model. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Plus, the alignment needs to be right on, despite the fact the coupling can be difficult or even impossible to reach because it is under the engine. Check this article to know more about the overall costs of boat ownership, like costs of storage, maintenance, fuel costs, insurances, etc. If you are lucky enough, the mechanic will determine the problem in inexpensive engine parts. if the basic alignment is out). Being made using alloys whose primary content is iron, shafts and couplings are typically quite heavy. at rest. through the bottom of the hull, which flexes, and most likely the suspend it on its ends, even gravity will bend it considerably. Regardless of the hull material or the type of engine mounts used, the alignment must be checked and adjusted in the water. Observe the point where the engine bracket attaches to the mount. On the other hand, most fishing boats pass over 200 hours a year, according to statistics. By winterizing the boat properly, you will ensure that the boat will stay safe during the winter and for the next season as well. Plus, you can replace several engine parts on your own, like: You only need to be skillful and have adequate tools and spare parts. Related Post How Often to Clean (Wash) Your Boat? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 31 Best Fishing Boat Names (Story & Meanings), 21 Popsicle Stick Boat Craft Ideas for Kids, Whats the Best Motor for Your Jon Boat? VHF radios with DSC active and registered key in a boating emergency. I'd remove the coupler bolts, slide the shaft back enough so the coupler pilot disengages and see if you are at the midpoint of your up/down shaft movement. Rods and bearings are between $80 and $100. If a gap existed at the 6:00 oclock position, the front of the engine would have to be lowered. Most boat owners aren't even aware that engine alignment is one of those things that requires occasional maintenance, and is one of the last things to be considered when some kind of drive system problem develops. The most accurate means of doing this is by using optical or laser alignment gear, and what the American Bureau of Shipping refers to as, sighting through, essentially looking through the bearings that support the shaft, up to the transmission output coupling. Marine Engine Maintenance; Boat Cleaners & Waxes . As you can see, inspecting your drive system takes Oscillating propeller shaft causing stuffing box clamps to Testing for Bearing WearThis is very easy. rocking back and forth, particularly with heavy diesel. I documented the passage on my own, as well as the vessel manufacturers, website. You might be looking at $300 to $500. Its best to have one person doing the hitting If your coupling is not perfectly parallel you can tell where the problem is by where the bigger gap is; top or bottom means the engine needs to go up or down in either the front or back; a bigger gap on either side means the engine needs adjusting side to side. As noted above, boat hulls can and do change shape over time, Inboard engines are the most affordable type, and you can buy one for $1,000 to $1,500. Yearly aesthetic-related maintenances will cost you around $100. On average, waxing a boat costs around $300. Once fasteners are installed and torqued, they, and steel couplings, should be painted or otherwise corrosion inhibited, as mild steel of this sort is prone to rapid rusting. This is because the shafts are very short and reverse direction. On average, How Much Does a Bass Boat Cost? On average, the gasoline boat engine can run about 1,500 hours without any problems, while the diesel motor usually lasts three times longer. There is a third alignment engines from inside, they cannot see this. definitely a problem. Getting an adequate alignment on a single bearing shaft is really very easy, but the principle is the same for both. next time you have a vibration problem, before you automatically cut the corner on this critical component. engine, is there? Are They any problem? Possible interference. For skilled professionals, analysis is often quick and easy, rarely taking more than a couple of hours. Use a long board as a lever if necessary. much as 1/2" !!! The strut on this Hatteras is three Of course, when someone is trying to align the $22.72. Dont forget to bring along a spare tire. Unfortunately, no one can tell you the exact sum until they test every component. installation cost: $200 - $2,000. the gap and where that gap is. They don't spend all that money On fiberglass boats particularly, two alignments are required, one when the boat is on land and again when the boat is floating. for this short of replacing the struts with stronger ones. in the stuffing box or shaft alley as shown in the above right photo. Using the correct wrenches and sockets, attempt to further tighten the mounting bolts. Needless to say, they are also more expensive. of Marine Surveyors in 1972, he has conducted over However, before purchasing a bass boat, Hi there! A laser can be used to sight through a shaft. Besides complete engine replacement, you can also ask for a partial replacement. 5,000 pre purchase surveys in addition to having conducted weak strut typically looks like. Here's Houseboats are wonderful for people who want to live on the water but don't want to pay for real estate. For Mercruiser Alpha, Bravo, OMC Boat Engine Alignment Tool KIT Fast Shipping. not need to replace it. and the other watching for movement. For more photo albums, visit SDMCs Photo Gallery. 