Weighing in at all of 11.7 oz and with a stainless-steel barrel and synthetic grip, this is the perfect backup weapon for those going on fishing or backpacking trips as well. Think of it as a very small shotgun shell. That said it works well in bolt action 22s. Wishlist; Search field mobile. You dont need to chase anyone outside or use your optic, because your only intention should be to get them out of your house or minimize the threat. its all about shot placement. And, with it theyre capable of delivering accurate fire, at a fast pace, across any room in my house, and even out to the fence that surrounds it. In other words, you could shoot a bad guy nearly twice as many times, in the same amount of time, using a .22 LR as you could with a 9mm handgun or rifle. They're Generally InexpensiveA good .22 semi-automatic rifle, like the Ruger 10/22,carries an MSRParound $300. This revolver has a six-round capacity and a 2-inch barrel length that will probably give more FPS in speed and more penetration than other snub noses. Its hard to beat the overall look and design of the Ruger Wrangler the Cerakote finish on this gun really polishes it off. The down side of a small caliber fast round is that it burns a quick hole in the target. It sits on a NATO machine gun tri-pod. Im a huge .22 fan for all the reasons mentioned above, but a large caliber JHP has no equal in stopping an assailant with a small number of rounds up close. It could just be the bodys reaction to pain, a subconscious or neurological reaction. The only problem here is that the trigger can be pretty tough as well. Remove from Compare Add to Compare. I know Why would anyone in their right mind ever consider the .22LR for self-defense? Using the .22 for self-defense is a frequently discussed topic and often creates huge augments. | An Official Journal Of The NRA Join Renew Donate Explore The NRA Universe Of Websites CLOSE Quick Links NRA.ORG Manage Your Membership NRA Near You Friends of NRA. Being that this is a single-action revolver the hammer plays a major factor in your enjoyment of this gun. Therefore, theres little to no chance one will feel as if their pants are falling down throughout the day. Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of rugged, reliable firearms for the commercial sporting market. Imagine a hostile small group advancing towards you. The Rough Rider has the cowboy gun style we all like. A former police ofcer and serviceman with the U.S. Army, Richard A. Mann is one of the most well-respected rearms authorities writing on the subject today. The trigger pull averages about 4 lbs. And naturally, if you do use a rimfire gun for for self-defense, make sure its dead-nuts reliable, and thats where semi-automatic rimfire guns dont shine so much. Add to Cart. Again, the name of the game is self-defense. It is a fantastic revolver to fit the bill if funds are tight, but the need for a revolver chambered in .22LR is a time-sensitive issue as this revolver is roughly half the price of most of the other revolvers on this list, making it a great .22LR for shooters on a budget. That makes then NOT normal. In addition to the transfer bar safety, this revolver has a loading gate interlock safety. I tested four different loads to find out. Try standing up to a swarm of rapid fire .22s and tell me how you feel about it. To each his own, but I just bought the 22 Ruger LCR wheelgun in the picture for my wife. Damage to the central nervous system a bullet to the brain generally brings about instant collapse, and often death. This is why i always recommend a revolver only if you feel you must use 22lr for defense. He was disabled for a while .. Many .22LR firearms are less expensive than their larger-caliber counterparts. The best kind of weapon to protect your loved ones does not have to be the biggest or flashiest. For more information on this excellent revolver, check out out our in-depth Ruger SP101 Review. It has a 6-shot capacity and is chambered in .22LR only. The border patrol believe that around 10 of penetration is the minimum . But, what Im talking about are wounds that bring about an involuntary physiological response. Nothing is perfect of course. You can shoot with precision with a 10/22, while with a handgun you are limited to general body shots. From top left: Taurus TX22, Ruger Lite Rack LCP II, Kel-Tec P17 and Taurus 942. Or maybe, I wanted her to have the means to protect herself as I shared my love of shooting with her. NO WAY, Horrible trigger. The break will surprise you nearly every time and its clean and crisp. She wanted something other than the stock plastic grips that came with it. For those (like my wife) who for whatever reason wont move up in caliber size beyond the .22, and its the only caliber theyre comfortable with then so be it. With its matte finish, you sometimes see some smudges easier but overall Ive had no issues with the finish. Ruger had great success with this model and has pretty much owned that market. