7 Nobody knows what happens after life on earth here. Everybody is a part of the other. Mothers and children would die at childbirth to cases where there is no skilled mid-wife. The contention that questions the existence of African traditional society and culture has been clearly beyond reasonable doubt asserted to agreement however there are presences of constraints towards the flourishing of these societies as, Internal factors which include; Lack of unity among members of the society, differentiation of ideologies . Urbanization: Those who move away from home to towns in search of Jobs are drawn from their ancestral homes. Piercing of the ear. 5. - Wife inheritance has become risky due to HIV/AIDS. This is done by breaking the hearts of relatives by refusing to be good-hearted when they need you. 5. A Modern Introduction to The Family, Glencoe: The Free Press, 1960. BIRTH Pregnancy - This is the first stage in the life of a person. Goldthorpe, J.E., The Sociology of the Third World: Disparity and Development. But they are terminologically differentiated from parallel cousins and from sisters. The descriptions implicitly portray (to the African and Westerner) African relationships as being negative, rigid and miserable. d. If it is a man, the wife is supposed to stay around the corpse among them show clearly she would miss the husband. - The government assists widows to get their husbands benefits. iv. 3. Today many people do not believe in rainmakers. Most of the time they suffer from old age diseases. society. Many women today put on trousers that initially were meant for men. Characteristics of African community 1. Role of priests, prophets and seers 1. Many people spend their leisure time watching videos, Television and films, Certain leisure activities such as soccer have been turned into well-paying professions. Diviners also have religious functions and perform duties of priests such as offering of sacrifice. People nowadays migrate and buy lands in far places. pp. No one is allowed to take the life of another. Elizabeth Colson, Marriage and the Family among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia. 12 Stuart Queen, Robert W. Havenstein, and John B. Adams, The Polygynous Baganda Family, in The Family in Various Cultures. These views were expressed before 1930s and as late as 1960s. - Children born out of marriage also provide security to the homes. Opiyo and Odongo among the Luo. if a person may not have been buried properly. - The girls would take back the sheet with a lot of ululation and rejoicing and one girl would remain behind to study the character of the man. They are those who do not believe in traditional medicine. 2. 3. He was a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies of the University of Zambia from 1977 to 1990. This again is true among other Zambian tribes like the Bisa, Lamba, Lala, Chewa, Kaonde, Luba, and others. In traditional African society this entails a bride-exchange in form of cattle, services, foodstuffs, family ties, or other expressions of the marriage contract. In some communities girls are given to kings or chiefs as gifts. Christianity: Christianity has weakened African Kinship ties by introducing new ties by the Christian family. Marriage: Has been individualized and is no longer a communal affair. Email: mtembo@bridgewater.edu, 2023 Mwizenge S. Tembo - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder: Book Review, Kinship and Clan of the Baganda of Uganda, Kinship and Clan of the Bemba of Northern Zambia, Eurocentricity and the Traditional African Family. Death -The rites or ceremonies conducted on such occasions differ from one community to another. The cultural and physical diversity added with the dramatic social changes of the last three decades on the continent makes the family pattern situation so variegated as to defy any sweeping generalizations. - Some pieces of land are being regarded as public land. He has no rights on his paternal clan. Still, traditional families such as those in Family Ties and The Cosby Show dominated the ratings. Traditional kinship structures remain important in many First Nations communities today. Price, Thomas., A Short English-Nyanja Vocabulary. They could also give aid to increase productivity e.g. Social change in Africa as everywhere else is ubiquitous. Such include: - - Birth - Initiation - Marriage - Death 5. v. Marking of the body (scarification) - During initiation, the initiates are removed from the rest of the community. 6. 48 R. A. LeVine, Patterns of Personality in Africa, in Responses to Change: Socety, Culture and Personality. This difficulty in generalization bone of diversity was already apparent to many early scholars of the African traditional family like Mair(1) and Goode(2). This article looks at the societies and cultures of sub-Saharan Africa in pre-modern history. They may receive messages from the spirits and ancestors. vii. - Kinship helps to care for the less fortunate members of the society e.g. theories regarding family structure" (D . Traditional African society. - During this period of seclusion:- i. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1958, 1967, 1975). Coser, Rose Lamb., (Ed.) Box 169 The study of African societies has become an established area of scholarship, with sophisticated analyses that are far from earlier works . IV, pp.66-87. The land belonged to the whole community. Some people also consult them before making important decisions e.g. vi. A good son-in-law hoes the garden, chops trees, and generally help his wifes family as proof of his love for his wife, dedication, and being a well cultured individual. Before initiation, one is viewed as a child no matter the age. - They oversee the division of property in the community after death. Due to de-forestation, some herbs are becoming extinct. iv. The Family; Its Structures and Functions. Famous Sociologist H.M. Johnson identified six important bases of kinship which are described below: (1) Sex: Kinship relation is differentiated in each society on the basis of sex. 2. This review finds that parental care remains the best care setting and should be highly encouraged within African society. Children among the matrilineal peoples are brought up in a similar traditional extended family village social environment. The mother and the child is no longer secluded. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1969) p.33 Lucy P. Mair, African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life, Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953). a child born after a long period of childless marriage is called Ogwedhi among the Luo. The tie reduces cases of incest. They are not supposed to take part in heavy duties or carry heavy loads. J. Clyde Mitchell, The Yao Village: a Study in the Social Structure of a Malawian Tribe. Traditionally no parent fixes a price for his daughter (a bride). ii. - Playing football - Wresting - Beer drinking - Wedding ceremonies - Riddles - Folktales - Tongue twisters Today several changes have affected leisure activities. Kinship relationships also determine social obligations and responsibilities, such as who has the right to inherit property or who is responsible for caring for children In fact cases where the father-in-law has to issue orders are perhaps such a minority that it is ironical that they are used to characterize the whole social interaction. vi. - Generosity. 2. There is no proper dosage of the herbs. The clan is linked by four factors. 3. This has been due to western culture, industrialization, urbanization Christianity, limited time and economic constraints. Clitoridectomy Female circumcision. Choosing of a marriage partner This differs from one community to another. 3. They give information concerning cause, nature and treatment of diseases. They would only speak through intermediaries. - There are traditional midwives who help in delivery. The book describes and explains Chewa traditions and customs including Ukamwini. The paternal grandmothers drop the cords into a can, which contains beer, milk, and water. - It also regulates marriage relations, before marriage one has to find the back ground of the other. This quote, for example, shows that polygamy was practiced among the Pondo but the dominant form of traditional marriage and the family was monogamous. Birth and naming 2. Third, certain distinguishing personal names. - In some communities it would last for several days. The blood the binds the initiates and ancestors. There is socialization to raise boys and girls to become responsible and acceptable adults of the village, community, and ultimately society. Bell, Norman W., and Vogel, Ezra F. Family offers a person residential identity, social status, right to property affiliation with kinship and emotional support. viii. Laziness was condemned or punished to ensure that people owned what they had actually worked for. Caution should be applied when sweeping generalizations are made which make the traditional African family is made to appear static, rigid, and lacking in vitality. - People tend to be individualized. Rituals associated with death vary from one community to another. For example, sickness in the indigenous African worldview is not only an imbalance of the body, but also an imbalance in one's social life, which can be linked to a breakdown in one's kinship and family relations or even to one's relationship with one's ancestors. 5 It comes unannounced. Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1971. One could also die due to breaking a taboo in such instances elders would identify the offender and perform an act of cleansing. - It was a common belief that a woman belonged to the whole community. (New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1961) p.68, 23 Lucy P. Mair, African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life. Lecture: Nexus kinship and blood has a taste if age-old ideologies. 7) Many of the traditional medicine men are not willing to divulge information to others (a lot of secrecy surrounding traditional medicine) 8) Those who are educated also do not believe in the powers of diviners and mediums. Almost 30% of all single-parent families headed by women are officially poor. 6. Changing attitudes towards marriage 1. ii. 2 William J. - They ensure the values and culture of the community is observed. 8 It brings poverty to the family involved as sometimes it takes the bread winner 9 At times it brings misunderstanding in the community when the cause of death is blamed on someone or some people. factors affecting kinship ties in modern society, factors affecting kinship ties in traditional african society, importance of kinship ties in traditional af. It can determine a person's political identity and the way money and property are transferred. 