37.99 David Pascoe is the (3) Hitting something in the the shaft and the larger the diameter, the more critical proper SAE spec on the coupler minor dia ispline is 1.005"/1.000". Needless to say, you can only do this with a bearing This is also the reason But see all of these and more I did while cruising in Svalbard last month, aboard a clients 68-foot trawler, wherein we also entered the polar ice pack, and set a record for the highest latitude reached by a Nordhavn, and a recreational fiberglass power vessel, just over 500 nautical miles from the North Pole. shaft is due to the weight of the shaft compressing the rubber. The end result is that that is is likely to be expensive. from Buying a Boat, "What Dont forget to check the alignment again while the boat is in the water. the heart of the problem without wasting time and money. that a lack of general understanding of these systems often translates the engines steady is very simple, it is called the Back Down Test. when hauled versus afloat. Such a bow may lead to excessive vibration, premature cutless bearing wear and in extreme cases, shaft failure. Progressively the engine settles lower and lower until it is eventually bending the shaft. Shafts 1-1/2" A front-end alignment usually costs between $65 and $100 (some brands, of course, are more). If you use your vessel for regular fishing trips, it is necessary to check the engine every five years. and shaft damage. Then use a pry bar to shift the engine in the needed direction. . Repowering costs start well above $15,000. If shaft wobble is visible at For example, when vibration problems occur, the first thought is usually the propellers when, in fact, unless the props are badly bent, they are rarely the cause of vibration problems. Inspect these fasteners, if they are rusty or otherwise damaged, then they should be replaced, see below for additional details. And generally, if you are hiring someone to do all the maintenance works, it can easily cost you 3-5 times more than DIY. D'Anniballe admits that his new marine engine businesshis shop also does a significant amount . You could be faced with some extremely high prices depending on the place you go and, most importantly, during the peak time. Check all of your trailer lights every time you hook up the trailer. On land, the hull will be twisted, to some extent, by the blocking of the boat thus wasting your alignment efforts. is common. is no movement, even if you do see a gap at the rear end, you do Related Post What Are Blisters On A Boat? The next step involves loosening the engine mounting bolts in order to place shims between the engine mount and the stringer mount. Testing for Bearing Wear This $19.99. To make an alignment even more . 15 Examples (Details included), boat that stays most of the time in the water. This is because the shafts are very short and It will Drive system vibration that can damage transmissions, engine out of the base, then you can be sure that you have a loose strut. The good news is that drive systems Why Drive Systems Go Out of Line(1) The most common reason is that over time, the engine mounts wear or sag. Note that its badly cocked to the Should You Buy a Boat Damaged in a Hurricane. that boat hulls themselves are rarely ever completely rigid; bottoms the propeller, you're moving the shaft against the rubber bearing, The good news is that drive systems tolerate a lot of abuse and are very forgiving. deal of intolerance because of these factors. Waxing is different from polishing. There are a few signs your boat engine is about to fail, but the most obvious is the change in smoke color. of dollars at stake in machinery, the drive support system must The size and type of the boat matter a lot in this whole maintenance process. On average, the cost of maintaining a boat is around $2,000 per year. Misalignment is one of the most insidious maladies that can be visited upon your vessel. To read Part II, please follow this link. This is an important distinction that is often confused. Supported at only the ends, would you With discussions on the pros and cons of each type: Expresses, trawlers, motor yachts, multi purpose types, sportfishermen and sedan cruisers. If you fail to take the sag created by the weight of the shaft and coupling into account the couplings may align, however, the shaft will also be bowed, and that weight- induced bow will remain in the shaft indefinitely, at rest and while underway. for, but can save yourself a lot of money by heading off problems The subject of alignment is really not very complicated, If any change occurs, the coupling, shaft or fit between the two is not true, in which case they will need to be removed and taken to a shaft shop for inspection, and a process known as fitting and facing, wherein the coupling, while fit to the shaft, is machined on a lathe to ensure its face is perpendicular with the shafts centerline. Obviously, the newer mounts, by comparison, make the alignment process wonderfully straightforward. Cracks,Finishes and Surface Defects, Marine While underway, another thing to check is the shaft No, because if everything is approximately aligned, Keep the trailer light connection on your tow vehicle covered when not towing to prevent corrosion (, Secondary (engine mounted) fuel filter change. Many boat yards think that the way to check shaft alignment is to disconnect the coupling and check the flange clearance with a feeler gauge. opposite positions -- either side-to-side, or top-to-bottom -- the . Propeller thrust and engine torque will cause the engine It assumes that the shaft is immovable (its position can be changed, but not easily), and thus the engine is moved to accommodate its position. I'll explain But the cost of having your boat winterized by a professional varies greatly. Also notice that the length of the strut bore is double The first step will be a check of the mounting bolts to ensure they are tight. For non-motorized boats, proper cleaning and storing are sufficient. You can replace it or find the alternative, such as: As I have already mentioned, there are several replaceable engine parts, but it is often a temporary solution. If the engine is properly supported and the contact point in the strut (the cutlass bearing) is in good shape, the next step is to check the alignment at the coupling. Even on the boat anchors, trailer, trailer tiers, and axels, you will see corrosion. the source of the problem and fixing what doesn't need to be fixed. Periodically check your tires for wear and age. when you hit the strut. The size and type of the boat matter a lot in this whole maintenance process.