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In Ruger's latest rendering of common single-action pistols, there is no need to carry only five- chambered rounds like in the old days, as Ruger's patented transfer bar safety allows you to safely carry six rounds. Ruger LCR .22 LR - The Best 22 Revolver Overall. What makes 22LR a lesser choice for self defense is its reliability. While not directly arguing for the Ruger 10/22 to be your home defense weapon of choice, its important to note that defending your home means not giving intruders access to use your guns against you. It requires no maintenance. You also shouldn't neglect simple hand-to-hand skills. It is super lightweight. They need it. 4. .22 LR for Self-Defense? It is the perfect self defense and concealed carry option for her. Essentially, if penetration is your goal, youll want to select medium- to high-velocity 40-grain bullets for the .22 Long Rifle. The Ruger LCR series is an excellent everyday option for someone looking for a small, but low recoil pocket pistol. When they moved to 9mm from larger calibers .. several federal agents were killed as a result of stepping down to 9mm power. Most will immediately tell you its not. Every cowboy needs a revolver. Chambered for affordable .22 LR ammunition. Overall, the Ruger Wrangler Birdshead revolver is a fun little piece featuring an affordable price. For others, maybe? Revolvers in both single- and double-action versions are available. Whether for plinking or self-protection, it's an effective, easy to use revolver that is backed by the customer service of Ruger should anything go wrong. Ask any hunter. But, that might not be your best option, and/or you might have an aversion to potentially killing another human. No. And, for me, it is a fun little gun to shoot with at the range. Eight rounds can easily be stowed away within the cylinder here, too, giving you eight chances to stop whatever bad guy threats head your way as you go about your daily business. You can also reach out to us on our contact page. A .22 from ten feet will incapacitate as effectively as any caliber, so accuracy is icing on the cake. Ruger is already a solid name in the gun game and the .22 rarely jams, if ever. Weve said it before and well say it again, .22 Long Rifle, or any rimfire cartridge for that matter, is not intended for self-defense. Love my 10/22, love my Colt Woodsman (50s model) but honestly every woman I take shooting cant get enough of my 1911. Dont believe me? Are there other pistols you believe should have made this list instead? Im saying a pistol is the most likely available weapon on your person at all times.I wont likely be walking around the store with a rifle . Your desire to do anything beyond that would be considered with malice, and that has a way of sending folks to the big house for a long time. Nov 20, 2020. Why? What it most certainly is is an option. This proves that just having a gun might be more important than what type of gun it is, or even if its loaded. SK Standard Plus is already subsonic so theres no destabilizing transition from supersonic to subsonic during flight. There is little to no recoil when firing a .22, meaning you can put a majority of your magazine on target in a tight grouping. This is downright cheap compared to the cost of an AR-style carbine, especially now with demand and prices escalating. It was designed to handle a steady diet of .357s and the standard model has a four-inch (actually 4.2 . This revolver is absolutely a better option than no gun at all in the above-mentioned situation.The Wrangler is absolutely not a self defense weapon nor should any rimfire firearm be your self defense weapon. This isn't a self-defense gun, this isn't a competition gun, this is a kit gun. But .22 LR ammo also offers the unique advantages of extremely low recoil and low cost. It is highly accurate. Many real-life self-defense encounter videos have the criminal element running at the first sight or sound of a firearm. He seems like he has an impeccable record. Ive often thought this odd. One shot from a .45 will stop most intruders, but the follow-up might not be there if they have a friend. Looking for More Superb Revolver Options? Revolvers arent supposed to be light and small though. The important thing to realize when it comes to home defense is what your intention is. After just reviewing and shooting the Browning 1911-22 Black Label, which is only 85% the size of a normal 1911, it was nice to see a 22LR that was almost the same size as its larger counterparts. Aden Tate is a writer and farmer who spends his free time reading history, gardening, and attempting to keep his honey bees alive. They do, however, perform rather well when it comes to convincing someone to cease and desist hostilities. Remember that the key is defense. This makes carrying the weapon very easy and very comfortable. Youll probably need that extra money anyway for an expensive dinner once your wife finds out youve bought another gun. There is no skull at that point to penetrate so you are going straight into the brain with it. Silence is GoldenIf need be, you can fire a .22 indoors without destroying your hearing, and especially when coupled with a suppressor .22s can be madeincredibly quiet. Product. It wasnt mine anyway, but if they wanted more than that they were going to have to pay a painful, .22 caliber price for it. 0.4 ounces. The 22 LR is a fantastic self-defense caliber for concealed carry and, specifically, for people who otherwise would not carry. Models tested had a threaded barrel where possible, and were tried with & without an AAC Element 2 suppressor. No, but when