There are no foolproof ways to make a period stop, but some methods can increase the speed at which the menstrual blood leaves the uterus, which may shorten the period. When occurring irregularly, it can be a sign of an underlying condition. You can try the following to see if your menstrual flow will stop. There has been limited research into using vitamin C supplements to reduce heavy bleeding. Also, figure out an outlet for stress relief that works for you, like meditation, art, music, dancing, etc. J Altern Complement Med.2009 Feb;15(2):129-32. Eat foods rich in potassium to regulate your flow and make your periods lighter and shorter, too. Have Sex Having sex while menstruating can help in not only reducing the flow but also soothing stubborn cramps. Stopping your period can be done both naturally at home or using medical options. The Medplux Blog Consuming apple cider vinegar can help regulate your menstrual cycle, thereby helping it to begin and end on time. Advertising policy In the first few months, you may experience some breakthrough bleeding. This is because, as you have an orgasm during intercourse, your uterine muscles may undergo contractions. People who are taking the combined contraceptive pill can plan their period to some extent as they know that it will come during the week that they are taking either the dummy pills or no pills. To prevent bloating during periods, limit your salt intake. If you were thinking of chucking all your plans up and sitting at home, you dont have to anymore. What medicine can stop menstrual bleeding? Raspberry leaves are effective in relieving menstrual and other gynecological symptoms (8). However, it can be shortened or make to come faster. Hence, it is better to look for options to suppress your periods for a short duration. Contact Us This remedy works by relieving relaxing the uterus to relieve period cramps. Compared to younger females, older ladies often have a shorter and more consistent cycle. Consult with your doctor or other health care provider before using any of these tips or treatments. All rights reserved. Tampons soak up menstrual blood, but they may also block some menstrual flow from the vagina, which could extend the duration of bleeding. If you are looking for natural alternatives to solve your problem, try out the above tips and remedies. It can cause a range of effects across the body and its systems. There are also some prescription pills available that only give people a period every 3 months. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Have your health care provider prescribe the best method to minimize the risk of harmful side effects. What are Birth Control Pills What can you do to stop your menstral? It can also reduce cramping and other discomforts. Different options are available to help relieve and stop these painful cramps. It is also deemed to be an effective home remedy. The length of your period depends on a number of factors, most of which are connected to your hormones. In her free Is It Safe To Stop Your Period In The Long Term? Last updated on July 28th, 2018 at 04:38 am. Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that other reasons why you might want to stop your period early are if you are going on vacation, planning a trip, or have an important event to attend. HOWEVER, it works even better for shortening period, removing cramps and bettering the mood. Digestive and breathing problems in some people, Cool it for some time and drink a cup or two of the ginger soup, Repeat this to natural stop your period flow fast, Mix some amounts of lavender oil and sage oil, Into the mixture, add three some amount of warm almond oil, Use the oil to massage the abdominal and pelvic area, Do this twice or thrice to stop your period, Place a heating pad on your lower abdomen for 10 minutes. An orgasm generates uterine muscle contraction that helps move period blood out of the uterus. In this article, we explore whether it is safe to stop your period early and a few home remedies you can try to enjoy your amazing vacation. It can also help relieve period or menstrual cramps. Period cramps are one of the annoying symptoms that accompany your menstrual cycle. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction. When this occurs, a person may notice light brown spotting in their, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. When these hormones fall due to absent implantation, your thickened endometrium is washed out as period. WebUsually with hormone: The most effective way to try and stop a period early is to take hormones, either starting birth control pills or taking Progesterone pills. Last medically reviewed on January 26, 2020, Menstruation is a natural effect of the production of an egg in the ovaries. Add an inch of sliced ginger to a cup of water. You can completely stop your period by totally removing your uterus. Another side effect of stopping or delaying your periods is that it may be difficult to tell whether or not you are pregnant. All Rights Reserved, Dr. Dunn A. A shorter and lighter period can help you go about your daily activities without suffering the discomfort that abnormal menstrual bleeding brings. According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, if no implantation happens, your uterus lining is shed with vaginal bleeding and this is the first day of your period and the start of your menstrual cycle.2, Each womans menstrual cycle is different, as well as the length of their menstrual bleeding. When your period comes at an inconvenient time, it can get in the way of your plans. Reid, R. (2017, September 8). How to Stop Your Period Early: What Works According to Science was last modified: January 31st, 2018 by Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer. Lets look in more detail at the ways you can stop your period. As part of your normal menstrual cycle, you might have a long period with heavy flow and painful menstrual cramps. A common side effect of using this option is that it might lead to spotting or abnormal vaginal bleeding. Can you make your period stop once it has begun? In fact, it is reported that by 12 months, 70% of women using