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'boatingvalley_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',148,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-boatingvalley_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'boatingvalley_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',148,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-boatingvalley_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-148{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. at one end and yet still give a favorable reading at the coupling if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'boatingvalley_com-box-3','ezslot_10',614,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-boatingvalley_com-box-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'boatingvalley_com-box-3','ezslot_11',614,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-boatingvalley_com-box-3-0_1');.box-3-multi-614{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Apart from buying a boat which is expensive in many ways, even the maintenance costs for that boat are also an extra expense to spend the money on each year. On average, the cost of maintaining a boat is around $2,000 per year. to use the cheapest mount possible. However, if you DIY, it could cost around $200, but it could cost around $3 $5 per foot per wash if you hire someone to do it. Boats being in moist environments most of the time causes many other problems along with the common ones. It is also used for OMC Cobra stern drives. Michael H. Bartlett has performed over 1,500 successful optical alignment procedures working at yacht and ship builders and repair yards since 1998. The reason a slight gap appears at the top on a correctly aligned Loosening of struts, causing leaking and possible sinking. The most common reason is that over time, the engine mounts wear Progressively the engine settles lower and lower until it The most common cause of vibration is engine/shaft/strut misalignment, followed by engine mount and strut problems. The geometry takes a bit of getting used to, but once you do understand the action and reaction aspect of this arrangement, its relatively easy to accomplish. Check the StrutsYou can check the struts yourself by taking a heavy wood shoring block and hitting the strut hub with it. small outboard engines (2-5 hp): $1,000 - $1,500. First, get the side to side alignment correct, then the up and down alignment. There are also several alternatives for engine replacement, such as repairing, remanufacturing, and repowering. Fasteners used with couplings should be grade 8 mild steel, denoted by six radial dashes on the head, 60 apart. If the shaft is observably causing the transmission to move (oscillate), This varies slightly based on the engine type. Now comes the bad news for folks that own boats that have chronic The tolerance is within .003 thousandths measured with a feeler gauge. will wear more slowly. After all, they are plastic and they're (Buying Guides). However, it varies drastically from as small as $700 or less per year (if you DIY) to $5,000 or more per year (if you hire a professional to do it). As any trained throwing the system out of alignment. That's because the bigger struts create a more rigid system. For example, take the blister scenario. It can't be done. Then, they will disassemble it into vital parts and put it back together. Regardless of the hull material or the type of engine mounts used, the alignment must be checked and adjusted in the water. Over forty years of knowledge and experience If you are located in the US or Canada you can reach us toll free at 1-866-549-6458. Check this article to know some of the eye-opening reasons why boat motors are expensive. Note: many times the front mounts are bigger by design than the rear mounts. Add to this the factor of the boat hull not being rigid and its was drawing to a close. them steady. Jun 21, 2021 #1 Most boat owners aren't even aware that engine alignment is one of those things that requires occasional maintenance, and is one of the last things to be considered when some kind of drive system problem develops. A further fact to consider is that the smaller Generally, 100-hour boat service includes the following changes. to align a strut any closer than this. If its leaning in any direction, the mount is stressed The starting point for this process should be with the engine foot in the middle of the stud, leaving room to adjust up or down as needed to fine-tune the alignment. 2" the system should be aligned within 1/16"; if that to understand why transmissions break down, stuffing boxes leak leverage to the mount. (Tricks for Longer), Fuel lift pump, injector pump, and fuel lines, Pistons kits price is $100 to $200 on average, Rods and bearings are between $80 and $100, Cylinder sleeves will cost you around $100. sailboats with outboard engine: $1,000 - $1,500. 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