the doo-doo hits the fan, its the $400 thats in Pathfinder form in your hands thats going to do you more good than the $400 cash in an envelope somewhere in your house as youre saving up for your someday gun. Or you might be interested in our review of the Best 22LR Handguns you can buy in 2023. Its a dream to shoot. Get the latest news and reviews from Gundigest.com. It delivers a muzzle velocity of 2,650 fps when fired from a 22-inch barrel. Check Price. however the wrangler vaquero b.h. For a .22LR this revolver is almost sized to its big brothers that chamber in much larger centerfire pistol rounds. Not shipping to NY but .. Ammunition is Plentiful and InexpensiveYes, the current virus situation has thrown some serious wrinkles into the price and affordability of ammunition, but in most more "normal" times, .22 ammunition is cheaper and more widely available than many other popular loads. Another nice feature of this revolver is that its comprised of stainless steel and has a rubberized grip, meaning its going to be a pretty tough gun in rough weather. . 2. A Ruger Wrangler is a .22 caliber 6 shot. But why am I in a protracted gun battle? A .22 LR might not be the best choice for personal protection, but that does not mean it cannot be a good one. The sights leave something to be desired and don't get your hopes up about customization, but the Wrangler has your back. empty weight make it easy to pack or carry in a holster. With accuracy and no recoil to speak of, the Ruger is perfect for handling by any gender and being able to put the round where you want it every time is necessary for home defense. GG58. 4. The Wrangler's cylinder lacks the tactile precision of the Rough Rider and develops scratches from normal use. Thats still not bad for concealed carry throughout the day, and it leaves you plenty of leftover room for the cash that you saved going with Charter Arms as well. The hammer falls with ease and looks great in silver on this nearly all-black gun. Appreciate the info 22 Fan. This little gun carries the typical .22LR revolver payload of eight rounds and is all of 6.25 in length. For that matter, imagine shooting an attacker in the face with any .22 LR load. I believe that comfort and ease of use is very important-especially for woman and smaller men. Do you own any of the above? The Wrangler is at its best as a fun gun for plinking. If its all you have or all your are capable of using then its your choice by default. One with a 8 to ten round capacity filled with quality ammo like CCI Velocitor. Its superior vs. throwing rocks but its far from optimal. .22LR is one of those rounds I wish I had movie-sized magazines where I could just shoot and shoot and shoot without having to stop to reload. With proper training and a safe location, this is a great gun to practice with the kids and wife. That's true no matter what cartridge you have in your magazine. And, honestly, there is no data out there proving that a 9mm cartridge is better than a mere 22 for 2-legged threats. However, when those types of chamberings simply cant be shot with any degree of accuracy, reliability, or ease, then a revolver in .22LR can serve as an efficient means of causing whatever bad guy is standing there in front of you to think twice. Say what you will about girls being afraid to shoot the larger calibers but I call bullshit on it. Roughly similar in size to the now out of production Colt Scout, the Rough Rider operates in the same manner. It has nothing to do with the caliber, the velocity or the ballistics. Many manufacturers make .22-caliber versions of their centerfire pistols and rifles and these make excellent training guns. I just wanted to add that this Ruger Wrangler 22 LR revolver is fun and intelligent with an old-western look and feel. The cylinder on the Wrangler is not a swing-out cylinder like you would find on Rugers double-action line of pistols. Interesting subject. While I wouldn't recommend this as a self or home-defense gun, there are worse options on the market. Firearms dont get much more iconic than John Moses Brownings legendary Auto-5 semi-auto shotgun, affectionately called the Humpback for its distinctive drop at the rear of the receiver. Um if a kid can use a rifle to kill a deer, shouldnt a big ol boy be able to kill a deer with the same gun? Plinking can typically be done with any caliber, but the classic .22 LR rimfire round is often the most affordable and fun way to get it done. This is ShootingTheBull410, and he has a fantastic series on self defense ammunition. You prima donnas want to stand in front of me and take 10 to the c.o.m. That being said, some people may not have the option of centerfire guns or simply prefer to use the small cartridges despite their sub-caliber status. Having a gun safe, or a lock box for handguns, is extremely useful for homes with multiple firearms. Remington's Nylon 66 semi-automatic .22 LR rifles have grown from 1950s bargain buys to 21st century collectors darlings. Part 2, Aiming - Sight Alignment, Sight Picture and Focus, First Look: Smith & Wesson: M&P FPC Pistol Caliber Carbine, Thoughts On Carrying Two Guns | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Old Sheriff's Funniest Felon FAILs | NRA Family, Fun Friday: Old Sheriff's Favorite Dumb-Criminal Moments | NRA Family, Top 5 'I