2. People who have become educated consider the shaving of the hair unnecessary. They face challenges from medical practitioners who argue that they should go for formal training. - They act as a court of law to errant members of the society. iii. This shows concern that they have for the child. - They help the priests to performing certain rituals such as sacrifices. Women were not allowed to own property. The mother may hug or caress the child and comfort it when hurt or in distress. The traditional African family is a very broad concept which has challenging variations across the continent. iii. Each community has a distinct political and social organization. Department of Sociology 4. - Land can now be sold or auctioned. Some of the celebrations like beer drinking are slowly dying out. Christianity: Christianity has weakened African Kinship ties by introducing new ties by the Christian family. Boys herd goats, cows, and livestock. The wishes of parents and the dead were honored. Actual birth - During birth there are certain rituals that are performed to introduce the chills to the immediate and extended members of the family. This background is essential to any application of Christian spirituality in Africa. 2. - Many people have moved and have settled in foreign lands, which are not their ancestral lands. - The hair of the mother and the child is shaved. (Lusaka: Nalinga Consultancy/Sol-Consult A/ S Limited, 1989) p.97, 46 R.A. LeVine. 9 J.A. 7. 8. The midwife also monitors the development of the foetus. The gifts also act as security in case the marriage breaks then the gifts could be returned. LEISURE Leisure is the free time that an individual has at his disposal when he is not bound by duty. The clan chooses the heir. Second, an identifying drum beat used at ceremonies. Rules and Regulations: People in the community are governed by rules and regulations, which are strictly followed. .The eldest son cannot inherit.15, The Baganda practice the levirate custom. However, as a prospective husband, you are told to pay for the marriage and not the bride. - It also shows that the woman is fully integrated to the husbands family - There are certain rules and regulations she is expected to observe. If the child laughs, then the last mentioned name is given to him or her, .and the soul of the ancestors is considered to have entered its body.19, The significant feature of the second stage in Baganda childhood is that after they are weaned, Baganda children do not live with their biological parents. 6. f. The grave is dug in a special place e.g. 2. Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953) p.14, 37 Lucy P. Mair, African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life, Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953) p.51 Naboth M. J. Ngulube, Some Aspects of Growing Up in Zambia. It is also a way of showing respect to God for the gift of the children. Factors contributing to harmony and Mutual Responsibility in African Traditional Societies In traditional African Society, every individual is related to all. Children are attached to and cared for by many adults, including grandparents, aunties, uncles and older siblings [29064] [28917]. They have the ability to foretell what would happen in the future. A change in attitude towards joint family is evident among the urban educated persons. Clyde., The Yao Village: a Study in the Social Structure of a Malawian Tribe. i. - Kinship ties also provide security to all concerned. Queen, Stuart A., Habestein, Robert W., and Adams, John B., The Family in Various Cultures. a. In some societies it is young people themselves who make their own choices and after wards informs their parents about it. - They counsel and guide the youth on matters of sex and marriage Why guiding and counseling was done by elders 1. LeVine, R.A., Patterns of Personality in Africa, in Responses to Change: Society, Culture and Personality. - Taking of dangerous drugs. - Different communities have different rules on where the delivery should take place. the outcome of a war 5. - Marriage also unites the living and the dead. A father-in-law knows what to expect from a good son-in-law. At childhood children are taught to obey parents and the elderly. a diviner would be called when something was stolen. To give the mother time to recover the lost energy. Some communities have abandoned initiation rites like among the luo; removal of six lower teeth is a practice of the past. All rights reserved. 5. It is also a way of remembering important events in the society. 2. Agikuyu umbilical cord is kept to symbolize the link between the mother and the child. Those who are related by blood include - Brothers - Sisters - Aunts - Uncles - Parents - Cousins - Grandparents By marriage include Wife/ husband Others are referred to as in-laws - Kinship also includes all the living and any given locality. Angering the living dead and the spirits e.g. Girls brought wealth in form of cattle to marriage. Importance of Kinship System and Ties. The verb kulobola is very specific meaning the valuables that are given partially or in full to the girls people to legitimate or seal the marriage. Bridgewater College For example, in debt and marriage obligations. Would you say in the Western marriage ritual of the priest leading on the saying of vowes, that the priest orders the groom to now kiss the bride, or put the ring on the brides finger, or ordered to be married for that matter? - Virginity is highly valued and girls who are not found virgin are ridiculed. Today choosing of a marriage partner is individualized and the parents do nowadays not choose the marriage partner. 