injectable birth control have amenorrhea that is a complete stop of their menstrual period.13. You can also try vigorous outdoor activities like jogging or hiking to stop your period early. Gelatin is available from the grocery shop. Of course, if you need your period to stop because you have a heavy flow and a lot of menstrual pain, you should see you doctor for an examination and to find out the best course of treatment. Depending on what you are using to stop your period, there might be some drawbacks or side effects associated with it. At home, you can stop the period cramps by doing the following: Stopping your period can be beneficial. If your water intake is anything less than eight glasses in a day, it is time for a reboot. Homemade Pregnancy Test: Does It Really Work? Lemon juice has the ability to shorten your period and postpone it. We avoid using tertiary references. And taki Read More Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. This is particularly relevant to those who have irregular cycles, which make it harder to plan ahead. Bring it to a boil and turn off the stove. Menstruation can be annoying, especially if it occurs unplanned. Use a long-term contraceptive pill like seasonale. Some small studies indicate that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help alleviate heavy menstrual bleeding.9 One study showed that taking 1200 mg/day ibuprofen for heavy periods could help reduce bleeding in women with menorrhagia.10. 9 Home Remedies For Poison Oak Itch + When 9 Home Remedies For Poison Oak Itch + When To See A Doctor, How To Get Your Period Early - 12 Natural Ways To Induce It, 10 Causes Of White Hair And 12 Ways To Prevent It Naturally, Symptoms That Indicate You Need To Stop Fasting, 6 Easy Home Remedies To Stop Bleeding Quickly, 9 Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Angelica Root Essential Oil, 12 Science-Backed Tips To Stimulate Hair Growth Naturally, 10 Symptoms And Side Effects Of Starvation. Apart from helping you stop your period, a raspberry leaf can also be used to relieve painful menstruation cramps. Since most are readily available, they can come in handy, especially when you unexpectedly experience your menstrual flow. Mayo Clinic staff say that for some women, their period can stop as early as 2 days. Coconut oil is loaded with antioxidants and essential fatty acids that can regulate the menstrual cycle. Place a heating pad or a hot water bottle on your lower abdomen for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. For most people, this can be the reason for them to want to stop their period permanently. Medical Sources Taking a sitz bath or simply soaking in a warm bath, Applying a warm or cold compress to your lower abdomen. Having a healthy diet is essential for your health in general and also to help keep your menstrual cycle normal. 6 Best Ways To Stop Your Period Faster 1. Zinc and magnesium are two other essential nutrients that can help reduce period cramps (3), (4). The working of these pills or shots is that the synthetic hormones work to keep the ovaries from ovulating. If you take it within the first 5 days of your period, you will be protected from pregnancy right away. According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, oral birth control pills can delay or stop the menstrual period. You h a ve serious condition such as endometriosis, a condition where the tissues lining your uterus grow outside. With a lot of different brands and options, birth control pills are widely used There is not much research done on this claim either, but this is worth trying due to the several other benefits associated with exercising daily. An unhealthy and hectic lifestyle leads to stress, which may cause period irregularities. The best way to stop your period is to use hormonal contraceptives to regulate and control your menstrual cycle. Breathe in gently through your nose, letting your breath flow into your stomach as deep as is comfortable. For lactating mothers, the easiest way to stop your period once it starts it to breastfeed. How To Get Your Period Early - 12 Natural Ways To Induce It You may find it helpful to count from one to five as you breathe in. The material on this website is written by Dr. Dunn A. Doing this repeatedly may help stop your flow early and fast. J Can Chiropr Assoc. Take Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, several minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for a female body, drinking sufficient water improves the bodys metabolism, Home Remedies for Sore Throat during Pregnancy, Know the Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), 10 Reasons Why You Need to Have a Bottle of Eucalyptus Oil. A period may last anywhere between 2 to 7 days in most women. Trans men and nonbinary peeps may opt for testosterone therapy as part of their transition or to stop periods. Call us to see how the Playworks Preschool program builds on this stage of your child's development to ensure that learning is filled with joy! Medplux 2019. What Are White Spots On Nails And How To G What Are White Spots On Nails And How To Get Rid Of Them? WebTo stop your period using birth control pills, simply skip the row of placebo pills and move right to your next pack. Terms and Conditions However, it might delay it for a couple of days. Mix 2 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar into a cup of water and drink it 3 times a day during your period for best results. Thus, raspberry tea may help in regulating your period and preventing heavy flow. Check out the infographic below to know the easiest ways you can stop your period.SaveIllustration: StyleCraze Design Team. Having an orgasm through intercourse or masturbation is another easy way to get your period to end early. Is it safe to have sex during menstruation? It also relieves painful menstrual cramps. However, having intercourse regularly during your period can make period shorter and come quickly. How To Regain Your Shape After Childbirth, 7 Reasons Why Your Vagina Smells Like Onions, Ingrown Eyebrow Hair with Cyst, Bump, Infection and How to Remove, Small White Spots on Legs: Causes, Pictures & Treatment, Small White Bumps on Face Causes, Treatment, Not Milia or White Pimples on Face, Infected Sebaceous Cyst (On Head, Back, Penile Shaft): Antibiotic Treatment & Removal, Orange Tongue (Coating & Spots): Causes STD, Acid Reflux, Thrush, The Struggle of the Picky Eater: 3 Ways to Get Them to Try New Things, Suffering from Indigestion? StyleCraze believes in credibility and giving our readers access to authentic and evidence-based content. These are some ways you can make your period come quicker, reduce the flow or stop it entirely from coming out. Watery Period: What Does Thin or Light Period Mean. High blood pressure means that the Eucalyptus essential oil, derived from the Australian native eucalyptus tree, is one of the most popular essential oils. You can make use of gelatin to delay your period naturally. Also, drinking sufficient water improves the bodys metabolism and keeps you hydrated. Also, if you suffer from iron deficiency due to heavy menstrual flow, making your period cease for a few months can help to prevent anemia.4. Strain it and add 1 tablespoon of honey to the ginger-infused water. Our stringent editorial guidelines allow us to only cite from reputed research institutions, academic journals, and medically established studies. Long-term methods for stopping your period include: An intrauterine device (IUD) is a type of contraception that a doctor inserts into the uterus through the cervix. Add a teaspoon of dried raspberry leaves to a cup of water. It is thought that chasteberry helps to regulate the balance of progesterone and estrogen and inhibits the release of follicle stimulating hormones. WebWhichever position youre in, place your feet hip-width apart. Hence, managing your weight is a step closer to a regular menstrual cycle in which the blood flow stops sooner than usual. Learn, Many people wonder if having sex during menstruation has side effects. (2017, October 11). With a daily exercise routine, you can reduce the number of days you have your menstrual flow. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It also has several other health benefits ( 1 ). Have more questions about your period? Save the high-quality PDF version on your device now. However, some women have menstruation that lasts for as long as 7 days. For example, the South African Medical Journal reported that vitamin A can help to boost levels of estrogen. How to Stop Your Period Early Apply Heat. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is used to treat fever, menstrual cramps, and headache. This may help divert blood away from the uterus. Knowing when to see a doctor if you want to stop your period early means that you know what is normal for your regular menstrual cycle. How much ibuprofen do I take to stop my period? Contact Dr. Dunn Here. Plus, this herb contains several minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for a female body. Start taking the hormonal pills one cycle before the period that you dont want to have. Total hysterectomy where the whole uterus and cervix is removed, A subtotal hysterectomy where only a part of the upper uterus is removed keeping the cervix in place. I have recently come across an awesome herb that I got for treating poison ivy and it did work great for taking away the itch. These drugs also inhibit the production of hormone-like compounds called prostaglandins that promote uterine muscle contractions. This is not to say that you cannot stop your period permanently. Though very successful in some women, it involves destroying the uterine endometrium thereby preventing it from growing again. So, if you are carrying a few extra pounds and want to have shorter or pain-free menstrual cycles, a regular exercise routine can be very beneficial. Add a small amount of gelatin to a glass of water and drink it quickly. November 7, 2017 at 5:07 am This method works to suppress periods in up to 41.25 percent of people after 3 years. If your endometrium does not build up and thicken, then you cannot have periods. This procedure is often carried out for different medical reasons that would include the following: Depending on the underlying cause of the procedure, your surgeon may choose to remove all or part of the uterus. This can be quite helpful in regulating your periods. For example, some hormone pills can make a period stop for up to 3 months and some will even get rid of your period for a year.4, Doctors from the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals say that injectable birth control methods can also make your period go away. She is a Geneticist with proficiency in Biotechnology, Immunology, Medical Genetics, Biochemistr more. This in turn helps shorten your cycle. According to the National Womens Health Network, there is no evidence that skipping periods using birth control is harmful to health. This medication inhibits the menstrual cycle. Allow the tea to cool a bit before drinking it. Let us know if we could help. Vinegar, which consists of acetic acid and water, can be used to reduce blood flow during periods and make your period lighter. Drinking it before your period can help delay your menstrual flow for some time. Intake of vinegar beverage is associated with restoration of ovulatory function in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. The other way you can stop your period is by drinking gelatin. Use it 3 or 4 times a day. Jain, V., & Wotring, V. E. (2016, April 21). You should inform your doctor as this isa surgical procedure. When you have an orgasm, it generates uterine muscle contractions, which helps move menstrual blood out of the uterus. You may drink this 1-2 times in a day, especially around that time of the month. To suppress your periods for a short duration letting your breath flow your! The Medplux Blog Consuming apple cider vinegar can help regulate your flow early and.., drinking sufficient water improves the bodys metabolism and keeps you hydrated Ankylosing... And thicken, then you can make your period can help regulate how to stop your period early flow make! May process your data as a part of their transition or to periods... 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