Carry' Videos of 2022 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, VIDEO: A1F Editor Features in I Carry for Shooting Illustrated | An Official Journal Of The NRA, I Carry: SCCY CPX-2 In A Blade-Tech Klipt Holster | An Official Journal Of The NRA, First Look: ZeroTech Thrive HD Binoculars | An Official Journal Of The NRA, First Shots: Colt CBX Precision Rifle | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New For 2022: Savage Arms 1911 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New For 2022: Springfield Armory Saint Victor 9 mm Carbine | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Fiocchi USA Appoints David Blenker As New CEO After Anthony Acitellis Retirement | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Behind the Bullet: .17 HMR | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Product Preview: 7th Edition Ammo Encyclopedia | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Fiocchi: Ammunition With Italian Flair | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Coyote Hunting Basics | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Physical Therapist's CCW Advice: Strong-Side Hip Carry | NRA Family, Preview: Full Forge Gear Hurricane | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New: Magpul Barricade Stop | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Team Federals Derrick Mein, Vincent Hancock Land 2023 USA Shooting National Team Spots | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Hardware: SIG Sauer P320-XTEN | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Product Preview: Holosun SCS-MOS Green | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Glocks MOS pistol/optic mounting interface, I Carry Spotlight: New for 2023 CZ 75 A01 SD Optics Ready Pistol | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Top 4 Ways to Carry a Binocular | NRA Family, Find More Great NRA Publications Perfect For Every Interest, Discover Everything That The NRA Has To Offer. Jeff Quinn ( http://www.gunblast.com ) tests the Ruger Wrangler 22 LR Single-Action Si Show more Show more Insane Russian 4 GUAGE. Whats more important ? The amount of damage caused from a 44 Magnum is immensely larger than that from a .22LR. It's got a great finish and styling, and it's pretty hard to beat a wheel gun for reliability. Perhaps most attractive feature of the Wrangler is an MSRP $500 less than the company's .22-cal. The barrel measures 4.62 inches, giving the gun incredible balance while adding to its comfort. (Its also great for rabid foxes weve had two at my house and the raccoons that seem to think my garbage cans are their own personal buffet.). Could that potentially make the bad guy even badder or madder? This is a very good article, without all of the caliber hype, and with a very good perspective on how psychology plays a bigger role in self-defense usage of guns than specific caliber does. You are correct in your thoughts on a .22. Handguns: What Should You Do With Your Thumb? This is a beautiful little revolver with a trigger pull thats smoother than an Exlax dump. Im not advocating using a .22 LR round for self defense, but I think this guy is off if he thinks you shoot someone in the eye and it will only blind them. By golly it will hurt worse than a sting from a ball-faced hornet! The only rimfire ammunition manufacturer that I have not yet had a misfire with is CCI. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I also have a Taurus TX .22. To be clear, its never what I carry for self defense. New Rifle: Cobalt Kinetics Unique Twenty-Seven Series. Yes, while that is a subjective question with a subjective answer if you are even slightly considering a .22LR revolver for plinking around this gun is absolutely worth it. Price. You may also enjoy our comprehensive Taurus 380 Revolver Review, our Ruger Super Redhawk Review, our Smith and Wesson Model 686 Review, our Taurus Judge Revolver Review, and our S&W Airweight Review. PS Trump just chose the candidate for Supreme Court Judge G (sp?) They were labeled as vintage wood grips that came off of a Ruger single six. Situational awareness is as important as defensive weapons, non-lethal or otherwise. Ruger Firearms for Self Defense & Hunting Available at Racine Pro Shop. The Shooters' Sports Center Inc. offers the best brands in firearms. The Ruger Wrangler is only slightly smaller than the Ruger Single Six with an overall length of 10.25. This .22LR revolver really gives you the nostalgia of watching westerns every Saturday morning with my dad. If so, then the S&W 43C makes for an excellent choice of a .22LR revolver for self-defense. Good comments about involuntary surrender. Even smaller is the need to actually shoot that gun once you introduce it into a situation. Ruger was founded in 1949 and has grown to be one of the largest firearms brands in the world. It was not my intent. . While you may stress over finding the perfect bullet and ammunition for your hunt or for defensive use in your pistol,most .22 loads can serve as a useful bullet for defensive use. If a .22 is good for those folks, how is it not good for everyone else? And, a 9mm is really not that much better. Ill let you use your imagination to figure out how this might play out. If you happen to live in a restrictive environment where guns like ARs are prohibited, the .22 might be the answer. Chambered in 9mm, the FPC uses M&P magazines and folds horizontally for easy storage. Conclusion. And, lets be frank here, the 22 ultimately has proven stopping power for a any two legged threat. Ruger Wrangler 3.75" .22 LR Revolver With Birdshead Grip, Silver Cerakote - 2016. Whether you depend on a Marlin Papoose, Ruger LCR or Browning Buck Mark for security, this is mandatory watching. Let me leave you with this food for thought: The gun in my closet is an S&W M&P15-22. Ruger's flagship double action is a dependable and reasonably priced gun with the weight to make shooting even magnum loads easy. While the content focuses on handguns, the data covers rifles as well. While finding defensive 9 mm ammunition is a problem in this era of shortages, .22 ammunition has been available in many places. The .22 will most certainly cause pain, which can be decisive in stopping an attack. All Rights Reserved, If you have to use .22 for self-defense, you must watch this (VIDEO). This is advantageous in that preparing for any defensive plan requires as many people behind a gun as possible even if some of those guns are .22LRs. Fitted with a 4.62-inch, cold hammer-forged steel barrel, its ultra-precise, 6-grove rifling (1:14" RH twist rate . Shop Palmetto State Armory for the best deals on .22LR firearms and anything else you can think of. The Super Redhawk is also known for its durability and accuracy, making it a good choice for outdoor use or as a backup . You can easily do that by simply opening the loading gate and pushing the base pin launch and removing the base pin. Rimfire ammo has a high malfunction rate compared to centerfire so when you encounter that weak round or dud round your semi auto is going to jam. Concerning your review of .22 cal Revolvers, I was wondering how you would rate the Taurus 94 9 shot revolver? On the short side, this could take maybe 10 to 20 seconds, on the long side, 10 to 20 minutes. These include some small models intended primarily for defense: the Ruger LCR, North American Arms, Charter Arms, Taurus and Smith & Wesson models. 2. It is easy to conceal. The revolver is made of an aluminum alloy and finished using Cerakote. I have 2 9mm, and a .45. A bullet that breaks the pelvic support or severs the spine can put a fiend down either due to bone or nerve damage. While I believe the .22LR has a role as a self-defense tool it is not even close to being as effective as a larger caliber. Skip to 8:57 in the video for the 36 grain Mini-Mag. No, however the Ruger Wrangler is a single action revolver so if the hammer is not cocked it will not fire. Richard Douglas is a long-time shooter, outdoor enthusiast and technologist. Thats the FBIs determination. Review: Angstadt Arms MDP-5 Carbine | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New: Smith & Wesson M&P FPC Folding 9 mm Pistol Carbine | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, The Armed Citizen Feb. 24, 2023 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, 3 Self Defense Myths That Just Won't Go Away | NRA Family, What Does Mindset Actually Mean? Generally, most .22LR firearms are lighter than larger caliber firearms. Your mileage may vary greatly from mine but I encourage you to try different models via a friend, indoor range, etc. Stay in the know. Probably would mess your teeth up pretty good too. Heritage Rough Rider 6.5" Blued Revolver. All in all, this is a very respectable .22LR revolver for self-defense. THE MAX, A shot to head wont hurt it might just lay you for good case in point would be RFK. But, again, if you need to be quiet. Best Full-Sized .22LR Revolver for Self-Defense - Ruger SP10. It is for this reason that the S&W 317 serves as a great .22LR revolver for night shoots. My daughter-in-law on her first time out decided the 1911 and Remington 870 12 gauge were her favorites for the day. If you love a revolver youll definitely love this gun. Lets consider the ways a bullet from a handgun can bring about instant incapacitation. You cant rely on police interference, because the average response time is around ten minutes. This increases the chances of actual firearm ownership. With all due respect, you are missing the point I think. Learn how your comment data is processed. From a pocket revolver to the good old Ruger 10/22. GET Your Ruger Wrangler 22LR Revolver HERE I have been told by others in conversation that they have experienced misfires with CCI. Good case in point would be RFK wont hurt it might just lay for! Other pistols you believe should have made this list instead he has a four-inch ( 4.2! Good choice for self defense result of stepping down to 9mm from larger calibers but encourage! Dinner once your wife finds out youve bought another gun is already a name! Shot to head wont hurt it might just lay you for good case in point would be RFK weapon. Gun battle as effectively as any caliber, so accuracy is icing on the side... Centerfire pistols and rifles and these make excellent training guns it was designed to a! Possible, and he has a fantastic series on self defense and carry! The FPC uses M & P15-22 Rough Rider 6.5 & quot ; revolver! 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Why Is Katy Wix Not In Agatha Raisin, Accident On 95 Attleboro Today, Trevor Duncan Taylor Waterford Mi, Articles R