1. x. Payment of dowry shows how the bridegroom values the wife. Changes that have affected land ownership - Today its a requirement by the government that one must possess a land title deed. Factors that have affected Kinship system 1. They live in one Geographical area. At times force could be applied to get a reluctant young girl marry the partner. Hotel Hope Ministries is a fully registered South African non-profit organisation established with aim of ensuring that each and every child is brought up in a safe, happy and healthy home so that they can grow up and develop into responsible and positive adults. 35 3Audrey I. Richards, Bemba Marriage and Present Economic Conditions. The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers. 3. Polygyny was widely practiced in Africa and it often formed the backbone of the traditional African family patterns. Information on traditional marriage customs among both patrilineal and matrilineal peoples of Zambia is available in Yizenge A. Chondoka, Traditional Marriages in Zambia: A Study in Cultural History, (Ndola: Mission Press, 1988). viii. - There is individual ownership of property. 1. 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They are regarded as honest. - They could also observe the weather conduction and interpret the movement of clouds and wind. Furthermore, the woman will bear children and thus enrich her husband and the wider circle of relatives from both sides. 3. Introduction. Among the Chewa of Eastern Zambia, the custom of man living with his wifes parents temporarily or permanently was known as Ukamwini.23. Would provide medical care e.g. - Widows and orphans feel dehumanized. - In some communities such a girl would be stabbed by an arrow and killed while in others she would be married to an old man. In the traditional African Community, marriage was considered incomplete without children. they are consulted before installation of a new king in some communities. Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953), 24 Audrey I. Richards, Bemba Marriage and Present Economic Conditions, The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1969). Among the Akamba and the Agikuyu. What are the 6 kinship systems? Through this, they believed they could receive blessings. - Rainmakers are special people who have the ability to make rain. They can also reveal-hidden information e.g. Most of these changes in most cases are in conflict with the African customs. This paper aims at tackling the change in the anthropological view of marriage and kinship ties in the society. Magic, sorcery and witchcraft. 2. These changes have been brought about by:- i. DeVos, (New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1976). They heal various diseases using herbs. The written descriptions and therefore perceptions of the traditional African family were also a victim of the European colonial cultural bias and Christian values. Naming ceremonies also bring unity among the people whenever a new child is born, members of extended family would come to celebrate together. It could also show how the bridegroom is capable of taking care of the bride. Second Edition, London: The Macmillan Press, Ltd., 1974. Grandmothers teach girls their roles and grandfathers maintain law and order .Young unmarried men provide security in form of warriors while boys look after the animals. However, the role of these traditional religious leaders has been greatly affected by influence of Christianity, western culture and formal education. - When a woman learns that she is pregnant, she becomes very happy and she becomes a special person in the community and receives special treatment. ii. Marriage 4. society irrespective of their origins, background, class, ethnicity, race, gender and other markers of identity. As Eaton et al (2003) found in South Africa, for young people struggling for daily survival, protection from possible future illness may be a lower priority than meeting immediate economic needs. Answers - Modern science and technology - Western education - Influence from other religions - Rural-urban migration - Breakdown in traditional values - Western culture - Generation gap/specialists seen as outdated john3 answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 19:10 (Ndola: Mission Press, 1988), 44 Thomas Price, A Short English-Nyanja Vocaublary, (Lusaka: National Educational Company of Zambia, and Kenneth Kaunda Foundation, 1970). However, the influence of mediums and diviners has been affected by Christianity, which is against consulting any power apart from God. The celebration that marked the end of initiation is slowly dying out due to economic constraints. iv. - Initiation rites have certain symbolic meanings. 6. Many people today acquire Christian names. GAZETTE: How have ancestors . 4. These three types of kinship are: Consanguineal: This kinship is based on bloodor birth: the relationship between parents and children as well as siblings, says the Sociology Group. in women. We do not sell brides in our society. Those who are lazy are ridiculed. 1. It symbolizes the union between the living and the dead. bribery, robbery and stealing. Tembo, Mwizenge S., A Sociological Analysis of the African Personality Among Zambian Students. - They are kept company. b) Explain the purpose of bride wealth in the traditional African community. 8. TOPIC 9:AFRICAN MORAL AND CULTURAL VALUES MEANING AND WHOLENESS OF LIFE- In the African traditional society, life is believed to originate from God. This is certainly no longer the case in the contemporary African traditional family. Aboriginal kinship ties, values, beliefs, identity and language are maintained by the family. It gives the couple time to study the character of the partner and find out if he or she is the best. 2. 1. Some of the issues that were the products of the Eurocentrically biased judgements include the following two. 5. vi. They would also announce the sex of the child. There are basically eight primary kinswife father son, father daughter mother son, wife; father son, father daughter, mother son, mother daughter; brother sister; and younger brother/sister older brother/sister. Power and authority in matrilineal societies ultimately lies in the woman and her brother. The naming ceremony is very important early in the childs life. - Sometimes the orphans and widows have their property destroyed or snatched. It varies from culture to culture, from society to society. 5. Patterns of Personality in Africa, in Responses to Change: Society, Culture and Personality. Traditional African Society. 25 This book is written in Chewa indigenous Central African language. There are two main types of leisure: (1) Passive leisure: This is where there is minimal use of physical energy. Western Culture: Has provided the spirit of individualization. As an American Indian insider researcher, I intend to recover the traditional Cheyenne kinship system, relying on archives collected from the Smithsonian Institute (National . Land was also the habitat of people, animals and plants. People that belong to the same kinship system are referred to as kin. In difficult times such as during famine, those who have share what they have with their relatives. Follow. Sometimes people mistake that they are witch doctors especially Christians. ii. 16. 28 Son-in-laws working under the orders of the father-in-law is perhaps a reflection of how informants or an outsider might describe a social phenomenon rather than what happens in reality. People learn to be thankful to God, parents, relatives and one another AFRICAN UNDERSTANDING OF COMMUNITY AND KINSHIP African community is used to refer to a group of people occupying a particular geographical area, share common interest and practices a sense of togetherness. Similar systems of kinship terminology can be found, for example, among the Ndebele of Zimbabwe, the Zulu of South Africa, the Ngoni and Tumbuka of Eastern Zambia. 3. Explain the importance of Kinship in traditional African society african cultural and moral values 1 Answer 0 votes answered Aug 9, 2021 by anonymous Control social relationships in community of people related by blood and marriage Bind whole community hence social cohesion Makes people live in harmony/ peace Promotes mutual responsibility and help Dishonoring or insulting God. Economic hardships many people are not able to raise money to pay dowry. Richards, Audrey I., Bemba Marriage and Present Economic Conditions, The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1969. This culture was pre-literate, pre-scientific and pre-industrial. The education provided is a lifelong process. However dowry payment has been hindered by several factors today e.g. But rather as curiosities that were to succumb to the superior European monogamous marriage values legitimated by Christianity. The author describes the interaction between the Baganda mother and her baby as unfavorable and lacking any affection or love. Division of labor in African societies, labor is divided according to sexes. Majority of women today give birth in hospitals. - Property can be owned outside ones ancestral home. Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953) p.1, 10 Stuart Queen, Robert W. Habenstein, and John B. Adams, The Polygynous Baganda Family, in The Family in Various Cultures. drought, famine etc. A curse by the community. Mbiri Ya Achewa, 195? By Timothy T. Schwartz, PhD. It is believed that the dead relatives continue to live through children. vi. The major reason cited is that with increasing modern influences, marrying more than one wife became an economic burden. 4. In some communities the choice is made by the parents. In fact a woman was part of the property of the man. 4. Death is believed to be a next journey to the world of the spirits. The effective boundaries of the network vary for different people, over time and for different contents. A very broad concept which has challenging variations across the continent of taking care the! Mistake that they are terminologically differentiated from parallel cousins and from sisters of a Malawian Tribe aboriginal kinship by! 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